Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Anata Dake ❯ Anata Dake, 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Anata Dake
Not Goodbye

A/N: FB is created by Takaya-sensei. "Say Goodnight" is written and sung by Beth Nielsen Chapman. This is my only songfic I will ever do. This song just fit so well. The lyrics are the single lines.

Say goodnight...not goodbye

Though I graduate tomorrow, my tears are about to pour out of my eyes. I sigh in resignation. But there is also a hope. A hope that I will see you again.

You will never leave my heart behind

My heart was always yours. From the first moment that I saw you smile. The first moment I saw your eyes, heard your voice, felt you move. I have always belonged to you.

Like the path of a star, I'll be anywhere you are

I will never leave you, beloved. Our hearts are woven together always, though you do not know it.

In the spark that lies beneath the coals

Even though they are dark in tone, the coals in my heart have ignited a spark that had burst into flames and continues to flare dangerously hot whenever your gentle voice murmurs my name.

In the secret place inside your soul

It's a secret to you. I can not tell you my feelings. You would think less of me. You do not know how my feelings have tortured me. I am helpless in your presence.

Keep my light in your eyes

I know you do not think of me as often as I think of you. But in my heart, I pray that there is a day when you do think of me; and when that day comes, you'll smile so beautifully that my heart will melt.

Say goodnight, not goodbye

I don't want to leave you, ever. The thought of being without you, of living without you, is unbearable. And yet, I can't cry. And I'm not sure why.

Don't you fear...when you dream?

I used to have nightmares about you. Heh. You would think that it was sweet. The time that I was sleeping was always sweet. I loved falling asleep, just so that I could meet you on a grassy hill on a moonless night, when the stars were blinding.

Waking up is never what it seems

And when I woke up, I realized that it was all a made up illusion of a fantasy in my heart. The caress I had felt, the softness of your lips, the warmth of your skin. All of it. A lie.

Like a jewel buried deep

And every night, I would endure it again - just to be with you. Even if it meant only in my fantasy. And it was wonderful.

Like a promise meant to keep

The dream would come so close, WE would come so close. But, when it was about to happen, when your hand would start to caress my abdomen, I would always stop you. Maybe I didn't want to see that this was all a dream. Maybe I can never be with you. Maybe I respect and love you too much to hurt you. Because in the end, all I do is hurt people.

You are everything you want to be

The graduation has come so fast. It seems like just moments ago since we first met. And yet, I know it's been an eternity. Who you are intrigues me.

So just let your heart reach out to me

Once again, I realize that this can never be. I can dream all I want, and nothing will make you mine - or me, yours. I just want you to hold me, to touch me, to love me.

I'll be your side

Zutto, I'll be by your side forever. If not physically, my heart will always watch over yours. My soul is connected by love.

Say goodnight, not goodbye

Can I love you forever? No one will ever live up to the standards of perfection that you have laid on the table of my life. I will be alone forever, languishing and remembering the love I had in high school.

You are everything you want to be

I am so proud of you. You have grown so much since I have met you. I realize this is *her* doing. And though I despise her; I can't help but love her for being able to make you so happy. This startles me. I had never thought that I would ever be able to say something kind about her.

So just let your heart reach out to me

And yet, I want you to be safe. I want someone to look after you in my place. And if it's her, I don't really mind anymore. I am learning that the true love in my heart for you allows me to grow.

Keep my light in your eyes

I want to thank you. You have helped me to let go. Though my heart is broken at the thought of leaving you, I will always be *there* for you. Always.

Say goodnight, not goodbye

Goodbye is such a sad word. It taunts with the sorrow of it's permanent state. I want there to be a morning, so I will say goodnight. Even through the blackest night, there will always be a morning.

Say goodnight, not goodbye

Goodnight my love.