Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Freckles ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I added the lyrics for anyone that isn’t familiar with this song. The inspiration for this one: My friend and I were watching Rurouni Kenshin one night and happened to notice “Lyrics by Yuki” appear on the screen toward the end of the opener. We of course thought of our favorite rat, Yuki Sohma. This story is the result of too many popsicles and anime and not enough sleep.

Disclaimer: Characters aren’t mine, the song isn’t mine. The story doesn’t really have a plot, so I can’t even say that is mine. And the idea was kind of thought up by my friend, so I can’t lay total claim on that. …..Do I really own anything? *gets lost pondering lack of ownership*
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“I brushed against those freckles that I hated so,
Life goes on and I heave a little sigh for you.
It's heavy, the love that I would share with you,
But it dissolves like it was just a sugar cube.
Now the little pain sitting in my heart
Has shrunk in a bit, but it really does hurt me now.
Those silly horoscopes, I
Guess I can't trust them after all.
If we could get further away,
I wonder what it would be like... ?
I'd be so happy
Inside my heart.
All the memories I have are beautiful in my mind,
But they don't feed the hunger deep inside my soul.
And tonight I thought, I'd be just sitting in my sorrow.
And now I must wonder why.
What did it really mean to you?
I just can't see it anymore!
I just can't see it anymore...... Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhhhh.....

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“Man, who suggested this anime? This has to be the stupidest opening in the world. I mean, the scenes they pick make it look like this is supposed to be a fighting anime. But the song is so fricking HAPPY! Freckles? What kind of pansy song is that? And “all the memories I have are beautiful in my mind?” He’s killing people! How does that fit? And this anime has nothing to do with horoscopes. Or freckles for that matter. Geez, this is so dumb.”

“Hiro, didn’t you suggest this anime? Why don’t you just sit and watch it without complaining?” Shigure commented from the doorway.

“Um, I kind of like the song,” Kisa stammered quietly.

“It’s ok.”

Tohru smiled watching the boy quickly give in to Kisa. He really was a lot like Kyo sometimes…

Just then, as the end of the song was coming, all three watching the show noticed a small line of text flash on the screen: Lyrics by Yuki Sohma.

Jaws dropped as they turned to the teenage boy that had entered the living room at that moment.

Noticing the stares he was receiving, Yuki became rather flustered and stammered, “What? What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Tohru recovered first and questioned him, “Yuki, um, did, did you, did you write the lyrics for that song?”

Yuki blushed deep crimson, avoiding the eyes still plastered to him.

They all took his silence for what it was, a yes.

Hiro blinked a few times and burst out laughing. He was rolling on the floor when Kyo walked into the room to see what the commotion was about. The ram barely managed to gasp out, “Yuki…freckles…wrote…song…!” before bursting into another fit of laughter as the anime Rurouni Kenshin began.