Fire Emblem Fan Fiction ❯ Bad Bones Two ❯ yay ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Bad Bones2: The Sequel
This story is the `what if' sequel to Lizzy Rebel's `Bad Bones', I have been given the rights by her for now, so no asking about them! This will converge with the other story I am working on, and might be up soon, so I warn you now.
Ch.1: Night Out In The Desert
Lloyd was waiting patiently in his room for Ursula to return, that was to be tonight, but she went up against the rogue lord's band of fighters. He decided to wait by the front gate to wait for her, and went to his door as it swung open to reveal a battered Ursula in the doorway.
“Lloyd, I am back.” She said weakly and nearly collapsed into his arms, but he wrapped her in an embrace.
“What happened?” he asked her as he walked slowly inside and shut the door, with her in his arms.
“I was head-to-head with Lord Pent, but he stopped when he saw my face. This was my last mission for the black fang, and he saw that in my eyes, he also saw my love for you.” She rested her head on his chest and went to sleep.
Lloyd smiled, he had his Ursula that the Lords had let live, and so he was grateful to them. He rested his back against the wall on the left side of his bed and just held Ursula.
He too drifted to sleep along with her. Ursula was warm and she would tell him that they would be leaving the next night, in the middle of it, in the morning.
Ursula did awaken first to the sun shining high into the sky. Lloyd was still snoring lightly and she smiled at his content look, he was dreaming. She reached up and kissed him, he woke up to her face attached to his and kissed back.
“What a good morning I got.” Lloyd joked, since he had feeling of a large weight off his shoulders for some reason.
She smiled, happy now, she realized that Sonia was just using her and freed herself through Lloyd. She told him of her plan of leaving at night.
“We have all day together than, so…” he kissed her neck and she moaned and leaned into him.
“Yes, we do have all day together.” She said and began to take off her vest as she caught his meaning.
He helped her with her vest and took off his own shirt and flung it at his silver sword in the corner.
She kissed along his chest as he tried to get her to take off her pants. He had gotten them off as she had gotten him out of his pants. She gave a sly smile, there was something she had wanted to try on Lloyd, she heard from another female fang member. She lowered her head to his erected manhood and gripped the base as she brought her head down on it.
He moaned out her name as she sucked on his member. She was surprisingly good at that for her first time. He was clutching the sheets and panting when she released him. Ursula smirked when she saw him and decided not to tease him anymore, he did wait for so long for her to come back.
She got up and straddled his waist. “I love you.”
“I…love…you…too.” He said still panting, and his hips gave a short jump as Ursula eased him into her.
Ursula gave a short gasp as he was now fully inside of her and was bucking his hips. They made love for the second time ever (Read `Bad Bones' by Lizzy Rebel.) and lay in each other's arms.
“How did you get that scar under your left breast?” Lloyd asked out of the blue as his hand brushed onto said scar.
“I was in the acceptance exams and we had to hit Sonia once, she struck me with a thunder that I barely dodged.” She told him.
Lloyd gripped her protectively and started to drift off to a light sleep.
He woke up late into the night; Ursula was packing her things and getting Lloyd's stuff also. “Glad to see you are awake. It is nine o' clock, so we leave in five, get dressed.”
Lloyd climbed off his bed and grabbed the clothes he had taken off earlier. He was fully dressed and only took the time to grab his prized silver sword before following Ursula out the door. The night air was cool as they silently made their way to the stables for Ursula's mare and Lloyd's own powerful war-horse.
His horse was ready to go, but Ursula's mare was still too wounded to carry her, but could still go with them. They tied Ursula's horse to Lloyd's and got onto the warhorse. “Hold on tight, the road is really uneven.” Lloyd told her as he climbed on.
Ursula jumped behind him and held tightly onto his waist. “Don't move so fast, my horse is hurt, remember?”
“Alright, we'll start slow.” They trotted out to the gates and immediately turned to the thick marsh on the right.
“Why are we going through here?”
“Do you really believe that Nergal is going to let us live after we abandon him and don't have the protection of the lords?”
Ursula thought for a moment, it was kind of dumb to expect to get away scotch free. Her horse was her favorite living thing, next to Lloyd of course, and it was wounded.
The ride was slow and easy and Lloyd was moving his head left to right as if paranoid of something. “What's wrong?” she asked through a yawn.
“Nothing, just looking for my `home' here.”
“You have a place to live, around here?”
“There it is!” at the edge of said smelly swamp; there was a waterfall of sapphire blue water. They went through the water, soaking the two mares and the humans. Inside was a cavern that had a bed that was reported missing from Nergal's castle a month ago, a hitching post for the horse, a small steel box in ice-cold water, cooled by a book of ice magic stolen from Sonia. “This is home.”
Ursula smiled at the small house they had temporarily, it was warm, come to think of it, and so was the water outside. “Why is it so warm?”
“There is a hot spring further up the rock face the water fall comes from.” Lloyd was tying up the horses at the post.
“You need strong magical powers to keep a spell like this going.” She said examining the ice spell.
“Sonia was good for something while we were at the castle.” He was now lying down on the bed with his eyes closed.
Ursula went to join him on the bed, resting her head on his chest. “Nergal is up to something.” Lloyd said suddenly.
“He is always up to something.” Ursula found herself saying.
“No he stole my favorite sword, the `Regal Blade' from my room. I think we should head to the mountain that he was talking about.”
“Can't it wait till my horse is better?” she yawned out again.
“We will have to leave tomorrow, I am sorry.”
“Alright, nut let me get my staff so I can I start healing my horse.”
“You sleep, I will do that.” Lloyd lifted her frame off of him and grabbed the `mend' staff from the side of the room.
“I couldn't make you do that.” She started to get out of the bed when Lloyd claimed her lips in a fierce kiss.
“You will go to sleep, and I will fix the horse.” He lied her down on the bed and kissed her again.
He spent his time focusing his magical energies into the staff to heal the mare so they can leave in the morning to the mountain where Nergal and his four best magical bodyguards were. “Wake up Ursula. We have to go now.”
Lloyd was shaking Ursula awake now in his arms as she saw a mountain come up into view. “How…what…when?” she stammered out as she saw some deep cuts in the face of the solid rocks.
“I got us hitched up and left at night. We are going inside now.”
“Do you think Nergal made those deep gashes in the side of the mountain?”
“No, there are three large powers in there, the weakest is old and about to die, the next one is Nergal's, and the largest surpasses them all combined, whatever it is, it could tear apart the world, it seems familiar too.”
“What could surpass Nergal by that much and still be human?”
“That's it, I don't think it is human, but I have sensed it before.”
“What could possibly have that much power?”
“We will find out soon!”