Fruits Basket Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Letters ❯ Fall ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dear Hatori Sohma,

As you saw I did emphasize on the last name. After all I minus will be a Sohma too won’t I. Even though I will never be accepted into this family I will never be accepted anywhere, I know that everyone is accepted into my circle I’m just not accepted into theirs and that is that. Now you said that Kyo and Yuki are getting along a little, Able to sit next to each other. If you weren’t the one telling me I think I would have busted into laughter. Even though I have spoken to Kanna and about the wedding she is so happy. She was screeching in joy almost collapsing and tears of joy came. I’m not trying to rub it into your face just so you know Hatori. I wouldn’t do that. You aren’t winter as you downcast yourself; you aren’t spring or summer either. Just so you know, you’re Hatori not a season. If you want to be compared I would say you’re a fall anyway. Not cold or warm, in-between it is just not the same.

I have written to Kyo and Yuki they wrote back, their attitudes are completely different! I was so surprised, I guess Miss Honda is a wonderful person. They have changed for the better, I am glad I am alive to see it. Shigure is also himself, his perverted and irresponsible self. Even though I have graduated from collage as a lawyer and government agent for current affairs. I am very happy yet of course you know me at the top never letting any pretty boy get on my case. I’m happy to say! I want to visit you guys but Akito…he has forbid me and I am guessing you are busy after all you’re a doctor in need of taking care of the family. Ritsu wrote to me and said he was better more self-confident. I was so proud of him I sent him a present. You’ll have to ask him what it is, I’m sure he’ll go crazy thinking he’s bragging though. Hatori- I miss you. I miss the home and everything yet this place I am living in is but only a shelter not a comfort zone. The main house was my comfort zone even though no one visits anymore. I fell a little distant, like I’m talking to the dead,

Don’t even attempt to crack a joke with that since I am a Wicca Hatori! Oh yeah since I am at the top done with school and everything at the age of 19 I am honored. They gave me a chance to move to the United States in New York but you know I would never do that. I’ll just become farther from you guys. Akito though, how is he doing please tell me he hasn’t done anything rash, I’m concerned for him. Very concerned. I plan on visiting though for Christmas or the first day of spring! Akito wouldn’t mind I could very well tell without speaking to him. He’s just trying to shun me from his life due to this disease. My leukemia just brings coughing and gets me tired at times yet over all I am strong. I can fight as well as ever and you can tell it isn’t making me delirious. I’m healthy if you release the harbored ideas of my illness. Don’t worry yourself as you read about this illness in your books.

Anyway how is Kisa, the last time I saw her she was but only a little baby as small as your palm and Hiro…the same for him. The very same I could tell his ignorance at the start I saw him. Yet Kisa I heard of her troubles through the told grapevine and then from Kyo and Yuki I heard about Hiro and what Akito had did. I put a sickness on him for it and brought him a wave of regret then it ended with me to apologize and for him to sorrowfully apologize repeatedly. I visited when you were with Kanna the last day when you erased her memory…. I felt the waves of emotions and I cried. You never knew this actually no one did really forgive me. I’ll visit Shigure tomorrow I hope to see you too Hatori.

Forever Yours,

Kagome Higurashi

Kagome sealed the letter into the envelope sealing it with a glistening bead. She stood up and walked down the steps from her room out the door. Slipping the letter into the envelope she looked around outside. It was snowing as she leaned against the doorframe looking outside to the sleeping world. Snow lifting over it as a blanket. She smiled remembering the verse Hatori had come to the stamp into himself, “ I am as cold as winter.”

She turned around returning back to the house. She grabbed her jacket slipping it over her shoulders and sliding a wool hat over her head slipping into her shoes and walking out the door. The snow continued to fall as she smiled stretching out her arms and twirling in circles drilling herself into the snow smiling until she fell to the ground sinking deep into the world of snow. The temperature of this snow was not cold it was just right a soothing bath to her. Entwining her fingers into her dark locks and the cold snow she smiled,” Just like at the main house.”

She remembered running into the snow like that every winter at the main house. She would always do that no matter what. The snow would be her deathbed and the snow would be her rebirth. Her smile curled on her face as she looked up to the sky whispering to herself incoherent thoughts of the past.

Hatori stood there, he was about 50 feet away from her standing they’re watching her as she danced in the snow. He watched her lay in the snow. She drowned deep into the white abyss. Without a word he walked toward her and sat down. She jumped,” Hatori?!”

He didn’t turn to her he just sat there in the snow without a word. He didn’t say anything yet at the same time he said everything. She smiled hugging her knees,” You came, I was beginning to think you would never visit again.”

He kept his solemn face,” what made you think that?”

Shrugging and leaning a head to his shoulder she whispered,” The factors that your letter was like a letter after not seeing each other or reuniting after a year. Maybe you’re getting to old.”

He smiled turning away,” I doubt I am as old as your senile grandfather.”

Kagome laughed then stood up wiping the snow off herself and taking his hand,” Come on, I’ll give you your letter and then we’ll have some tea.”

Standing and following her Hatori smiled inside. He was beaming on a thoughtful note. It was just like old times. This one person drove him to summer as Kanna drove him to spring. The never ending seasons that continued on. Kagome handed him the letter and it took it slipping it into his pocket walking inside to have a cup of tea with his old time friend.

Kyo sat down staring at the envelope that had came to him he knew who it was from the name was on the cover and that seal was the same every time. She always put the animal she was sending it to picture as the seal. It thought it was cute a little yet also annoying at the way she made him look so harmless when he wanted to be so strong. Sighing he dropped the envelope on the table. Yuki spoke,” Why don’t you just open it, it’s not a bomb.”

“ Shut up and stay out of my damn business.”

Yuki turned to him,” Obviously you know it’s from Kagome after all her name is right there and the seal tells all. She wouldn’t attempt to kill you, after all a bomb wouldn’t fit into that envelope when it’s already in your brain.”

“ Stay out of it you damn rat! Stop making it sound like you know everything! Why haven’t you opened yours yet anyway?!”

He averted his eyes toward him with a glare,” That’s none of your business!”

Shigure ran in smiling with an unfolded paper in his hand. His face sparkling with joy as he sang,” Our dear Kagome has written such wonderful words to me! Oh how I miss her cheerful face! I have not seen her in years!”

They glared at him then spoke in unison,” Are you trying to bring it up!?”

He retorted to defend himself,” of course not! Hey why haven’t you opened your letters yet?”

They remained quiet as Shigure sat down before them. Tohru walked into the room,” hello everyone!”

Yuki smiled,” hello Miss Honda welcome back.”

She smiled to him then saw the envelopes,” You got mail? Why aren’t you reading it yet?”

They let out a sigh then grabbed their letters without a word. Sending a quick glare to each other then turned away as Shigiure sighed,” It seems you both hate the idea of Kagome sending such wonderful words yet the imagery has disappeared. Well good news! She’s visiting!!!!!”

They froze with shock yet also never ending joy. Tohru asked," Who's Kagome?"

Yuki and Kyo stood up dragging Shigure outside as Tohru rose a hand to stop them but they were already gone. Shigure pleaded," Tohru help!"

Yuki asked angrily," What do you mean she's visiting?"

" Yeah! Akito forbided it because of that damn sickness of her's."

Playing with his fingers he smiled," She was banished from the main house not this house remember. And she's coming tomorrow so is Hatori."

Kyo shrieked," What?! Why the hell does he have to come?!"

Shigure stood taking a serious note and looking up to them," You know the bond Kagome and Hatori shared. She wasn't allowed to visit the main house and that is where Hatori lived. She left disappeared. All of us have written to her don't you remember all her letters that meant so much to us."

Looking opposite directions they sighed and turned around leaving him there and continuing to open their letters and read it. Sighing at the words she held. Tohru looked at their docile faces and smiled thinking to herself, whoever this Kagome is I know I'm going to be happy to meet her.

Shigure then cut in ruining the moment," Oh yes and Haru, Ritsu, Ayame, Kagura, Hiro, Kisa, Momiji, and Kazuma are coming to."

The room became silent as Yuki turned to him fists clenched and Kyo followed. They kicked him outside as Kyo yelled," You basterd!"

Yuki warned," Don't come back."

Tohru jumped," Everyone's coming tomorrow?! I should go shopping for more food."

Yuki and Kyo turned ending their anger streak as Yuki smiled," Don't worry Miss Honda Kagome is bringing some food so you won't need to over work yourself."

Kyo nodded grunting," And they don't need to eat either."

Shigure smiled," Yes, and everyone else is bringing food too. We are going to meet at Sakura park near here. It is sure to be alot of fun. After all Kagome is a wicca it is sure to be a blast, the park is reserved for us."

Tohru questioned," A wicca?"

They nodded as she then asked again," so is she a Sohma."

Yuki answered," Well yes and no. She lived in the main house yet she was kicked out, and she is ill you see she has leukima."

" Yeah and she can hug us without us changing, she is a witch so she can put these little magic things together I guess."

Turning to him Yuki corrected," they are called charms stupid."

" Don't call me stupid! Stupid!"

" Stupid."

He growled as Tohru sat in silence thinking to herself, so she's a witch and use to live with the Sohmas. I can't wait to meet her! She sounds so wonderful!

Fin~hope you liked it!

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