Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy VII : Atonement ❯ Chapter 5 - Red XIII's Memory ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I can't believe I must write this stupid thing every post, but I don't own it.

Author's Note: One more…then back to story. Thank goodness. Excited? I am! Hehe Hooray for Sephiroth, he's so cool. I started a Bulma/Vegeta fanfiction for DBZ, my other obsession. That should be interesting. Don't worry though, this story is actually already almost finished. I've only got about 1 or two more chapters to write for a total of about 32 chapters or so. I just have to type them all to post them. Typing isn't my favorite. Ack, I'm rambling again. Storytime! Reviews please!

Chapter 5 - Red XIII's Memory

Clouds of dust and dirt filled the air as Red XIII ran along the barren ground. His red coat shone bright beneath the beating sun, and the wind ruffled the dark mane along the back of his neck. The end of his tail burned like fire as he ran through the canyon, memories flying through his brain as his muscles contracted and he flew over the ground.

"Welcome home Nanaki." With his weak arms, Bugenhagen lifted himself into a seated position on the bed. His health was failing him, but he tried his best not to let it show. "Hoo hoo hoo. You're quite the hero now. I hear the Planet's cries stop in my observatory as you and your friends let Holy free."

Nanaki bowed his head. "Yes, Grandfather," Nanaki responded with his usual reverence. "I've returned home to you."

Bugenhagen smiled. "Hohoho, no need to be so formal. You've come of age. You are an adult now, my Nanaki, and ready to become protector of Cosmo Canyon, just like your father was."

Nanaki slowly raised his head in surprise. "Grandfather…"

Bugenhagen smiled gently before turning his head towards the metal bedpost near his left shoulder. He reached up and gently took the beautifully decorated headdress from where it hung above him. He held it gingerly in his lap, and he seemed to stroke the bright blue feathers with great care.

"Your father was going to give you this when you took his place as protector," Bugenhagen began, with great difficulty. "After he was turned to stone, I took it upon myself to do the honor." There was great tension in his voice as his composure wavered. "And now the time is right. Soon I will be gone and you will be the leader of Cosmo Canyon."

"Grandfather, you can't die!" Nanaki protested, his voice filled with pain. "I can't do it without you!"

Bugenhagen laughed. "But you will, my Nanaki. Now come closer."

Nanaki obediently stepped closer, lowering his head. Bugenhagen removed the two symbolic blue feathers from his mane and placed the headdress neatly on his head. Nanaki lifted his head as Bugenhagen leaned back against the pillow, a faint smile on his face. "You look just like your father did," he murmured. "The great warrior Seto. You take after him. It is your duty to protect Cosmo Canyon now." His voice was weakening and his face paled. He knew his time grew short. "Just…remember all I've…taught you…and you'll do…just fine. I believe…in you…"

"Grandfather…" Nanaki whispered sadly. He drew closer to him, trying to hear his grandfather's words.

"There are…others like you," said Bugenhagen. "Seto…told them…to flee when…the canyon was…attacked so…long ago. Find them…and bring them home."

It was the last thing his grandfather ever said. He would never forget, and he would not fail. Nanaki lifted his head, and howled a painful cry, and sadness sang through the night.

Red XIII felt the familiar, gentle touch of the blue feathers around his head and neck and he sighed. For three years he had searched, with no results. And his grandfather was gone, so he was without any clues. Weary and frustrated, Red XIII decided to return home to relax and think before he continued his search. There was a message waiting for him.

"Welcome back Nanaki!" the villagers shouted from the entrance of Cosmo Canyon. Red XIII bowed his head in greeting.

"Nanaki, a letter arrived for you a short while ago," one of them reported. "We put it in your house on the peak."

"Thank you, all of you, but I am tired and I must rest." Red XIII said honestly. The small crowd dispersed and Red XIII gratefully headed up towards home. Entering the front door, Red XIII bowed before the urn on the mantel that held his grandfather's ashes.

"Hello grandfather. I have returned home to you."

He was met with silence and a pang of sadness hit his heart. Red XIII sighed, and walked to the kitchen. Lying neatly on the table, he found a bright white envelope with his name written in calligraphy on the front. With a razor-sharp claw, he slit the top open and smoothed the card open with a paw and the tip of his nose.

Dearest Nanaki,

Our friend Red XIII,

You are cordially invited to

The joyous marriage and eternal joining of

Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockheart

On this May 7th.

Please RSVP as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you on this special occasion.

Red XIII smiled, but was not surprised.

~It took him long enough~ he thought with a chuckle. ~Guess I'll have to RSVP.~

Author's Note: Well, there ya have it. All characters introduced. Next chapter, I get to have some fun. Hehe!! :o) Reviews!