Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Romantic fluff ❯ Hotdogs and trips to unknown places ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n-Ok, my first `fluff' fic, so it won't be great. It has the FF8 characters in it. They start off in Garden, then they names like: Lor, Ashley, Hilary, are my friends who get to be in this story, just cause. And Mia is me!! R&R!!


I don't own The ff8 characters or Lor, Ashley, Hilary. Or hotdogs. Or getaway cars. Or the word Dorkus. My best bud Channy owns that word!! …Sort of…



Selphie: I'm Bored!

Zell: Im Boreder!

Selphie: Nu-uh! I am!

Zell: No me!

Selphie: Me!

Squall: Shut up!

Zell,Selphie: *Eyes tear* Fine!

Quistis: Thank you!

Rinoa: What are we gonna do?

Irvine: I know what I want to do....*winks at Rinoa*

Rinoa: Ugh......

Quistis: Why do we go to the training center or something?

Selphie: We do that everyday. What do you think Squall?

Squall: .......Whatever.......

Selphie: That's not an answer!

Zell: Lets eat HOTDOGS!

Everybody but Zell: NO......!!

Zell: *Eyes tear*

Quistis: Well we have class tomorrow, so we can't go anywhere.

Rinoa: *evil grin* Aha! We should go somewhere and skip class and everything!!

Zell: Ooo! We would get in trouble!!

Selphie: Fun! I'm ready! Im ready! Im ready!

Rinoa: Ok!

Quistis: *sigh* Where do you get your ideas?

Rinoa: *shrugs* I dunno. Anyone besides Selphie think it's a good idea?

Irvine: Me! It gives me a chance to meet some new girls!

All girls: *taps feet* What's that supposed to mean?

Irvine: *sweat drops* Uh.....nothing......

Rinoa: Squall?

Squall: ..........Whatever.........

Rinoa: *claps* Yay! Zelly? I'll buy you hotdogs.....

Zell: With relish?

Rinoa: Yep!

Zell: Ok! Bring on the hotdogs!

Rinoa: Its only you left Quisty!

Quistis: Well, if everyone else is.....

Rinoa: Yay! Lets go everyone!

Everyone but Zell: *goes out of cafeteria*

Zell: Wait! What about my hotdogs?! *runs after them* Rinoa.....!

-------In a rental getaway car------

Rinoa: Squall! Drive faster! We have to get away!

Squall: Rinoa! Shut up! No one knew we were leaving!

Rinoa: So what? This is so much funner!

Quistis: Funner isn't a word Dorkus!

Rinoa: *pouts* Well this is my great idea, so you can all keep your mean comments to yourself!

Zell: Rinoa, when can I have my hotdogs? You said!

Selphie: Zell, no one cares about hotdogs! Only Sugar!

Zell: *Eyes tear* Selphie? You don't like hotdogs?

Irvine: Not that kind!

Selphie: Irvy, you are weird. And Zell, Im sorry. *goes and gives him a hug*

Zell: Yay!

Rinoa: Shush! You guys are sooo annoying!

Quistis: Block them out, block them out, block them out.......

Squall: So Rinoa, Where are we going?

Rinoa: I dunno. I thought you knew.......

Everyone: RINOA!!!

Rinoa: Sorry, but I dunno.....

A weird noise is heard from outside.

Zell: What was that? *looks scared*

Selphie: Everyone get out! The car is gonna blow!!

Irvine: Don't worry sweet thing. I'll protect you. *puts arm around her*

Selphie: Eww!

Squall: It looks like the engine overheated. Quistis: Block them out, block them out......why did I agree to this?!

Rinoa: Quistis....Quistis....QUISTIS!!!

Quistis: What?!

Squall: We have to get out and look for a gas station or something....

Quistis: *sigh* This is just the beginning.....

-----Wandering aimlessly in a field by the car-------

Quistis: Im gonna die, im gonna die......

Irvine: Well is there anything you want to enjoy before you die? *winks and moves closer*

Rinoa: Irvy, get a life and Quistis stop worrying.

Squall: (comes over) Can we please try to get along?

Zell: Selphie?! Selphie?!

Rinoa: What the matter Zelly?

Zell: For one thing, im still waiting for my hotdogs and Selphie is missing!!

Irvine: WHAT?! WE HAVE TO GO FIND HER!! *runs crazily through the field*

A rustling noise is coming from the left of Irvine.

Irvine: Selphie? Is that you?

A blonde head popped up.

Blonde girl: Hiya!

Squall: Who are you?

Blonde girl: Im Hilary. Do you need help?

Irvine: Well, Hilary. How you doin'?

Hilary: Im good thanks, you?

Irvine:*mumbles* Fine! *walks away* If you can't appreciate my charm then im leaving!

Hilary: Whatever!

Rinoa: *laughs* You sound like Squall!

Hilary: Do you need help?

(End Chapter)

A/n- Well did you like it? I hope you did. I worked hard on this fic, and im hoping not to get flames. Next chapter coming soon! R&R please!