Fist Of The North Star Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Dragon is Reborn ❯ Default chapter ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Most of the characters in this story do not belong to me. And as for those that I create, I have no objection to anyone using them. This is a work of fan fiction and I won't be making any money from it.

The story may contain SPOILERS for the Wheel of Time, Ranma ½, The Shannara series, and the Fist of the North Star series. And I think I can already beginning to feel pain for trying to write a story of this magnitude. Let's hope that everyone likes it, and that I manage to complete it somehow.

The story begins during chapter 2 of book 6 of The Wheel of Time . And it is naturally not written in the same level of detail as normal WoT. Even a small chapter can take a long, long time that way.

As the author, I would suggest that you skip over the History chapter, and come back to it later.

Both the history and chapter 1(Prologue) have been done rather quickly and are not really good quality, so bear with me, here. The story really starts in chapter 2, it would be best to skim through chapter 1, or read the chapter Summary at the start and move on… come back to it later, if you actually like my story J

Incidentally, I could use a pre-reader.

And please Review… after you've read through the whole thing. All of you should know that it takes a while for any long story to stabilize, so that you're not finding something new every five seconds J. SO don't judge the whole story on the basis of the first chapters.

Well, that's all for now.

So forward….