Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ moments ❯ Breaking the Secrets ( Chapter 2 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket even though I wish I did. Thank you.
Authors note: Please, please, please tell me what you think.
Breaking the Secrets
Yuki got out of bed, dressed himself, and went downstairs to get breakfast. He'd had a strange that night about Ayame running to him in a wedding dress. This had disturbed him enough already when it really happened, so he didn't see why he had to dream about it too.
When Yuki got downstairs food was on the, but only Kyo and Shigure were there. “Where's Ms.Honda,” he asked Kyo sitting down. “Why the hell are you asking me,” yelled Kyo ready for a fight. “Well…after last night I thought you would be more aware of her whereabouts,” Yuki said simply. “Why you sneaky bastard!” Kyo was blushing furiously and didn't look Yuki in the eyes. “Ooooo! What happened last niiiiight,” Shigure asked in a singsong voice. “Nothing!,” yelled Kyo, “nothing okay! Absolutely nothing happened!” Kyo got up and stomped out the door.
“So…what did happen last night,” Shigure asked Yuki, now sounding much more serious. “Nothing,” said Yuki looking away. “Hi, um…what's going on,” asked a familiar voice. Yuki and Shigure turned to see Tohru standing in the doorway. She was carrying grocery bags and had a worried look on her face, “I just saw Kyo running out and he seemed to be mad. `Isn't he always,' thought Yuki. “Well,” said Shigure thoughtfully, “Yuki seemed to say something that touched a nerve.”
“Oh?” Tohru looked between the two of them confused. “Yes…he said he thought Kyo would know more about you after last night.” Shigure smiled. “Last night?!” Tohru squealed, “what about last night?!” “Whaaaaat,” whined Shigure, “what happened last night?” He noticed Tohru grab something around her neck, “Nothing! Nothing happened! Why would you say something like that?! Heh! Heh!” She quickly put down her bags and left.
Shigure looked at Yuki who was still staring at the doorway. “Jealous?” “No, of course not,” said Yuki. He glanced at Shigure then got up and left.
“Hi!” said Tohru, her head suddenly popping up on the side of the roof. “AAGH!” yelled Kyo sitting up, “why do you always have to sneak up on me like that?! I mean I guess I should be used to it by now but…well…I'm not!” “Sorry,” Tohru said giggling and sitting down next to him. “So what do you want,” asked Kyo blushing. “Oh…um, well did-did Yuki say something to upset you again because---,” “Yuki saw us last night,” said Kyo cutting her off, “he just said some stuff in front of Shigure and, well…you know Shigure is, and I got mad and left. Shigure still doesn't know what happened last night though. I don't think.” “Oh, he doesn't.” Tohru said smiling, remembering Shigure's pleading to find out.
“Oh good,” said Kyo, “now we won't have to deal with him as much.” “Um…do you know if Yuki saw or did he just hear,” asked Tohru. “Hopefully he only heard, he didn't say, but you know since you ki-um…yeah um…I don't know.” kyo was blushing and couldn't bear to look at Tohru. She had never kissed him before. “Oh, yes…well, um…I thought that if I hugged you-well you know…you'd transform. I know you don't like that, and I didn't want to end the day with that so I…” Tohru was blushing furiously and kept looking away. “It's okay,” Kyo said quietly, “I get it.”
Inside, Shigure was trying to get Yuki to tell him what was going on. “Come on Yuki, please,” whined Shigure. “No,” Yuki said getting quite annoyed, “I'm going to respect their privacy. They'll tell you themselves if they want to.” “Respect their privacy huh? Oh, like you did last night,” prodded Shigure. “Ugh! Just drop it okay!” Yuki, being so frustrated he couldn't stand it anymore, walked out leaving Shigure all alone. `I wonder if they'll ever tell anyone,' wondered Yuki.
As he walked outside to go to his and Tohru's secret base, which always seemed to calm him down, he glanced back and saw Kyo and Tohru sitting and talking on the roof. `It doesn't matter,' he thought, `I've talked to Ms.Honda in private too. This isn't any different. I'm not worried. Wait, why would I be worried anyway? No, I'm not, so there!'
At school Tohru met up with Uo and Hana. “Hi guys,” she said smiling. “ `Sup,” Uo said examining her, “hey, where'd ya get the necklace? It's cute on you.” “Oh,” said Tohru nervously looking away, “Kyo gave it to me. He didn't want me going with him into the store yesterday because he wanted it to be a surprise.” Hana looked out the window, “How strange.” “Huh?” Tohru looked from Uo to Hana at her remark.
“That was strangely nice of him to get that for you. I think he likes you a bit more than a friend Tohru.” “Wha-no!” Tohru was practically screaming at her two best friends, “that's not true uh…um…no, really…why would you say something like that?!” “Umm, what's going on,” asked Kyo walking over. “We just told Tohru you like her more than just a friend,” said Uo simply while Hana was nodding her head slowly.
“What?!” Kyo yelled looking between the three of them. “Well you did get her that cute little necklace,” said Uo winking at him. “No! um…it's just a necklace, come on!” “You're in denial,” said Uo smirking. “I can take care of that,” Hana said quietly. “No!” yelled Kyo, “stay away from me! Both of you! You're both crazy!” Kyo walked off grabbing Tohru by the arm in the process, and took her to the other side of the room.
“Look, Tohru…um, what they said it's…it's not um…,” Kyo was at a loss for words. He wanted to tell her it wasn't true, but for some reason he could deny to everyone else but her. “It's okay,” Tohru said giggling, “Uo and Hana are just being Uo and Hana. They just want me to be happy. I mean they're already trying to get me married. And I don't even have a full time job yet!” “Hey, Kyon-Kyon! Go for it!” called a boy from across the class who'd been eyeing the two of them. “Aah! Shut up!” yelled Kyo.
Yuki stood by the window and watched, as Kyo halfheartedly tried to get to the kid that said that, while Tohru stood in between them. `I wonder if this is ever going to stop,' wondered Yuki, `Everyone knows he likes her expect for her. Why doesn't he just go for it? He's so obvious he's really got nothing to lose anyway. It's not like Akito would care. He hates the both of them so much, he wouldn't want to see them long enough to yell at them or say no to their relationship.'
“You okay Prince Charming?” Uo had come over to the window. Yuki nodded. “So,” said Uo, “does he hit on her at home a lot?” Yuki sighed, “Yes, but the sad thing is is that he doesn't even realize that he's hitting on her. He's too busy trying to make sure no one else hits on her, or he's worrying about someone hitting on her.”
“He's so obvious he shouldn't even try to hide it when someone points it out. It's not like he's fooling anyone.” Uo was shaking her head slowly with a small smile on her face. “Um…um Kyo eh---ah! Kyo he's bleeding!” >_< “So how was school?” Shigure asked at dinner. >_<
The next day Kyo decided to skip school. He needed some time to himself to think. He left a note on Tohru's desk so she'd know where he'd gone and left the house. He walked around the forest for a while going through all the places that he and Tohru spent together.
`Well,' he thought, `I do care about her, but that doesn't mean I love her. Well…I do love her, but I could never tell her…or anyone else really.' He continued walking through the woods thinking hard.
He and Tohru had been having some awkward moments between them, but she never said anything. And still, maybe she didn't love him back. No one ever thought of that now did they. He was so confused. HE didn't know what to do, but every day his love for her grew even stronger and stronger. He needed to tell someone…but…who?
And what if he did tell her? What if le told her and she didn't love him back? `No,' thought Kyo, `I won't tell her. I can't tell her. It could completely ruin our friendship.' “Besides I don't need that damn rat on my case telling me how to take care of her, and treat her right, and all that other crap!” “Um… take care of who,” said a voice that was much too familiar for Kyo's taste.
Kyo turned to see Tohru standing there with a confused look on her face. “Aah! Oh, um, no one. Take care of no one!” yelled Kyo blushing, trying to cover up anything she might have heard. “So, um, how long have you been standing there,” he asked afraid to hear the answer. “Um…well I only just found you, and you were saying how you didn't need that…um Yuki on your case,” Tohru said a little nervously. Kyo was acting very strange, like he was mad at her or something, and she couldn't understand why.
“Hey, wait a minute,” said Kyo suddenly, dragging Tohru from her thoughts, “why are you even here anyway? Why aren't you at school? I didn't want you to think I had run away again, and have you come looking for me and miss school! `Cause I how important going to school is for you, that's why I left the note!”
“Um, well when I saw the note I was afraid something was wrong, and I just wanted to check on you to see if you were okay. I also wanted to apologize if it was something I had done. So…so…I'm sorry.” Tohru was looking at the ground waiting for him to yell at her, though in the back of her mind she knew he was only going to tell her it wasn't her fault.
“What?” Kyo said surprised, “of course you haven't upset me. You haven't done anything, and you could never make me mad.” “I know,” Tohru said quietly still looking at the ground.
`God how I wish I could hug her,' thought Kyo, `just to hold her and be able to comfort her.' “Hey,” said Kyo lifting her chin with his finger so that she would look at him. He held her face in his hands and smiled at her. As he looked at her he felt that if he looked into her eyes any longer he'd get lost in them. Tohru noticed his eyes and expression soften as he looked at her, and she smiled and held onto his wrists.
“You gonna be okay,” he asked wanting her to say no just so he could hold her longer. “I guess,” Tohru said noticing an anxious look in his eyes not knowing it was because he didn't want to let go, not because she was still worried. “Good,” he said even though his insides were screaming no. “Um…so are you okay,” she asked him. “Yeah, I'm fine,” he said, “I just needed some time to think that's all.” “Oh,” she said looking relieved.
When he felt the grip on his wrists loosen, it was then that he realized that they were still holding onto each other. To his surprise she didn't pull away. Kyo blushed, and slowly and reluctantly, he let go of her and looked away. Tohru blushed slightly and looked to the side when she finally noticed where they were. She began to walk off without a word about where she was going, so Kyo followed her.
He ended up following her to the edge of an opening with a small lake at the edge. Tohru walked over to the rock Kyo had dug his claws into many months ago, sat down and touched it. She soon noticed a hand on top of hers, and felt warm breath on her ear. “Seems like just yesterday huh?” Kyo whispered to her.
The sound of his voice right in her ear made Tohru shiver and tingle all over. Kyo was so close to her that they were lightly touching, and he felt her shake beneath him as he spoke. This made him smile and start to speak again. “You saved me that night Tohru. You saved my life that night because you accepted me. I owe all the good things that have been happening in my life to you.”
“Wha-I didn't do that much,” said Tohru with a nervous laugh, “I just didn't want you to never come back, and of course I would accept you no matter what, a-and I couldn't possibly be making your life any better. I'm just me. I've done nothing.” She was talking quickly, and Kyo was surprised she hadn't passed out from the lack of air she got while talking so fast.
“Hey,” he said, “calm down.” He leaned his head against Tohru's and laughed, “see, look at how easily you can make me laugh without meaning to…you know, you really make happy.” “You make me happy too!” said Tohru, going back to her normal, energetic self. Kyo smiled at how adorable she sounded when she was happy, `like a four year old or something,' he thought.
Kyo thought for a minute. He really didn't want to bring Yuki into this, but he needed to know. “Um,” he mumbled, not really sure how to start. Then he leaned in and whispered something to her he never thought he would say, “do I make you as happy as Yuki makes you?” Tohru was startled by the question. “What,” she asked, and Kyo could tell by the sound of her voice that the question had taken her off guard.
“Do I make you as happy as Yuki makes you,” Kyo asked again more quietly, tightening his grip on her hand, and moving closer. “Of course,” said Tohru, “even…even more actually.” Kyo's heart skipped a beat. “I mean I still like Yuki as a friend and all too, but I feel closer to…to you,” she said quietly. Kyo felt her body heat rise, and figured she was probably blushing.
Kyo thought he would drop dead on the spot. Tohru had never said anything like that to him before. He'd always thought she'd liked Yuki a little more even if she did accept him. “Are you serious,” asked Kyo still not letting go of Tohru, “or are you only saying that so I don't leave?” “Both,” Tohru said very quietly, “it's true, but I'm also hoping that now that you know…you won't ever leave me.” Tohru sounded anxious, but determined not to let him leave. Kyo thought sadly about what was to happen to him after high school.
“I won't leave you,” said Kyo. “Ever,” asked Tohru. “Ever said Kyo trying to hide his sadness. “…P-promise,” Tohru asked, and Kyo could tell she was trying her hardest not to cry. “Promise,” whispered Kyo. Tohru suddenly turned around to face him as tears welled up in her eyes. All of a sudden she burst into tears, and thrust herself onto him.
“Tohru,” Kyo said weakly, now being held like a baby by a crying Tohru. “I-I'm sorry,” she cried, “I j-j-just couldn't help it, and I really needed a hu-ug r-right now.” Kyo hugged her back as best as he could in his human form, “sorry that I can't be much help with the hug.” Said Kyo upset that he couldn't hug her the way he wanted to, and the way he knew she needed at a time like this.
He was also a bit embarrassed about being a cat and all after what just happened between them. “It's fine,” sniffed Tohru, “besides…I don't mind hugging you like this. I'm glad I can.” “Yeah,” said Kyo blushing, “but still…right now you need a real hug, not a hug from a stupid cat.” “But I'm hugging a boy,” said Tohru, “who just happens to make a very cute cat that I would keep forever if I could!”
Tohru hugged Kyo to her chest tighter not realizing what she had just said, while Kyo blushed furiously. “Besides…a hug from you is just what I need right now,” Tohru said putting an emphasis on you and just. Kyo smiled and snuggled in closer to Tohru, who was startled by this action because she knew how much he hated being hugged, but smiled and got up to walk home.
Okay okay I know it was only my second chapter so it sucked, but please don't stop reading! And sorry it took so long for me to update, but I've got school and my dad's been on a lot too!