Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Rinoas' Release ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I Don't own NOTHING!!!

In the beginning Gaia was a world of barren waste land. Yet with the passing of time an ancient race came with the hopes of creating a new home for themselves. But to their dismay the land proved to be dead, no soul, no life. So it was that all appeared hopeless. It was then that a young girl came to them from the shadows themselves, and offered them a chance to find life amongst the land. She was no more than a child with messy brown hair a soft oval face and dark brown eyes wearing a frilly blue dress and a mischievous smile, why should they believe her? But believe her they did for she gave to them a clear shining crystal and said to them , "I give thee ancient ones the soul of this land…but be warned that with life comes death with peace, war, but fear not gentle people for their will always be a champion for Gaia…to defend and protect all!" Thus said she, and the people rejoiced at their good fortune!! But alas not all was well for a man did appear at the young girls side, his name was Sadi. Compared to Sadi's looks; golden brown skin, glossy black hair, and golden eyes, the girl looked bleached and plain, but her eyes blazed silver and brilliantly bright with her hate at the sight of him. "Sadi!??"

"Jeanellia…I warned you to stay away from here!!!" Gold eyes clashed with silver as man and child faced off. " Your warning does not frighten me, Sadi!! Nor do your pitiful threats!!" she spat at him, yet Sadi merely smiled at her and turned his attention back to the Ancients, ignoring Jeanellia. "Well it seems that you have been gifted with our planets soul, be aware that even if that is true it means nothing to me. One million years will pass and the gates to my world and yours will be opened again. The passing of a mighty Sorceress will begin it all, for a boy will be flung into my dimension but not for long for a foolish girl will retrieve him and leave the portal open to me and my demon horde. Long have we awaited your arrival for t'was this foolish Jeanellia who trapped us all inside that crystal's walls. But no matter for we shall be set free once more and I pity your descendents!! For they shall all die a most gruesome death!! Fare thee well foolish mortals, and thank you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" And with that he vanished, leaving behind very frightened ancients. `Lia looked at the lost looks upon their faces and softly she counter acted Sadi's spell. "All will be well for with their coming, three and three shall be set free. One with the eyes of emeralds and the heart of a warrior, one with eyes of a sunset and a healers heart, and one with the eyes of mother earth with the heart of innocence. Three and three they shall be and three more who shall see, and one who is forever damned by the shadows shall lead. Fear not for they shall come, but as cursed as their leader so shall they all be till the crystal is destroyed and my soul set free." With that she smiled softly retrieved the crystal and waved her hand good bye and as she vanished the land was barren no more but rich with life and love…yet the ancients could still see that shadows still lingered in their paradise homeland.

So haw was that for a beginning!!! Good or Bad??? Welp on to Chappy 1 Saying GOODBYE!!! MUHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!