Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Boring Car Ride ❯ My Boring Car Ride ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Mandee(Me): "...Dad, get me a sword that is over six feet long.."

Mike(Mah dad): "..Okay, uh huh. Sure." -Looks for a place to turn the car in.-

Mandee: "..I also will need a Sephiroth outfit. You will have to buy me that as well. I will also have to grow out my hair, dye it silver, and get green contacts.."

Micheal(The dummy brotha): "Oohh! And I need a Cloud sword!!"

Mandee: "..No, only I can be Sephiroth.. Father, can I have a Masamune?"

Mike: "..No."

Mandee: "..I bet if I had a Masamune I'd be more intimidating.."

Five minutes later..

Mandee: " ...I'm changing my name to Sophi-a-Roth."

Micheal: "Okay Mandee."

-Mandee glares at her little brother.-

Micheal: "Okay Sophiaroth!!" -Hunches over in a corner. Mandee laughs evil, like Sephiroth.-

Micheal: "Can I just call you Sephiroth?"

Mandee.. Er.. I mean, "Sophiaroth": "....Yes."

Mike: "....Damn.. Where is the goodwill?"

Sephiroth: "...Over there."

Mike: "...I mean where do I drop this stuff off.. Is it back here?" -Turns around the building after avoiding being behind a "slow ass."-

Sephiroth: "...O____o You're lost."

Mike: "...I am not, I'm just looking for the Goodwill store.. Yeah, that's it.. n.n"

Sephiroth: "Why are we behind the building then...?"

Mike:" Uh.. Micheal, stay low! There's a cop coming!"

Sephiroth: "...That car is empty, foolish mortal."

Mike: "......"

Micheal: "Can I be Cloud now?"

Sephiroth:" No.. But you can get me a Masamune."

Micheal: "Where?"

Sephiroth: "...If I knew that I would have one by now. Dumbass."

Mike: -Didn't hear "Sephiroth" cuss.- "....Hey, look at that sign."

Sephiroth: -Reads it.- "...Wrong way.." -Thinks 'Foolish mortal.. You deserve death. My masamune will claim your life, along with the annoying Jimmy's.. BWHAHAHAHA.-

Mike: -Now parked- "You two wait here." -Closes car door.-

Sephiroth: -Stares- "...He DARE tell the Great Sephiroth what to do? ...He shall be the second to die! The first of course, being Jimmy."

Micheal: "..I wanna be someone too!"

Sephiroth: "Fine, be a mindless clone. Now sit over there like a good dummy."

Micheal a.k.a. Sephiroth Clone #???: "OKAY!" -Goes to sit in the corner like a dummy.-

Sephiroth: "Bwhahahaha!"

Mike: -Comes back with a large pin.- "..MICHEAL, OPEN THE DOOR!"

Micheal: -Opens the door, they start talking about things Sephiroth isn't interested in.-

Sephiroth: "I am hungry.. Get me a sandwich."

-Sephiroth is ignored. Sephiroth sighs mumbling under her breath about how they will die soon.-

Sephiroth: "...We need a Hojo."

Micheal: -We're now back on the road, driving to the Publix place.- "I can't be Hojo! I'm a guy with a black cloak!"

Sephiroth: -Looks at her father.- "...You will be Hojo. I demand you give him a number!"

"Hojo": "...A number?"

Micheal: "...o.o Yes!"

Hojo: "Okay.. You will be number 42! BWHAHAHAHA!"

Sephiroth: -Stares at her father.- "When we get home, you will have to give the other two numbers as well..."

Hojo: -Pulls into Publix parking lot.- "You coming in?"

Sephiroth: "...Yes."

# 42: "...Open the door, please!!"

Sephiroth: -Stares at him like he's insane.. Opens the door anyway.- "...Foolish mortal. I'm glad you'll die soon..." -Mumbles the last part.-

# 42: "What?"

Sephiroth: "Nothing."

So, Sephiroth, Hojo, and #42 walk towards the Supermarket. Out to find a sandwich for Sephiroth. Mandee is trying to style her hair like Sephiroth some how..

Sephiroth: "...#42.. Walk like this.." -Hunches over, hands together at her waist.- "Now you try." -Stands up like Sephiroth.-

#42: "...Okay!" -Does so.-

Sephiroth: "Much better. Bwhahaha!"

Everyone is now in Publix.

Hojo: -Sees the candy machines.- "Woo!" -Pulls out some quarters and twists the thing. Sephiroth grabs the gum away from him as he takes it out.- "Hey!"

Sephiroth: "...Never stand in the way of the Great Sephiroth." -Walks away.-

Hojo and Micheal follow but soon go ahead of her. Now they're walking down the supply(Pens, paper, ect.) Sephiroth stops to look at the inventory as does # 42 when he realizes Sephiroth stopped.

Sephiroth: "...Go on." -Walks ahead again, beside #42. Then pushes him in front of her.- "Go."

# 42: -Runs up to catch up with Hojo, still standing/walking/running like Sephiroth told him to.. Bwhahaha!-

Sephiroth: "..." -Watches # 42 to make sure he doesn't stand up straight. Notices he keeps talking about how MANDEE was going to ruin his back. Sephiroth growls.-

Sephiroth: -Walks up to Hojo- "Think they have a black cloak and a ski mask here?"

Hojo: "I hope not."

Sephiroth: "Come minion. Let's go look." -Walks away, # 42 following her. Throws the boy in front of herself, very strict on this standing thing.-

#42: " I don't thin they have them here."

Sephiroth: "...Silence! You can no longer speak unless spoken to!"

#42: "..."

Sephiroth: "Okay.. They don't have any." -Walks back.-

Two guys talking to each other: "...What the hell is that chick doing?"

Sephiroth: -Ignores them. So, Hojo, #42, and Sephiroth stand there waiting for their turn.-

Hojo: "Our turn, you two tell the man what you want."

Sephiroth: "All right." -Tells, poof! Samdwich done.-

#42: "Wow! That sandwich looks good enough to eat!" (I'm not lying.. XD He said that..!! XD!!!!)

Sephiroth: "..Yes, yes it does. Too bad It's mine, not yours, 42."

Hojo: -Begins to laugh really laugh, has to walk away. Almost crying because of the laughter. Sephiroth stares at him like crazy.- "Sorry.. You two are so funny!"

Sephiroth: "...I'm going to dye my hair silver."

Hojo: "The hell you are!" -Hojo is given a death glare by Sephiroth, he steps back.- "Okay, okay! You win."

# 42, with the help of Hojo, tells the man what he wants on his sandwich. The three walk down the coke aisle.

Sephiroth: "Pepsi.. Get Pepsi."

So they get Pepsi.. Big surprise, ne?

Sephiroth: "...." -Pokes Hojo, pointing at something.-

Hojo: "No."

Sephiroth: -Pokes Hojo again, still pointing.-

Hojo: -Sighs.- "Okay.." -Picks up two candy bars.- (LOL!! Bwhaha.. Sephiroth ALWAYS wins..)

So everyone gets in the car.

Sephiroth: -Hands the idiot 42 a candy bar- "That's the only thing you'll get from me... And you don't deserve it. .."

42: "Yay!!" -Huggles the Candybar.-

Sephiroth: "..Tch... Imbecile."

# 42: "Hey, look Sephiroth! Materia!" -Hands her a pebble from that gay Pokemon game..-

Sephiroth: "Throws the pebble back. Make some materia, idiot."


Sephiroth: "... You know you're going to die, right?"

#42: "You lie! How? Who kills me?!?!!"

Sephiroth: "..."

42: "Is it Cloud? Sephiroth? Aeris?"

Sephiroth: "..."

Even later..

Sephiroth: "Because.. I am the GREAT Sephiroth.." -Still trying to get the key out of the lock.-

Hojo: "... I see that." -Looks at the lock she's trying to get the key out of. Laughs.- "Is the Great Sephiroth having trouble getting the key out of the lock?"

Sephiroth: "....No."

Hojo: "Maybe if you lock it, the key will come out.." -Still laughing.-

Sephiroth: "...." -Does so, the key comes out. Damns him in her mind.-

The car suddenly turns into the gutter. Sephiroth laughs.

Sephiroth: "Great one, Hojo.. Way to try to flip us." -Laughs even more.-

Hojo: "..Shut up."

Later, because nothing really funny happened when they got home.. Except...

# 42: "..What's this?" -Halfway through eating his sandwich.. Pulls out a plastic thing. Sephiroth laughs insanely.- "AHH! NO WONDER IT TASTED WEIRD!!"

Sephiroth: "You ate plastic! DUMBASS!!" -Still laughing.-

The End!