Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ It's That Time Again... ❯ Conveinence Store Blues ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
                                             It's That Time Again...
                                                                        -Bridget (Lupin) Bishop 1

One ordinary spring day at the Sohmas.........
Tohru woke up at usual time to start breakfast. Kyo was already up watching.....MAMAS FAMILY!! you see Kyo secretly watches these shows beause he cant in front of people or else he'll ruin his 'cool' apearence. About a half hour later Yuki woke up..well atleast he 'got up' because hes never truly 'awake' when he goes downstairs...but anyway... He sat down in the living room near Kyo, except Kyo hadnt noticed because he was so 'into' his show.
"What the hell are you watching?!"
"huh?" Kyo turned his head to see the silver haired boy looking at him with a suspicious face. "oh, shit!" Kyo quickly turned the channel in panic. " I was just flipping through the channels..."
"Sure you were..." added Yuki.
15 minutes later Shigure walked in. "Hello, my prescious little flower!!" he said to Tohru who was finishing preparing everyone breakfast.
"Good morning!" said Tohru.
breakfast everyone started getting ready to go to school.Yuki went ahead cause he had to do some stupid stuff he always does at school. Then Kyo and Tohru left. Kyo walked a couple feet before Tohru.Sooner or later they finally arrived at their destination. Tohru finally caught up to her friends, Uo and Hana. Then they all went to class like good
was finally over so the three of them walked home together.Tohru and Yuki were talking then Kyo finally joined the conversation. What were they talking about you say? How the hell am I supposed to know?! Im just a humble monk trying to get by......HAH!!
they EVENTUALLY got home. Tohru did her homework then started dinner. Shigure was in his 'study' playing on his computer...just kidding.. he was typing his stories kinda like im doing now...MOVING ON!! Yuki-kins what DOES he do when he gets home?! Oh! I know..he went out back to his secret base!! Kyo was reading on the roof like a good widdle kitty.
" DINNERS READY!" yelled Tohru.
Im not sure how everyone heard that since Yuki was way in the back yard and Kyo was on the roof..but oh well..THEY DID! During dinner Tohru got a little dizzy..and red.. AND HORNS GREW OUT OF HER HEAD!! just kidding..she was starting to get a fever.. you know, like those times when she got a fever before. Anyway... Yuki noticed that she
didnt look so well.Honda, are you feeling alright?" asked Yuki.
"eh? oh.. i dont know", replied Tohru slowly, " I think im getting sick...again."
dinner, Shigure checked her temperature."Wow! 100.2!!" shreiked Shigure. Tohru had one of those 'im so pathetic' looks on her face. "I think you should head on up to bed", said Shigure.
"But-" Tohru was saying before she was interupted.
" Dont start that again!!" yelled Kyo, " go to bed!!"
"Kyo, be nice", said Shigure.
Kyo just let out a "hmph" and walked away.
went to sleep.

"Oh no...", sighed Shigure.
"What is it now?!" asked Kyo. Shigure remembered something. "Tohru never went shopping this week yet", said Shigure, "were running out of alot of things." Just then an idea came to his mind." I know!! why dont you two do the shopping for Tohru, since shes sick?"
"Besides, we wouldnt know what to get", said Yuki.
"I have the shopping list right here!!" replied Shigure.


Yelled Kyo. "whatever.......", responded Yuki. Shigure waved them good-bye with a smirk on his face.

------------- chapt 2

Yuki and Kyo went through almost everything on the list. "Bread", said Yuki. "Got it..", replied Kyo who tossed the bread in the basket.
"Are we almost finished here?!" asked Kyo.
"Almost, we have one more thing-- which you can get..", said Yuki after
reading the last thing on the list.
"SAY WHAT?!" yelled Kyo who grabbed the list from Yuki. "TAMPONS?!?" Kyo shouted really really loud and everyone in the store heard.
"Would you shut up?!" yelled Yuki who tried to make it seem like he never saw Kyo in his whole life.
"Forget it! lets go!" said Kyo.
"We cant just not get one thing cause your afraid of getting it", said Yuki.
"Im not AFRAID!!" yelled Kyo.

Yuki and Kyo made it to the personal hygiene section. Luckily no one else was there.
"Ok, go get them", said Kyo.
"Me?!" shreiked Yuki, "but thats your job..i read the iteams and you get them"
"Well, now Im switching!!"
"You cant just do that!!"
"Well I say you can!!"
"just shut up for one minute" They walked down the aisle looking for the tampons. They finally found them.
"HOLY SHIT!!" yelled Kyo. There were thousands, nay, millions of different brands to choose from.
"Well, which do you prefer?" asked Kyo.
"What?! Do I LOOK like I use these sorta things?!" yelled Yuki
Kyo stared at Yuki.
"shut up...", said Yuki. At that moment they heard a woman shouting, "PERVERTS!!". They both jumped panicingly and noticed that she was talking to some guys who were staring at dirty magazines. "whew.." sighed Yuki and Kyo. Yuki decided it was about time they get the hell out of there so he grabbed the closest box he could find. They raced to the nearest cash register. Actually it was the only cash register in the store cause the other three were closed due to inconveince. They stood in line next to some little kid and her mom. The little brat saw what they had hidden in their basket and screamed, "Mommy I want some candy!!".
" No, honey not today." replied her mom.
"BUT I WANT SOME CANDY NOW!!!!!" whinned the little girl.
"No, honey", said the mom trying to shut her brat up.
"BUT THOSE TWO GOT CANDY!!" screamed the girl and pointing to Yuki and Kyo. Yuki and Kyo looked down at what the girl was pointing at- the tampons!! They both shreiked. They dont have candy, thats--" said the mother and stared at them like they were aliens."Come on sweety, were next in line.." said the mom.
" I cant believe that just happened!" Kyo said.


Finally it was their turn to pay for their stuff. The lady ringed up almost all their things, then she grabbed for the next iteam- the tampons!! She looked at them weird. BEEP. She ran it through again. BEEP. She grabbed for the mic."Price check on Tampax Pearl tampons", said the lady. "Oh my god!!'' shreiked Kyo and Yuki.

FINALLY they made it out of the store and started walking home. Alot of people stared at them cause thay had blank expressions on their faces.
"I dont care what Shigure says next time, Im not doing this again!" shouted Kyo. Yuki smirked.
Little did they know, the cashier lady cut a hole in the bottom of their bag because she thought they were up to no good (people have little faith in others these days, dont they?) so guess what fell out? you guessed it- the chips!! just kidding!! the tampons fell out!! who wouldve guessed?!
They were about to turn the corner into the long-ass driveway when Kyo noticed the hole.
"oh shit!"
"Theres a hole in the bag!"
They turned around to see one of their iteams on the ground. Yuki picked it up.
"Maybe we should check to see if everythings in the bag".
"yea.." Kyo placed the bag down on the ground and Yuki checked off all the iteams...well most of them.
"oh my god...", shreiked Yuki.
"what is it this time?!"