Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ A Place to Belong ❯ Yellow Ribbons ( Chapter 3 )

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I do not own Fruits Basket. If I did, I would be very happy and planning the SECOND SEASON!!!!

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying it so far…I know it can be on the melodramatic side, but I am a romantic at heart so…thanks to Sakura for the reviews! It really inspired me to start this next part!

Tohru finished up her chores, then started on dinner. Kyou was standing in the doorway watching her. She was going through all the motions but yet she seemed somehow different. He hoped she wasn't getting sick again. He always got so nervous when she fell ill. "Yo, are you feeling ok?" he asked her.

"Hai!" she answered and gave him her brightest smile. She may know now what she felt for Yuki, but she had no intention of telling him or anyone else about it. They had given her so much, all of them, and she was not about to let it get ruined. "Dinner will be ready soon," she told him, "Kyo-kun how was your day?"

"Tooohhhhhrrruuu-kuuunn!" rang a high-pitched voice. Tohru smiled, she knew that could only be one person.

"Hai Momiji!" she waited for the rabbit to come running in. It only took him a second to find her. She was happy to see him, he always had so much energy and you couldn't help but love Momiji. If anyone could take her mind off of all of this craziness it was he.

"So I just saw Yuki-kun and Misa-san at the Main House. She looked very happy to be home. I would have stopped to say hi but they looked like they were having a serious conversation." Momiji told Kyou and Tohru.

"Well after being apart for so long I am sure they would have a lot to say," offered Tohru with a smile. "I am sure Misa-san would have loved to have seen you Momiji!" she told the blond haired boy. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" he asked him.

"Hai! I am going to go call Hatori-san and let him know!" Off he ran to use the phone. Tohru went back to preparing the meal. She wondered if Yuki would be home in time for dinner. She knew he was not particularly fond of going to the Main House. From the outside you would never know anything was upsetting Tohru. Since her mother died, she was very good at hiding her true emotions. She had always been able to sweep them under a rug, even fooling herself. She was counting on that ability now to just get through tonight.

Dinner went by, without Yuki and Misa. When it was acceptable to excuse herself Tohru said goodnight to Kyou, Shigure and Momiji, who was spending the night. "Tohru-kun can I sleep with you?" Momiji asked innocently.

"MOMIJI!" Kyou stood up and Tohru laughed.

As Tohru was going up the stairs she heard Momiji's wail, "Wah! Kyo-kun hit me!" and she smiled to herself again. They really were wonderful people and she loved them all. She went into her room and found the box she had been thinking about all night. She took out yellow ribbons, given to her for White Day by Yuki. She sat in her bed, holding the ribbon. It was never her intention to fall in love with Yuki.

"When did it even happen?" she thought to herself. "When did I fall in love, and why did it have to change?" She fell asleep, holding the ribbons, with those questions in her head. She didn't even notice Kyou standing by the door, watching her.

Yuki came in about an hour later after walking Misa home. He was upset to have left like that, like he didn't care at all about all the preparing Tohru had done for the day. He hoped she wasn't mad at him. Shigure was still awake when he came in. "Finally home huh?" Shigure asked with a wink. "So…what did you do?"

"Nothing like what you are thinking pervert!" Yuki answered. "Where is Tohru?"

"Off to bed a while ago," said Momiji bouncing in the room. "How is Misa? I saw you talking to her at the house."

"She is fine. You should go see her tomorrow. She asked about you." Yuki told Momiji.

Yuki excused himself and started up to his room. Kyou was at the top of the stairs. "Damn mouse. She didn't care you were gone." Kyou said. "She didn't seem to mind at all." Yuki stared at him for a while, about to punch him, but then he realized Kyou would have never said anything if she really didn't care. Kyou must have seen something that no one noticed, something to make him upset at the person who hurt Tohru. In this case it was him. Kyou just turned around and walked away, leaving Yuki at the top of the stairs.

He went towards Tohru's room, and noticed the door slightly open. He peeked his head in to see if she was really sleeping and he saw her lying on her bed. He went to her bedside and sat down. It had been a long time since he felt this for anyone. Since Misa in fact, as his feelings for Tohru were larger then what he had felt for Misa. He did love Misa at one point, but it was a love built from starvation. He was such an isolated child and she was the first person to really notice him. He needed her more then anything else. Akito noticed, and Yuki knew it was only a matter of time before some accident happened to Misa. He could not be the cause of such a thing to happen. So when the idea of her studying overseas came he helped convince her to go. But Tohru, his love for Tohru was different. She was pure and good. He was too afraid of what Akito would do if he told her of his feelings. He had seen what happened to everyone else. Akito did not deal well with these things. How do you voluntarily put someone you love into danger? Half a dozen times he wanted to pack her bags up and move her to somewhere else away from them, just to protect her from Akito. He was too selfish though. As much as he couldn't put her in a position of harm, he could not move her out of one either. He gently brushed some hair out of her eyes. "Gomen Honda-san. I wanted to be here with you. One day I will make it up to you." He started to stand up and saw something in her hand. It was the yellow ribbon he had given her. "Why would Honda-san be holding the ribbon?" he asked himself. "Could she…?" he asked softly and she stirred a little. Yuki walked quietly out so he didn't disturb her, his own questions in his head. He didn't notice Momiji right behind him. Momiji was smiling since he had seen the whole thing in Tohru's room. Momiji thought the Prince and the Princess was the obvious couple, he just hoped that they weren't stupid enough to waste this shot.

That's it for this chapter!! I hope you are liking it!! Please let me know what you think. I know the ribbon thing may have been pretty melodramatic, but to me it seems like Tohru would do something like that. Kind of like her walking around with the picture of her Mother, and it comforts her. So the ribbons were something special that could symbolize Yuki for her.

Ja ne!