Fire Emblem Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New World ❯ 100 Acers Massacre (Very Wrong Indeed) ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lunar now inside a forest scene with Joanna Dark "tell me Wolf/Fox what makes you want to kill Winnie The Pooh?" she asked with some concern. Well I guess I could tell you it all started when I was a cadet in training" ( Flash Back)......
Lunar about 10 years of age young and semi-cute he had nothing to live for and nothing to die for as he was hanging from a bar with one arm the other was holding a 50lb weight there were a few more young boys doing the same thing as a commander appeared "ok you done enough" he said Lunar only switched arms and switched the weight to his tail "my you don't give up that easily I like that when every your done come to my office we can talk more there." he said.
After 14 1/2 hours Lunar decided to come down he would of stayed longer but he didn't want to start something. he heads into the Commander's office "ah #7882 sit done relax you seem to be moving up in the rank by your next birthday you could be a full cadet or even a trainer." he said "but I got some thing better you can be my protégé."
Lunar smiled at that remark. "Of course you being the commander well that one should be a cake walk hell I am still waiting to get that rank but that son-of-a-bitch Johnson keeps kissing ass so much he got the name brown face commander!"
Well I'm going to let you in a little secret what's your name son?" she said To Lunar this was like a father to him regardless of blood toes since his own father was killed and Amadeus was also killed Lunar for the first time let down his guard.
"Lunar Prower sir." Lunar said a but nervous he kept it in check.
"Well Lunar my boy get this you heard about JFK right?" he said "N-no why?" Lunar said.
"Well I know all about the killing, back then Winnie The Pooh had something to do with it, he was spreading peace and love trying to get us to lower our guard, Kennedy was going to have him killed but that bitch of a wife Jackie talked him out of it." Lunar looked on. So we hired one Mr. Lee Harvey Oswald to kill the bitch that dumb shit not only killed Kennedy but a cop for no apparent reason... so we had to take care of him!!" Lunar now was confused so if you ever see Winnie the Pooh you kill him no in fact kill all those furry commie loving bastards!" Lunar was now completely confused. "yes Sir" was what said as he was granted to leave. Back for more training
(End Flash back) "That's why I plan to kill that bastard!, Of course The owl is personal."
another (Flash Back) Lunar no older than 7 walking thru the woods. with a Toosty Roll Pop a she approaches an old ass turtle who's wearing coke bottle glasses and lips are in his mouth like he has not teeth. "Mr. Turtle how many lick does it take to get to the Toosty Roll center of the Toosty Roll Pop?" Lunar asked
"I never made it with out biting ask Mr. Owl" The turtle said.
Lunar heads deeper in the woods and finds Owl Mr. Owl how many lick does it take to get to the Toosty Roll center of the Toosty Roll Pop?" Lunar asked again. Owl looks at him and takes the candy "lets find out" as he licks it "1-2-3" he then bites it clean off "3" Lunar has a sad look on his face almost about cry.
How many lick does it take to get to the Toosty Roll center of the Toosty Roll Pop? The world may never know. Lunar sad expression is still there as the Flash Back ends now showing his eyes enraged and ready to kill "that bastard!" Lunar scoffed as he draws his shotgun as he turns on his radar he looks around and sees Owl sitting in a tree.
"Well, well we meet again!" Lunar said pointing his shotgun at Owl "now you shouldn't point guns at things it's not very nice and you could hurt them." Owl said "oh I don't plan to hurt how you hurt me!" Lunar scoffed cocking it. "Oh yes you were the young fellow who gave me the Toosty Roll Pop" said Owl "yes your right tell me something how many blasts from a shotgun with it take to end your sorry ass life?" Lunar said smiling.
um I don't know Lunar then pulls the trigger and *BOOM!* hitting owl in the chest head on as blood and feather scatter everywhere he falls out of the tree gasping his last bit of air "One motherfucker!" Lunar then takes off Jo right behind him "well how did that feel?" She asked some what surprised "damn good." He smiled. as they keep walking he stops and ducks behind a bush "shhhhhh"
Jo ducks with him as he removes a high powered sniper rifle loading it with a 'cop killer' he looks to find Kanga and Roo playing together as his radar pick up their signs he waits to see when he can make his kill shot X2.
As she holds him he sees her back he pulls the trigger Kanga drops Roo whose I snow bleeding from his chest as he says "Mommy?" a few seconds later she falls down next to him a bullet wound entered her body pierced her heat then exited and killed her son there both dead.
Jo looks on almost horrified "did you really have to kill them?"
Lunar looks at her "yes besides when I do kill children I make sure to kill the parents too I hate leaving orphans behind." he smiled after committing such a horrendous act.
"There's a tree a few mile north of here take this and go up there wait for my signal" Lunar said hugging Jo. Jo takes off with a sniper rifle.
Lunar walks onward with Shotgun in hand as he approaches Christopher Robbin playfully swinging Winnie The Pooh around ,Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger and Piglet are there too.
Lunar approaches them "Pooh bear we have an unsettled score to settle!" Piglet frightened of Lunar as he cowers behind Christopher Robbin Lunar snarls at the poor thing causing him to wet himself.
"Hey what's the big idea" scoffed Pooh Kennedy,you and your lovey dovey got him killed, also you were seen hanging with terrorist and commie bastards!" Lunar pulls out various picture of Winnie the Pooh with Joseph Stalin, Osama bin Laden, Fidel Castro and other 'bad people' "hey I was supporting the terrorist to spread love you have no right to say that was wrong." Pooh scoffed "well you tell that to the victims of 9-11 time to die!" Lunar points his shot gun at Winnie the Pooh "oh bother" Pooh said "No please stop you can't do this!" pleaded Christopher Robbin 'Chaos Control!" Lunar yelled as his belt was glowing everything stood still as he fired once hitting Pooh in the chest, since everything was slowed down Pooh was still alive.
Feel the pain.. Lunar fired again this time blowing off Pooh's left arm. "Of John F. Kennedy" he fired again blowing off Pooh's left leg as you burn in hell!" he blew off his right leg everything went back to normal.
Pooh lay lifeless as Christopher Robbin looked at him tears in his eyes "You heartless bastard!" he yelled "leave now and I let you live." Lunar said
Christopher Robbin fled tears still steaming down his face he then turns to Piglet, who is quivering Tigger and Rabbit all ready left.
"Hast de la muerte" Lunar pulls out a 9mm and blows Piglet's brain out, Eeyore just looks on not even caring.
Eeyore looks at him if "you have to kill me just slice off my head please I would like to go out like that." Lunar puts the guns away and draws his sword "can do" and slices Eeyore 's head clean off as his body falls down.
Lunar this time removes the Gatling gun, looking for any sings of Rabbit and Tigger he sees rabbit in his garden hiding also quivering "BOO!" Lunar yells spooking rabbit out of his hiding spot as he flees Lunar lets the Gatling gun fire at will turning rabbit's body into swiss cheese. as he falls down his blood softens the earth.
Tigger now bouncing as fast as he canLunar teleports to where he is about to land "hello...goodby..." Lunar fires his Gatling gun making Tigger into swiss cheese as well.
"well that's almost all of them, wait a min." Lunar looks at the ground "Fox Wind!" Lunar puts his hands on the dirt sending wind into it blasting Gopher up the rodent is so shocked he doesn't know what to do "WOLF/FOX Thunder!" Lunar blasts him with all he's got stunning him and making him unable to move. Lunar raises his sword and kills him instantly. "Jo now!" Lunar yelled as she readies her sniper rifle.
"But he's just a boy!!" she pleaded "he's Data Dyne he's the one who was responsible for your father's death!" Lunar yelled over her intercom.
Tears exited her eyes as everything slowed down, she was now enraged as Christopher Robbin was running everything slowed down as his shirt turned blood red another shot rang out this time the bullet entered the back of his head and exited the front.
He falls face first into the ground as everything turns grey the river now runs red with blood the trees are all dying the sky now gray the ground black and barren. Itlooks like the dark Chao garden.
Just then  an image of her father appeared "first you go off  killing Data Dyne like ants now doing mercenary  work  typical Jo you never could be on your own and probably never will it's a shame I was killed of course I doubt I would even have grand kids."
He then leaves she jumps out of the tree "Dad wait!!" she falls to her knees sobbing.
Lunar approaches "we need to get the hell out of here this isn't pretty" Lunar said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"Look I know you lost your father I lost both my parents at an early age too I know very little about them but what I do know has helped me out a lot. When we get back you can mourn all you want." He said hugging her.
She gave a faint smile. As he said "Chaos Control!"  they both teleport out of there.
Outside the book in Traverse Town Ashley with Pyro, holding her hand examine the book "what the hell is it bleeding for?" asked Pyro “I don't know but is real gross." she said as they walk away. Lunar and Jo appear but nobody even notice's as Ashley approaches her dad hugging him "look I'm 16 again!" she said  "I'm beyond glad but we'll have to celebrate later these things are around and we all need to stop them" C.T. said in response   as Randy and Goldustappear well, well I see you haven't lost your touch Randy scoffed "don't worry the ruby is now being guarded by the Elders Of The Universe so I got a new job saving the world."  Goldust starts to lick Randy like dog as he stick out hi tongue so they French kiss ashy tuner around in sheer disgust hugging onto Pyro shielding  him from it. "Dad do something" Ashley scoffed “I would but I see no point."  He said much to her dismay Molly, Blaze, and Silver soon appear "well Sonic and Shadow are busy aiding Leon and Cloud" said Blaze.
"Typical" said Molly "well I'm glad Genie gave my daughter back her age."
Lunar then appeared with Joanna wrapped around his arm "Molly you know more about mourning, you can take care of Jo for me,  Ashley, Pyro  you need to take Wendy and Belle to never land it's safer there  besides Amadeus and Claudius will probably need you help anyway." Lunar said before taking off "and where do you think you're going?" Said Ashley in a harsh tone.
I have some unfinished business to take care of    Randy then hands C.T. an Onyx stone he looks at it "what he hell is this some pebble I could hawk for 5$?" he scoffed  "no you fool something that will protect you trust me on this as old friends." he said before going back to kissing Goldust"very well, are you going to stay or leave?" C.T. asked.
"Stay besides where am I going to find some one to take care of my darlingGoldust?”  Randy said sticking his tongue out like a lizard as
Goldust licks it like a dog.
"Well what other princess can we save and lets pick an easy one"   Silver said. "Snow White that bitch is easy all we need to do ist stop her from eating that apple! said C.T.  
"Tell me about it" said Blaze “I have another question is that normal in your world?" said Silver "what" asked Molly "them" Silver point sot Randy and Goldustmaking out.  "some do some don't" she said.
As Ashley and Pyro take off.  