Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Razorblade Romances ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Razorblade Kisses
Chapter One

"Why do you do this to me," She whispered, quivering as she sat in the chair, her legs pulled up close to her as she rested her chin on her knees. Her grey eyes were wide, bloodshot from the tears she cried ever so much the last past days.

"Why do we do, what?" The counsiler asked, leaning a bit foreward to hear the girl's response. She had written a few notes since the girl had come, four years ago, and been assigned to her. She rarely talked much. She was more of the quiet type.

"T-this.. to me," She whispered, looking up, her eyes were wide, the black bags from lack of sleep under her eyes were becoming noticable. "T-this.. place.." She whispered quietly, pushing herself back into the seat.

"What are you trying to say," Samantha asked, pressing his glasses back up so they weren't slidding down again. She looked back down at her notepad that had nothing on it. Nothing from today's class. She watched as the girl whisper something. "Excuse me?"

Her eyes wide, she quickly moved and slammed her hands upon the desk, scattering papers all over the floor. "I said, LEAVE ME ALONE!!" She screamed, slamming her fists once again as the security guards quickly came in, grabbing her in their arms and dragging her back into her cell.

"Miss Sohma, I would gladly advise you to behave," Samantha said through the doorway of the girl's cell, a smile placed on her lips. "I look forward to seeing you tomorrow," She said before closing the door, locking it and heading back to her desk.

Sighing, she undid the elastic band holding her long red hair up in a ponytail as she leaned back in her chair. This girl.. She seemed to have major problems with something. Turning around in her chair, she opened a the large file cabinet, searching through the many names till reaching Sohma. Sohma, Kandis... There, Samantha thought as she picked it up carefully, flipping open the folder.

A picture was clipped to the top of the page. It was of her before she had come four years ago, when she was still just a little girl, only ten years old. Brightly smiling, her long black hair tied up in a black ribbon as she sat on the porch of her home, sitting elegantly in a gothic black dress.

"Wait a minute," Samantha said to herself as her eyes scanned the page of medical problems--Anorexia, insomnia, chronic depression. She continued flipping through the pages, finally reaching the section on her family. She had an older brother, one by the name of Hatori Sohma who currently resides at the Main House. Her father lived in another section of Japan, and her mother had commited suicide the day Kandis had been accepted into this institution. "She has a brother?"


He sat in his chair, looking over files as he heard a knock on his door. Looking quickly over at his schedule, Hatori sighed. No one had an appointment at this time. Assuming it was probably Shigure or Ayame coming to bug him, he slowly walked over to the door, opening it a bit and looked outside.

"Um, hello. My name is Samantha DeCourte, I am from the Institution beside one of the hospitals you check up on. This is the residence of Hatori Sohma, correct?" Samantha said, looking down at his sister's file that she held in her hand.

"Yes. Please come in, Miss DeCourte," Hatori said politely, opening the door and allowing her to come in. He took her coat and hung it beside his own as he lead her to his office. Taking a seat behind his desk, he motioned for her to sit as well. She did so as well.

"I was wondering, if it wasn't to much, if you could talk to me about your sister," Samatha said as she placed the file on the desk, sliding it over to Hatori who took it, and opened it. Samantha had made a few arrangements, had gotten a new picture of his sister and had printed out all of her observations during counsiling. "I'm her counsiler at the institution. We have been having some problems of getting her to talk to me.. She's been cutting off her food supply as a result."

Hatori's eyes widened as he read through the files. He hadn't seen his sister since the institute had come and taken here away. He was 23 at the time, and was training at the college to become a doctor. He hadn't really thought much about her. Actually, he had almost forgotten about her completely. "So, exactly, what do you expect me to do about this," Hatori asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at the girl who was fidgeting nervously in her seat.

"Well. Many patients that I have been with over the years, none of been quite like your sister. When we first met, I was told she didn't have any family, so I didn't think of it, but maybe... You could come back with me, and pay her a visit during one of our sessions. It's helped many other patients before, and I was thinking, that maybe it could help your sister."

They told her that my sister never had any family?

"And exactly around what time would it be possible for me to come see her?" Hatori asked, continuing to look through the files as he leaned back in his chair.

"Anytime you would like. We usually have our session between 8-10 in the morning. She usually tries to sleep the afternoon, but she's been having trouble sleeping, so..we usually give her a tranquilizer before night," Samantha said with a small smile. "We would be very grateful if you would come."
"I'll be over tomorrow," Hatori said as he closed to file and went to hand it to her, but she just continued smiling and shaking her head.

"You may keep it till tomorrow. Look over it. It has my notes from our sessions in the back, along with a recorded session we once tried.."

"So, I'll see you tomorrow," Hatori said as he opened a drawer on his desk and slid the file in, standing up and heading to the door. Samantha followed quietly behind him, slipping on her long black coat and beginning to do up the buttons.

"Thank you, Mr.Sohma, for allowing me to intrude like this. I hope I did not cause any trouble," Samantha said slipping on her shoes as Hatori opened the door. She stepped out, looking back at him with a smile. "Don't forget. We usually start around 8 AM.." And with that, she left.


Later that night, Hatori sat in his room at home, the file of his sister open on his desk as he listened to the tape that she had left for him. He lay back in his chair, his eyes slightly shut as he listened to the voices. Her voice had developed over time.

"Taped session, start one," Came Samantha's voice on the tape as Hatori just smiled. This woman.. She was just like Kana and that girl, Tohru Honda. Both so bright..

"Exactly.. why are we having a taped session," came his sister's voice. She sounded afraid, he could tell by the slight quiver in her voice.

"It's normal, Miss Sohma, just try to ignore it.. Now, shall we begin.."


"So, how have you been feeling? You're skin tone is beginning to look a bit flushed.."

"I.. uh... haven't been able to s-sleep.."

"Oh.. Why not?"

"I keep seeing her," Kandis said, her tone was becoming a bit cold, sounding a bit like Akito's. "Her standing before me.. in the kitchen at our house.."

"Yes? Can you remember what exactly happened?" Samantha said calmy.

"She was laughing..Grinning at me when I walked in.. I..she..she.."

"She what.. You can tell me.."

"She screamed at me.. How I was worthless, a horror.."

Hatori bit his bottom lip as he continued to listen. He had remembered what had happened like it was yesterday. His sister was born in the year of the cat... But, she had a different curse than the rest of us. She would transform only when hugging girls, cursed or not. He listened to hear if she would tell about the curse..

"Do you believe what she said, that you are indeed worthless, Miss Sohma?"

"I-I guess.. O-our leader thinks I am, too... worthless.."

"Has.. he said this to your face?"

"Y-yes.. When.. I was being punished.."



Sh e sat on the cot, her head bowed, her eyes tightly closed. Her mouth whispered words in an ancient chant as she looked up at the window high above her. The moon was high in the dark sky, and the stars were decorating the world in it's light. She looked longingly at the outside. She wanted to leave this place.

The door to her cell opened, causing her eyes to quickly see that Samantha and the nurse stood there. She watched as Samantha came closer and sat beside her, moving a strand of black hair from her view. "I have a surprise for you tomorrow," Samantha said with a smile.

Kandis blinked as the nurse walked over, holding the needle with the tranquilizer fluid inside. She held out her arm as the nurse cleaned the spot, injecting the needle into her skin. She slightly jumped before she watched them leave as quickly as they came.

Looking down at her arm, she looked back up at her window before laying down, falling asleep..


Author's Note:
Hey everyone. I hope you enjoyed that story. For those in FBR, some might now what I might have. I may have Hatori fall in love with the counsiler, so please.. Do not throw tomatoes at me you HatoriXKana fans. I promise to have chapter two up soon! Laters, MissAkashaWard