Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ It's Our Secret ❯ Remember Not to Care ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Shot Nine: Remember Not to Care
A/N: Hi there, everyone! Happy 4th of July to any and all Americans out there! I really hope that wherever you may live-it has nicer weather compared to my place of residence. ::Sigh:: I wonder if New Haven is still going to put on their fireworks display? By the way it sounds outside, probably not, thunder equals lightening equals rain equals a thunder storm and that does not equal fireworks. : ( Oh, well, I liked how this one-shot came out, so, I'm fine! Now, onto the fic:
“I can't do it. I can't tell her the truth. Can't tell my mother what just happened…I can't.” Machi's voice was uneven as she spoke. Each word shook itself free from the imprisonment of her lips.
“You have to do it, Machi, you have to tell her. It's the only way you can move on. While my situation is rather, different, so to say, I had to tell my mother basically the same thing as you.” She was given her response from Yuki, who held her hand in his. Her head rested against his chest.
“I don't think I'll be able to take hearing the disappointment in her tone nor the fact that I let her down.” Worry tainted each word.
“Everything will be alright.” His sentence was said assuredly, yet, sincerely.
“How do you know?” No emotion was present besides curiosity.
“You'll understand afterward.”
That event from the previous day replayed over and over again in Machi's mind; a determined look upon her face as she stood in front of her house. Her thoughts centered on the news she had to give, on the mental pain she was bound to come across, and the knowledge that Yuki would be there for her after it was all said and through.
I'm engaged. Those were the two words that she had to tell her mother, not a word more or less. She was of age so she was able to marry whom ever she wanted, whenever she wanted. Her mother, officially, had no say in the matter; yet, it wouldn't make her not try.
That was what her mother used over her for so long. That was how her mother raised her. But then, Machi met Yuki-he, who was brought up the same way-seen as a toy by his mother as well. Praised by all as a “Prince”; she could never see a prince in him. She just saw a human-one broken and lost-just like her. Doomed to follow the set plan given to them by their mothers'; he was able to be saved, and now, it was her turn.
She held that for him. He was able to break free from the chains of his mother, so, she could too. Just as long as she knew that he would forever be there for her, then, she would be able to slice any bond that her mother had over her life. And, she knew for a fact that he would be there for her for eternity, the sign of this was wrapped snug against her ring finger. Engaged, she still couldn't believe it! She would have a bond with him, nevertheless, she look forward to the future of their connection, not the destruction of it like she did with her mother's.
All she had to do was take a deep breath. Inhale. Yes, that was all it took. Exhale. It was as simple as that.
Her hand reached for the door bell. Her finger pressed down on it. She could hear the slight sound of it as it went off in the house. Could hear the small and light footsteps of the person she was desperate to talk to, and yet, never wanted to see again.
She was terrified! She couldn't do it! She wasn't strong enough for this. Her mind began to draw a blank as to what to say and do. Think, just think!
Then the words hit her. How could she have forgotten that part of their conversation yesterday? It was the most important part, the most important words of advice Yuki had to offer her…
“I don't think I'll be able to do this. Not now and not with the news I have. I'm too afraid, too much of a coward for this.” Her eyes were wide in uncertainty, as they gazed downward, glazed over.
Yuki let out a small and gentle laugh, “Just remember.”
“Remember what?” That moment of hyperventilation came and passed, for, the question had caught her off guard and had confused her.
“Remember to not care and you'll be just fine.”
“Remember to not care.” She repeated the words and enjoyed the way they tasted on her tongue.
The door opened and her mother stared down at her, eyes cold and nearly emotionless. Machi's eyes mirrored hers. Those words weren't all that hard to remember.
Actually, she was sure she would never forget them.
A/N: Another one-shot done. Well, I have another one-shot on the way, a double post, in fact. So, please tell me what you think of this one or both of them in a review, and please take care. : D