Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Incarnation ❯ Prolodge ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

New Terror, or Savior?


The woman breathed hard. Her husband was at her side the whole time.

"C'mon, Jess, you can do it come one,'' he urged. "How's it coming doc?"

"I see the head. One more push Jessica, come on."

She gave one more big push, the pain was unbearable.

"It's out,'' the doctor assured. "It's a girl."

``You here that, Jess? We have a girl. A girl....Jessica? Jess?"

She didn't answer. "On no...Jessica..."

The docter quicky helped the screaming baby to the nurse and took Jessica's pulse. He lowwer his head. "She gone."

``She can't be, she was fine just a second ago! What happened doc!"

The doctor looked at the screaming child. She had silver hair and green eyes. Her crys echoed, it was an errie cry. It sent chills down his spine. She looked too familier.

At cosmo canyon, Nanaki's ears perked up. That cry....

He stood up on his fours at the edge of the cliff.

"Father?" the young pup asked. "What's wrong? What is that sound?"

He looked at her, she had heard it too. "That was a cry,'' he replied. ``A cry of a reborn evil. Lillian, if this world comes in danger will you protect it?"

"Of course I will father,'' she replied. "This is my home. I will protect as you did when Sephiroth summoned meteor."

He nodded and looked back in the distance, where Nimbluhiem was and then towards Kalm. Finally back towards New Midgar, where the cry came from. It may need all of you.