Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 2 ❯ Beneath The Ground ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Raven looked down to see the pipe sticking out from his side. "Damn this isn't good," Raven murmured before falling on his knees, clutching his side. Salira just began to charge at Sethrinn when she noticed Raven and stopped. "Raven!" Salira exclaimed, running to him. Sethrinn laughed wickedly, watching. Salira dropped her sword and quickly began to help Raven up.

"No, leave me…I…you need to survive this battle. That was the whole point, wasn't it? Don't worry…about me. Help everyone else. Your father and the others need your strength…more than ever now…" Raven softly remarked.

"I don't want to leave you though…everyone's dying because of me…I…I just want this to all end," Salira mumbled loud enough for Raven to hear. "I care more for your lives then mine. I don't care if I have to join SOLDIER just to keep all of you alive." She let Raven go, and he kneeled on the ground. Salira stood next to him.

"Aw, what a touching moment. To bad it won't last that much longer," Sethrinn remarked sarcastically. She immediately charged at Salira, her blade ready to pierce through Salira's heart.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! YOU'RE NOT KILLING ANYONE, INCLUDING ME!" Salira shouted as she grabbed her blade and met Sethrinn's, blocking her attack. "It's time for you to die for what you caused in my life!"

"No, you will be the one who will die; you insignificant little bitch!" Sethrinn retaliated, teleporting behind Salira. Without a moment to spare, Sethrinn hit Salira in the back, causing her to stumble, followed by an attack to the stomach.

Salira slammed onto the ground. The minute she came to, she got up, her own blade ready to fight. Giving Sethrinn an evil grin, the thoughts in Salira's mind where: Father I know you told me not to…but sooner or later I'm gonna have to…just to save us. "Magic Rush!" Salira yelled, followed by three large pillars of magic heading to Sethrinn. That should keep her busy. During the attack, Salira looked at her father, whom seemed to be at Sephiroth. She turned back toward her enemy and began to mumble some words. Soon a dark light glowed around her.

"Don't even think about it!" Sethrinn said while she dodged the magic attack. That moronic twit, she's going to have her wing come out and use it against me…Oh well. I still have mine out and I have learned how harness it's power more then she has!

A black wing appeared on Salira's left and the dark light disappeared. Soon to be, Salira hovered high in the air, as well did Sethrinn. "Protect!" she said toward Raven, as a white light went around him. However, she kept her attention on Sethrinn. "I don't want him involved. GOT IT!" she yelled as she turned back toward Sethrinn.

"Very well. But only for a short while will I leave the boy out of this," Sethrinn replied. Her version of Masamune was ready for an attack. Salira, as well, was ready to attack with her Buster Sword.

Cloud turned around to see what was going on and soon saw his daughter in the air, about ready to attack her opponent. "Salira!" Crap! This shouldn't be happening. Especially not now! Quickly, Cloud ran toward Salira and Sethrinn.

The mysterious young man looked to see Cloud rushing over to Salira. "No!" he yelled, while blasted Cloud with a beam from his hand, making Cloud stop and blocked his attack. The young man teleported in front of Cloud, his sword aimed at Cloud's head. "You must not interfere. She must do this on her own…If you stay out of this, I'll tell you something about my aunt…Aeris," the young man remarked, surrounding Salira and Sethrinn by a powerful barrier.

The female lurking in the shadows still looked at all the madness. She felt dizzy after being unconscious for at least twenty minutes. She felt her head, and stood up, avioding some rubble that was falling from the church. She pulled out her pair of daggers, soon teleporting behind the mysterious young man, and stabbing him in both of his arms at the same time. Finally, some action. I was getting bored to tears. She quickly pulled out the daggers from both of his arms, licking the blood off the tips of the daggers. After licking the blood off, the woman instantly put her daggers away and drew her blade, putting her arm around his shoulder and the point of her sword into his neck.

The young man's arms were bleeding. He was sore and he instantly dropped his blades on the ground. "You foolish human!" As he swung down, the woman was unprepared and he grabbed her by the throat, soon slamming her down beside Cloud. The young man bent down and picked up his sword with his now healed arms. He then kicked the female's blade away. "Never attack a Cetra from behind!" he added, kicking her into the church.

The female got up, feeling a faint pulse in her head. Blood was dripping down from her neck, and her fingers went to meet the blood. She wiped the blood away and stood up, glaring at the young man who threw her. "A human? No, quite wrong, I'm an Al Bhed. Why don't you just give up the whore? Why is she of any importance to you? She'll be the main cause of your destruction, besides all we want to do is have her become apart of SOLDIER, or would you rather that you all die at our hands…the choice is really not that difficult. Maybe you protect her because she was a former lover. Well that is an interesting idea, now wasn't it? Or maybe because you feel sorry for her, how sweet! Ha! Well, in any case, this isn't the last you'll see of me!" She taunted the young man, seeing his angry face expression, as she picked up her sword and put it away in its sheath. She took out her daggers and threw them again at him. One in the stomach and the other in between the shoulder and the neck. She teleported back into the shadows of the church after she retrieved her daggers back from out of the boy's body, again she licked the blood from the daggers and she hid, waiting for another.

"Cease this meaning less battle! Daughter, Kaline we must go and get Mother before she awakes. Her awakening will insure their deaths and she is my priority." Waving his outstretched arm, Sephiroth threw his opponents up into the air. Distinct thuds were heard in the distance when they landed. "I don't have time for games. Let's go." Showing his wing, he walked to the hidden female, whom he had called Kaline, "Give me your hand girl and I will show you your full potential. We must go now." As he spoke, a large beam of blue light burst out of the ground with an earth-shattering boom. The light lit all the surroundings. "She has risen."

Valin walked out of the Chocobo Ranch on a yellow chocobo. He looked around, spotting a large blue beam erupting from Midgar. "Hmm, She's back," Valin said with an evil grin. Valin then rode toward Midgar, where he saw the beam.

Cloud stopped to look for the mysterious female who attacked the young man. Damn what now?! His eyes soon locked on the beams of light. This is bad… Raven managed to walk next to Cloud. "Hey, Cloud…I have to go now…Take care of things while I'm gone…" Instantly, Raven fell over onto the ground and stops breathing. Cloud immediately turned to him, "No! Damn you Sephiroth!"

"Look father…The little boy Raven is dying!" Sethrinn remarked while looking at Raven then to Sephiroth. She then glanced back at Salira, sending a harsh glare as well. I must kill her, but it would be against my father's will…what to do, what to do?

Salira watched Raven fall to the ground. "Raven!" She immediately turned to Sethrinn, placing her feet on the ground. "This is your fault and your fathers!" Salira yelled at Sethrinn. "I will not join and you will not hurt anyone!" She charged at Sethrinn, blade out.

"You are pitiful…" Sethrinn remarked, dodging Salira's attack and soon restraining her, her blade at Salira's neck, ready to cut. "There is and always will be death. The boy shall die whether you like it or not and you will soon join him." Sethrinn grinned. "You move, you die!" She looked back at Cloud, seeing a worried look on his face. "And if you try to save her, she will die also…So either way you look at it, this girl will die!" Salira mumbled a few words, soon her wing disappeared. She didn't move, nor hesitated; she knew Sethrinn had other plans. "Deciding to give up are you? Well that would probably be the best idea," Sethrinn sneered, placing the edge of her blade closer to Salira's neck, but not cutting or drawing blood. "Whether you want to or not, you will die…and not join SOLDIER."

Salira slammed her elbow into Sethrinn's stomach. She knew Sethrinn wasn't prepared for this attempt. "Who said I was giving up!" Salira turned to face Sethrinn, backing up as quickly as possible from Sethrinn's reach. "Whoever said that you were not a fool!" Sethrinn shouted, ramming half of her blade into Salira's right shoulder. Apparently Salira wasn't moving fast enough to avoid her attack. "Your death will be my greatest accomplishment!"

"It will be your greatest regret!" Salira shouted, falling on her knees. "I can't beat alone…" she mumbled to herself. The pain was unimaginable, and tears began to escape from her eyes because of the pain. "What must I do to keep me alive?" Salira mumbled again.

"Alive?! Ha…You won't last long enough for those tears to escape your eyes!" Sethrinn kicked Salira in the stomach, causing blood to come out of her mouth and slamming hard onto the ground. "You are such a weak little girl…Amazing to think that Cloud would ever want to adopt someone so weak and pathetic."

Cloud ran up behind Sethrinn and threw her into a nearby building. "She is not weak nor pathetic! But you are!" He quickly kneeled down next to Salira, who was lying on the ground. Her hand, covered in blood, clutching her shoulder, breathing increased. "Are you alright?" Cloud knew that was an obvious question to ask; he could tell that, without any way of curing, Salira wouldn't probably last much longer. Probably no more than twenty minutes.

Raven's body began to glow after awhile and stood back up. Crap, I hate it when that happens… Soon enough, his wound on his side closed up. Alright now I have a real headache…Why can't I ever die?! Raven looked around to see what all happened in the past ten minutes.

The young man, healed from the previous attack, warped behind Salira and picked her up carefully, facing Cloud. "I'm gonna get her out of here. Get everyone else and run for it!" It wasn't long before he floated up into the air, holding Salira.

Salira looks up at the young man holding her, still breathing quite hard. "Where…are…we… going?" she asked, soon closing her eyes because of a jolt of pain, then reopening them. Her life was leaving her; she was too weak to do anything at this point, even to speak. The young man looked down at her. "We're going to a place where you can be healed and rest," he softly spoke, trying to hold off a small tear as he flew off, holding Salira tightly.

Salira closed her eyes again, she didn't know how long she was going to last. I must kill Sethrinn for all that she's done in my life! As she kept her eyes closed, her past ran though her mind. Her painful memories made her eyes shot open and her body to jerk. Salira's shoulder hurt like hell and she softly moaned in pain. I mustn't give up…not know… Blood not only stained Salira, but also the young man's shirt as well. The young man looked down at Salira again. Knowing her pain, he landed on the ground by a tree, setting Salira down and having her lean against it. "You okay?" he asked, a little worried. Though still breathing heavily, Salira was able to yell at him, "No, I'm not! Can't you see?!" She knew she shouldn't have yelled, the pain got worse and she screamed in pain.

Taking Kaline and his own daughter by the hand, Sephiroth began to ascend into the sky, toward the blinding blue light. "This is the hour when the world changes. This is the hour when Gods walk the earth and the unpure are `cleansed'. The Angels become the rulers of this new hierarchy where power is supreme. So it has been prophesied that at the shining of the light of Jenova, the kingdom of man would fall, and the unity of the angels would rise!" Looking down of the wretched humans, Sephiroth continued, "Worthless creatures. Enjoy the Hour Of Doom. It is Fate. None of you shall survive, for all things are predetermined. I know my Fate, what about you?!" Rising higher and higher until they, three blobs, were no longer visible, Sephiroth laughed. Their plan had come to fruition. Now they would be unstoppable. "I'm coming Mother…" Sethrinn looked at her father. "Who exactly is this Jenova person? I would like to know." She had heard her father talk about her several times and had always wondered who she was.

Cloud turned toward everyone else who was left in the area. "Come on we have to leave now!" Looking at the one's left, and seeing that they all had agreed, Cloud grabbed Raven by the arm and began to run off. Lega and Sicotto were following. Vincent took off on his own, somewhere out of the scene. Raven pulled free out of Cloud's grasp. "Ow! Will you stop that, I can walk on my own you know!" Cloud turned to Raven while Lega and Sicotto stood behind him. "Alright do any of you know where the kid took Salira?" Raven added in. The two younger boys shook their heads no. "No, but it can't be far. Come on we must find them before it's to late!" Cloud began to take off, followed by Raven, Lega, and Sicotto.