Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Until the End of Eternity, and Longer ❯ Chapter Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another short one. Guess 7 and 8 could have been one chapter, but I like keeping them separate.

Disclaimer: no owney, no suey. Bleh.


"Until the End of Eternity, and Longer"

by: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Eight


" `guni wake up! Wake up! The circus is in town! Let's go, please!"

`Huh? Where?' Squall recognized this feeling. The dream world. `Ellone…why? You said you can't change the past…what is this about?'

`I'm sorry Squall. I know we can't change the past, but we can still learn from it. Uncle Laguna is so sad. He never got over the death of his friend. If I can figure out why, maybe I can help him get past it.'

`Someone he cared about died. That's all.'

`Raine died too. He loved her more than anyone and he doesn't go into a month long depression every year because of it. I want to know. I need to know, really.'

`Me too.'


`Yeah. This is the dream world, right. So you're Laguna again.'

`Squall groaned mentally. That's right, I'm stuck inside my dad the moron's head.'

`So then, who am I?'

Squall focused on the scene to find Laguna looking blearily up at a seven year old girl with auburn hair, bright green eyes, and a misfit's smile.

"Jace, it's hardly dawn," Laguna whined.

"That's right! It's already dawn!" she said as she tugged him out of bed. "We're practically late already! I want to see everything!"


Laguna, or the ten year old version of Laguna shook his head. "My head feels cramped," he complained.

"Mine too! Don't worry. It's just the fairies."


"Uh huh. A fairy is an invisible little person. They're very mischievous and like to play tricks on you, but sometimes they help you out. They just like to play and have fun, but they'll help you out if you're nice to them."

"Sounds like you."


Laguna smiled at her impishly. "You're my favorite fairy Jace!" he laughed.

"Stop being silly. I'm serious. Fairies are real. Mum and Dad told me so!"

"Okay okay, so it's the fairies. Whatever," Laguna rolled his eyes.

"Hurry Up! You're too slow!" Jace whined as Laguna hopped around trying to yank his pants on.

"Stop complaining and find my other shoe," he told her, holding up the one that he seemed to be able to locate. "It looks like this, only for the other foot."

"You're such a brat."

"And you're a fairy."

Squall blinked awake blearily trying to focus, he rolled his head over with a groan and saw Irvine blinking up at the ceiling. The others seemed to have left them to sleeping and were nowhere to be found.

"Did she really have to take us THAT far back?" Squall commented dryly, trying to get rid of the funny feeling from being trapped in the body of his ten-year old father.

"I don't mind," Irvine answered. "It was weird, but they were really cute. At least now we know who gave Laguna those ideas about fairies."

Squall tossed himself up, throwing his feet over the side of the bed.

"She's YOUR mother."

"She was really energetic, huh?"

"She was really bossy," Squall countered. "Where's my shoe?"


okay, wow, that WAS short! I think I'll have to upload three chapters this time instead of my usual two. Ah well. Next chapter I'll tell you where Squall's shoe is. . .and other stuff.