Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Recover ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Lay her here," Nurse Verga said as she pointed to an empty bed. Lega carefully laid Salira down. "Will she be okay?" he asked. "She should," Verga answered, examining Salira's shoulder, "You two wait in the office area. I'll send someone to get you when she awakes." Lega and Raven walked out of the room. The nurse began to clean Salira's wound with some medicine carefully. "Ouch!" Salira yelped. Her eyes shot open; she was still in great pain. "Careful, dear. And try to relax," Verga said as she continued to take care of Salira, "You don't want to make this much worse on yourself."

"Where am I?" Salira asked, trying her hardest to relax.

"You're in the infirmary at the academy you were enrolled in," Verga answered, giving a warm smile. She started to bandage Salira's shoulder when she noticed the cut on Salira's right arm (her bandage fell off during battle). "Do you always get hurt?" Verga joked.

"Well not really," Salira played along. They both began to laugh softly. "Do you know where Lega and Raven are?" she asked as she looked around for them. Verga finished bandaging Salira's shoulder.

"You mean those two boys that brought you in? They're in the office."

"What did they do now?" Salira asked, assuming that Raven and Lega got in trouble.

"Oh. Don't worry. They didn't get in trouble. Heavens no. They're just waiting for word saying that you're alright," Verga answered, "I better go get them now. Just relax you little heart. I'll be back." Verga left the room to go get Raven and Lega. Salira, on the other hand, looked around the room, then took off her necklace to examine it. The thought of that promise her friend told her long ago still ran through her mind…"I promise we will see each other again. I'll look for you, I promise. Don't cry during the time, promise me that?" "I promise I will find you," she said to herself.


"I wonder if she's up yet?" Lega wondered.

"Who knows…" Raven replied.

"What's with you?"

"I have two thoughts in my mind that I'm thinking about."

"Which are?"

"The battle and Salira's dream."

"What about the battle?"

"More then likely the headmaster told the media."


"The media could reach Midgar, where Salira lives."


"How would you think Cloud would react if he heard about this?"

"Oh…we have a problem there, don't we?"

"It seems that way."

"What about Salira's dream? You said you were thinking about that too," Lega remarked.

"Salira had that dream and wouldn't stop talking about it when she was in that trance. I caught one sentence that made me start to think."

"Which was?"

"When she said `that name…it's mine…am I that girl'. It got me thinking."

"Your not thinking that the girl Salira dreamed of was her do you? That's insane."

"It's not that insane, Lega. If you think about it, that is. I mean Salira doesn't remember anything before she was sent to the orphanage. That could be her past she's dreaming of, and she doesn't know it."

"You're making my head hurt…" Lega replied as Nurse Verga came in the office.

"Okay you two, she's up and okay. You can come and see her now, "Verga stated as she began to walk back to the infirmary. Raven stopped her and asked, "Hey…um…I was wondering. Has the headmaster informed the media by any chance? Or will he?"

"I think he will if he hasn't already," Verga answered.

"Damn! I'm toast!" Lega remarked.

"What do you mean?" Verga asked, clueless on what Lega meant.

"Oh, it's nothing," Lega answered. The three of them started back to the infirmary.

"No…really…what did you mean?" Verga asked again.

"I would like to know, too," Raven cutted in.

"It's nothing really. Just a small promise," Lega answered.

"A small promise huh…" Raven remarked with a small grin. "Tell me!" Raven headlocks Lega.

"Okay! Okay!" Lega yelled, gasping for breath. Raven let go.

"Ha! It still works. Okay spill it out."

"Alright…just hold on a sec, will ya!" Lega said, rubbing his neck, "I promised Salira's dad that I would take care of her. You know, a guardian thing."

"Then let me guess, you think her father would get mad at you because she got hurt," Verga stated.

"Well…sort of…yeah," Lega remarked.

"So then not only are you protecting her because you like her, but also because you were asked to?" Raven asked. Lega nodded.

During the remainder of the walk was quiet; until they reached the infirmary, that is. The door opened and Salira quickly put her necklace on. Lega entered first followed by Raven, then Verga. "What happened to you?" Salira asked, noticing the red mark on Lega's neck. Lega sent a harsh glare at Raven. "He gave me a headlock," he sneered.

"Hey I was only kidding around," Raven retaliated.

"Yeah…sure," Lega remarked. Salira laughed to herself. "What's so funny?" Lega asked, noticing Salira happened to be laughing at him.

"The way you two are always at each other," Salira answered.

"She has a point," said a newer voice. Lega and Raven jumped as Centris walked in. "You two act like brothers in a funny way," she continued.

"What brings you here, Centris?" asked Verga.

"The headmaster sent me to see if she's up and to bring those three to him," Centris answered, giving a smile.

"Well if the patient thinks she can make it, she can go know," Verga said as she looked at Salira.

"I think I can," Salira remarked, sitting at the edge of the bed. She was shaking a little bit from all the blood loss. "I might need some help, though." Without Salira noticing, Raven nudged Lega to go help her. He didn't realize how hard he pushed Lega, until Lega lost his balance and almost fell over. "Sorry," Raven whispered so only Lega could hear. Lega leaned over, put Salira's arm over his shoulder, and helped her up. He put his arm around Salira's waist to embrace her. Centris whispered to Raven, "I think they would make a cute couple, don't you?" "Yup, I think they would too," Raven replied back. "Well now, are you just going to stand there or are you going to go see Riku?" Verga remarked. "Okay…Okay. We're leaving!" Centris said as she, Salira, Lega, and Raven left the room. She added before she left, "Bye, róba ána." "WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Verga responded.