Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Until the End of Eternity, and Longer ❯ Chapter Forteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's another baby chapter. And I still don't own ff8.


"Until the End of Eternity, and Longer"

by: Banshee Puppet

Chapter Fourteen


"Once a person chooses their path in life, there's nothing to do but follow that path, to the very end," Jace whispered in her post-labor delirium. It had been a difficult delivery and as much as she insisted she didn't want drugs, that she could handle it, Max insisted.

But Laguna heard her voice from his place outside the door, foot propped up on the wall behind him, arms folded across his chest, and he smiled slightly. "Sounds like she's coming around," he smiled at Kiros and Ward, who had never seen him so serious before now. "Hey, you guys don't hafta stick around if you don't wanna. I'll meet you down at the Galbadia Hotel later on."

"Who is that girl to you, man?" Laguna asked.

"She's my kid sis," Laguna said proudly. "That's my nephew, down the hall there. Irvine. I'll bet she picked that name. It sounds like something she'd come up with."

Irvine grabbed his head, Ellone again, so soon. "Unh," he grumbled and was caught by Zell before his head could collide with the ceramic tea cup. Squall blinked, trying to focus, checking all his internal signs. But Squall wasn't there this time, he was here.

"Off in dream land again," Selphie chirped as she helped Zell adjust him in the chair so that he didn't fall over.

"He's all alone," Squall noted. This was the first time he'd seen this from the outside and it disturbed him that he wasn't there. Why wasn't he there, inside of Laguna's head.

Laguna just nodded. "Yeah. All alone. Just like her," he said with a hard swallow. Whatever Irvine was witnessing now, it was something that he wouldn't be able to tell them about, because he wasn't there. There were so many times that he wasn't there.

"He'll be fine," Squall assured him, but he was half-assuring himself by saying it aloud.

"B-but. . ." Laguna stuttered like a frightened child, green eyes wide and somewhat horrified. "He-he's all alone."


okay, that last line is a little. . . odd? Ah well, can't be brilliant all the time I s'pose. R&R you dorks :p