Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ If I Could Be You For A Day ❯ The Event Square ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

If I Could Be You For A Day

By Charles Xavier

"I can tell you now, Yuffie." Vincent walked angrily with Yuffie down to the Event Square. "I can tell you that Cloud and Tifa are already having talks behind our backs."

"After what happened back there?" Yuffie gave an innocent expression. "Hah! That was just a little mistake. That could happen to anybody."

"You think that's a little mistake? Why can't you just be calm and not hyperactive all the time?"

"Well, I can't help it." Yuffie stopped and looked into Vincent's eyes. "It's how I'm a Materia thief! You gotta be quick if you want to get what you want."

Vincent shook his head and waved his hand away from Yuffie.

Being this small bratty girl didn't seem to help him much. Being the opposite sex seemed scary and quite embarrassing. Even Cloud's friends were treating him like a little kid. It only made him feel rather inferior. He wondered how Yuffie was able to cope with all these problems. Perhaps she didn't know it and just lived her life like a normal human being. But where was the happiness? Had Vincent not gained anything out of his wish…yet?

She doesn't understand anything. That girl makes a fool out of herself sometimes.

Becoming so huge and strong was enjoying, though for how long? The ride couldn't last forever. Yuffie was glad she had her wish granted…in some way. But what about the other issues? She only felt herself being inside somebody else's body and nothing more. She had neither found nor felt anything from Vincent after turning into him. It was like opening a book, hoping to see what secrets it holds inside, and when opened, there are only blank pages. Where were his thoughts?

Sheesh. Vincent's so hard to understand when getting to know him.

"Congratulations, you two!" The man at the entrance of the Square yelled. "You two are going to participate in tonight's show!"

He took out a small poster of the title to what exactly they were going to act in. The front cover showed a young blonde girl riding on a white unicorn with colourful hair. Behind the girl sat a small fur ball character. They were riding across a sparkling rainbow. Yuffie knew immediately what this was.

"Oh my gawd!" Yuffie cried. "I love that show! And I love those adorable characters so much! This has gotta be my lucky day!"

Vincent began to pale.

"Vinnie. Since you're me. I'm afraid you're going to have to play the leading role…"

He made one step back.

"Yuffie…I'm already dressed up as Sakura here for you…but I don't see ANY reason why you want me to dress up now as Rainbow Brite (*)."

"Would you prefer to be Twink?"

"I prefer not to be in this pointless play." Vincent crossed his arms and turned his back.

"Please, it's for those hundreds of happy audience here." Yuffie gave a sad puppy face.

"No, Yuffie."

"If you don't…I'll scream…"

"Fine by me." Vincent answered softly.

"Going once…"

Vincent did nothing.

"Going twice…"

He looked at Yuffie.

"Going thrice!" Yuffie was sucking up air. "AA…."

Her mouth was shut by Vincent's hand.

"Okay, you win." Vincent said.

"So are you two up for it?" The man asked.

"YES!" Yuffie jumped like a jelly bean. "Show us the way!"

All the seats were taken. Some had to stand in order to watch the entire show. Though within that audience, there sat Barret and Cid.

"Boy, I hope nobody sees us here, Cid." Barret nudged his friend. "I haven't seen this cartoon for years!"

"I know how you feel, Barret." Cid whispered. "It's a great show. Probably the best when I was a kid."

The curtains were drawn open, music played out of nowhere and the background displayed a bright colored grassy field.

"WOOHOO!" Barret and Cid clapped loudly with the noisy crowd.

A white unicorn came down onto the stage. On his back sat 'Yuffie' dressed up as Rainbow Brite, waving to everyone with an uneasy smile.

"Once upon a time in a far away place there lived a young girl….named Rainbow Brite."

"Well strike me down and call me Charlie." Cid's cigarette dropped out of his mouth. "I didn't know Yuffie was in this play."

"Holy crap!" Barret exclaimed. "Look at the detail of her costume! It's so much like the real thing!"

Vincent tried not to shake in front of the people and just sat quietly on Starlite the unicorn.

"She had many friends there, especially Twink and the other wonderful sprites!"

More music began to play. The singing sprites made their entrances from both sides of the stage. But Twink happened to summersault his way in.

"Man, Twink's good." Cid said. "Wonder who plays him."

"You got me." Barret shrugged.

When Twink finished his acrobatic performance, he landed on his knees with his arms spread out, grinning almost stupidly. Yuffie never had a good time such as this. The people cheered loudly at her.

"Okay, Yuffie I can stand." Barret eyes widened. "But Vincent's in this too?"

"I can't believe it." Cid rubbed his eyes, making sure that he wasn't dreaming. "Vincent's Twink the sprite?"

Barret tapped his shoulder.

"Should we tell Cloud?" He said.

"THAT WAS FUN!" Yuffie danced round like a ballerina. "I want to do it again!"

The play was now over. The auditorium was empty. Yuffie and Vincent were back in their Card Captor uniforms.

"Not today, Yuffie. Not today." Vincent replied.

"You were great, too, Vinnie!" She took his hands and waved them to and fro. "That was the most wonderful time I had!"

"Do you think any of Cloud's friends was there?" Vincent asked.

"Hm…I don't think so." Yuffie gave a guess. "But anywho, if they were, they'd hardly would have recognized us in those costumes!"

"You know, Yuffie." Vincent thought. "Perhaps for once you might be right."

(*) Rainbow Brite is so KAWAII!

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