FLCL Fan Fiction ❯ Sana ❯ Uneasy ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

NoTiCe:I never learned about his mom in the Series, so please don't tell me what's wrong or what's right. No flames, please. Thank you!
I did not make or draw anybody of or from FLCL. Therefore, I take no credit in their origin…and stuff. Oh yeah, and I didn't make Corona beer either.
Naota lay on his bed, eyes closed but not really sleeping. He didn't want to go to school today, he felt awful. His stomache was still churning from Haruko's `cooking' the other day. He swore that the food on his plate moved. Naota moaned and pressed his two hands against his stomache.
“Dad!” He shouted. “I ain't goin' to school today!”
No reply. Of course, he knew very well his father wasn't going to answer because he was at a job review, and grandpa offered to come with him. The only ones in the house were Kanti, Haruko, and him. Yippee.
“Damn. Damn it all.” He said, banging his fist against the wall.
“Hey, shut up, tryin' to get some beauty sleep here.” Said Haruko.
Your gonna need more than just tonight, He thought.
Giving a deep sigh he rose from his bed and walked out the door. Sure, he had no shirt on, and yeah, he was wearing tye-dye shorts, but who cared? He wasn't going to school, so no one would laugh at him. He grinned, satisfied that he was in charge of the house now.
“I'm the only one awake in this house. That's a miracle.” He spat, Miyu-Miyu purring against his legs.
Naota's eyebrows twitched, “You don't count. Your just a cat.”
The cat glared at Naota, its eyes gleaming at him. It jumped on the table and rested there, still eyeing him. He didn't care at all, infact he opened the fridge, grabbed a milk carton and threw it on the table, nearly hitting the cat.
Naota leaped on one of the counter tops and went through the pantry. Cups, plates, spoons…a porno mag?
He took a quick glance at it, but threw it over his shoulder.
“What the hell is this?” He asked, staring at a blue cat-shaped jar. The jar was wide, but still very small; it was strange how he never noticed it before. He shook it furiously and heard a jingle.
“What the…”
He raised the cat's head (top) and found a letter that looked as if it were folded thousands of times. He unfolded it slowly and read it aloud.
Dear Sana,
I'm so happy we've finally had our first son. He's such a beautiful soul, just like his mother. I wish there was a way I could show him to you, though.
He's everything I've ever wanted, Sana, and I'll never forget the night we shared when we decided to be parents of our own child.
I'll love you always, Sana, and always never ends.
Forever yours,
Naota's mind suddenly went blank. The thought of having a mother (or another parent) never occurred to him. He had just never noticed that almost everyone has or had a mother.
“Mom…?” He whispered, his lips parting in confusion.
He had to find out who his mother was, no matter what it took.
“KANTI!” He called, running out into his front yard.
There was Kanti, laying on the grass, his screen shining in the sunlight.
“Kanti, can you drive?” Naota asked, forcing on some blue jeans and a jacket.
The robot made a shrug, and on his screen typed the words: I CAN TRY…
“Great, now lets go. We can take Dad's car.”
Kanti's screen showed what looked like a happy face and pulled Naota by his jacket's collar.
The car smelled of pizza cheese and Corona beer, the four seats were covered in dust and what seemed like soda stains. (Naota hoped they were soda stains.) He hesitated to his seat, being queasy since last night, he clenched his stomache again.
`WHERE ARE WE GOING?' He typed, Naota nervously clicking on his seat belt, suddenly having second thoughts.
“Ugh…Tully Road, apartment 43…”
Kanti need not another word, he stuck the keys into the ignition and hit the gas pedal, making Naota's head bang back and forth on the passenger's seat. Naota saw a brown paper bag that said VITO'S PIZZA and placed it on his seat.
“Great…Just great…” He managed to say, grabbing the brown bag and holding it tightly in his hands.
[Eeep. Naota. I don't know how to spell it. Next chapter, will update soon. =o Thanks again, Baby_blue_rock!]