Flint The Time Detective Fan Fiction ❯ Undefined Figure ❯ I ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A/N: Um... sorry I don't have the propriety that qualify this as a consummate fanfic. Shakespeare wasn't able to correct the grammatical errors. Though I did use spell check... no I lied... this is a creation of my imagination. And also if I did own any of these characters they would have been in one of my books by now.
"Yes I said it loud and clear, so you can't sue me you freaks!"
In retaliation the freaks say, "You can take our clothes but not out dignity! Actually that does not make sense and so..." they run out of site.

P.S: That was not supposed to be humorous.

All is well in the vast world of time land II. The feeling of nature and security was everywhere. Oldtimer was pleased there were no more scavenger hunts for the time time-shifters, just yet. He looked at his laptop's monitor and watched the 25th century life. "I'll go take a nap for awhile", he thought.

In School, Sara guessed on all of her math problems while Tony took them as a big joke. Flint waited impatiently for school to end and have a basketball game with his two special friends. Five minutes later a gargantuan group of high schoolers came pouring out of the school following Tony and Sara.

"So sis, how'd you think the math test was?"

Sara answered angrily,"Impossibly infuriating!."

"Yeah you and math share a *special relationship*."

"You're just making things exacerbating. We'll never get to the point... let's just go to Flint."

They approach Flint. "About time you showed up, lets play one on two. You okay with that?" Flint asked.

"You must be kidding! You know I'm an *all star state of the arts champion*. I'll beat you. Why don't you and Sara team up while I'll beat you so bad that you wished Petrafina would come."

"Was that an insult?" Flint said sarcastically. "I'm afraid you'll be going down."

Before the match began, Sara left informally ( meaning no one knew she left or maybe I should have written "She left unnoticed). She felt she lost her acuity in the math field. A total downfall that made her more self- conscience about each math problem she would solve now and in the near future. "I used to be an -A student in freshmen year but now as a junior it's more of a C+ to a B+ range. What happened to my beautiful A's?" she thought to herself. A nice walk wouldn't hurt and plus it helps to get rid of unnecessary things in the mind. Sara knew there had to be more to life than this (referring to the math test). Yes, besides math she was (and still is) doing extremely well in the history and science subjects that she was invited by the departments and the principal to consider taking honour's classes for next year.

Unwontedly, she spotted a dark figure a few meters in front of her and it was heading towards her. She turned left to a dark alley hoping the dark figure wouldn't discover her. Sara's heart raced in fear. Still the dark figure traced her steps and she just ran for her life. Over a multitude of obstacles, garbage, boxes, old hardware, and stuff that was meant for the alley. It seemed that the faster she ran the quicker the dark figure hovered. Sara ran her final escape but just to be trapped in front of a barrier wall. Before she could scream the dark figure struck it's left hand out...

Back at the game, Flint was in the lead three to zero and Tony tried every move he knew to at least get a hoop. "I can't believe I'm losing to a pre-historic creature. This is insane!"he said to himself. Tony's conceited attitude was his ultimate downfall. He banged his fist against the wall when Flint scored another point . "I can't believe I'm defeating a contemporary creature. This is insane!" Flint said to himself. The game continued until the sunset was sinking down. Flint beat Tony bitterly thirty-five to ten and Tony decided to practice on his skills. As they were walking home to their uncle's house, Tony realized Sara was missing,"Flint where did Sara go?"