Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Incarnation ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1

17 years later.......


The girl couldn't here with her head phones in her ears and her nose in a magazine.

Her father lifted her phone of her ears. "Oh Karen."

She grabbed them back. ``What?"

``I have some good news,'' he said. ``I finally got those tickets to go to Cosmo Canyon. A vacation, finally."

Karen rolled her eyes. Great, just what she need. Her idiot father was going to take her far away from the city to "refresh" her in some antic Nox village. "Do, I have to go?"

``What do you mean?" he questioned. "I thought you wanted to go."

"Sense when would I want to go to some far away animal village,'' she replied.

"Yes, you have to go," he said. "Your consular reconmends it."

``Screw him,'' she spatted. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Oh believe me you are."

"No I'm not."

Karen looked out with window of the Chocobo Buggy they were traveling in. "You could of at least thought of a more civilized way to travel,'' she said.

"We wouldn't be able to see the scenery if I had,'' he said.

She rolled her eyes and put her head phones back on. "You, Messiah! Clockwork Angel! Wake Up, Shine Bright! On the endless night! Release all my glacier time!"

Her father noticed her mouthing the words. It was a song she sang often. It's what she does when she wanted to ignore him. Which she did quite often. She was growing up to be a very beautiful young woman. Where she got her hair and eye color he'd never know though.

Lillian stretched. She then trotted down Seto's Peek and to the village. She saw her father standing at Cosmo's entrance, he had a huge smile across his face.

"Papa?" she questioned.

``Hey, Nanaki, how's it going old friend."

"Hello, Cloud, Tifa, I'm glad to see you could come visit me."

"It's out pleasure,'' Tifa replied. ``Besides, I think it was about time we had a reunion."

"I thought so too. It has been 27 years after all."

"Tell me about it,'' Cloud replied. "Oh, Nanaki, these are our twins, Iris and Bardock."

The two 18 year olds waved. Iris's hair was dirty blond in color and she kept it in a two pony tails. Her eyes were black in color. Bardock hair was black with his father's eye color."

Nanaki bowed his head in aknowlegdement. "Please to meet you both. This is my daughter, Lillian."

"Hello, Lillian,'' Tifa said.

"Hi,'' Lillian replied, wagging her tail.

``Please everyone come to my quaters, I'll have my human make you all comfortable," Nanaki offered.

The Chocobo Buggy pulled up to the Cosmo Canyon entrance.

"What a dump,'' Karen mumbled.

``Wow, isn't this great!" he father assured.

"Not really."

"Oh, c'mon, this'll be fun. Alot of teens come here at this time of the year. You may be able to see a real Nox."

From him who is, and who was and who is coming. I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

He noticed she was going into her own little world again and sighed.

Karen looked at the ground. There were huge dog-like/lion-like foot prints in the dirt. She quickly opened her magazine and saw the simulilar prints. Maybe this won't be so bad.

Nanaki's hears perked up and he stood strait up.



``Cloud come with me."

They both went outside at the ledge of his quarters.

"What is it?"

"Look there."

Cloud looked down. He saw a face that he feared more than ever. A face he thought he'd never have to see again. But there it was. The silver hair, the sinister green eyes., the black clothing, it was all there. "It can't be him."

"It is her."


"Look closer, Cloud. That is Sephiroth, yes, but it is a young teenage girl. A reincarnation."

He clutched his fists. Another Sephiroth? No! He killed him! He killed him with his own hands and brought him to the life stream.

"Why did the life stream bring him back?'' he demanded. "Sephiroth's soul is evil! He's the one that tried to destroy the freaking planet by summoning meteor!"

"I don't know,'' Nanaki replied.

Then the girl looked up at them. Straight at them. The too famlier smile Cloud knew too well. That same evil face.

"I know your doings, that are you are said to live, but you are dead! Be awake and invigourate the things that remain, that are at the point of dying!"