Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Rooftop Revelations ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

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Hello, all! After all the drama, RR is back with a bit of silliness and fluff that, hopefully, you will find amusing. Let me know!
Chapter 10
The weeks went by, and June turned into sweltering hot July. The air was constantly thick with humidity, and the three of us tried to spend our days indoor as much as possible. After the whole conflict between my two Sohma boys had completely blown over, things remained fairly placid within our troupe. In fact, when Shigure-san returned from his two-week trip to Nagasaki with Hatori-san, he still had no idea that anything had transpired between the two boys in the first place. Of course, Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun still fought with each other on a regular basis, but it was the regular, hot-headed, rash fighting that never ended in anything but shouting of insults back and forth. They were both stubborn, immature, and absolutely infuriating at times - And that was exactly the way I liked it. Under the constant pulsing of the summer sun's rays, things returned to their normal rhythm.
With the heat came sudden rainstorms as well, and it was on one such night that we had an unexpected visitor. We were lying in the backyard on the grass, heads side by side, looking up at the stars. We had been having a deep and meaningful conversation about how the Sohma curse could be broken, but by this point in the conversation we were all out of ideas, soaking wet, and thoroughly depressed.
“I wonder if it'll ever be gone,” said Kyou-kun dejectedly as I took his hand.
“Not unless we figure out a way to break it,” replied Yuki-kin glumly, pushing a few wet strands of hair out of his face. And then…
“LITTLE BROTHER! Come now! It's not so bad! Why, if we didn't have this curse, I never would have been able to explore the rather pleasant assets that lie hidden beneath Miss Honda's shirt without earning a slap!”
As Sohma Ayame walked across the lawn towards us, I heard three jaws hit the ground.
“Oh! I almost forgot to congratulate you! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU YOUNG LOVEBIRDS FINALLY GOT TOGETHER! IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!” His eyes became sparkly, and I swore I saw flower petals and bubbles floating on a pink background behind him as he gave his speech. “There is nothing so pure and beautiful as young lovers (a word which I mean in a strictly emotional sense, of course, because Kami-sama knows I understand the woes of being a Sohma male and having to resist the OVERWHELMING urge to…how did Haru put it…`spread our seed'?)” He clamped a firm hand on Kyou-kun's shoulders. “I feel your pain, man. Truly, I do. However, I hear from Gure that you two have absolutely NOO problem in engaging in as much physical contact as possible, so that's goo-”
His speech was cut short as Kyou-kun, face the color of a fire hydrant, and Yuki-kun both got up at the same time. I turned away, cringing at the thought of what was about to occur, and heard a series of shouts and two crashes. When I looked back again Ayame-san was on the grass with two pink lumps on his head and was reeling under the looming shadows of Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun, who were standing over him breathing heavily.
“Aya!!!! How nice of you to join us!” a voice chirped from the front doorway. At this, Ayame-san immediately forgot his head injuries.
“SHIGURE!!!!” he yelled, and I swore I saw them run at each other with outstretched arms in slow motion as the pink background, adorned with flower petals and bubbles, took its place once more.
“Why are you here, you idiot?!” Yuki-kun spat at his brother from the lawn.
Ayame-san put on a hurt face. “What, a guy can't come visit his little brother once in a while?!”
“No. I know you have some sort of agenda, so just spit it out.” Yuki-kun replied.
“I assure you, Yuki, I have no plans - other than to humiliate Miss Honda and Kyou a great deal, that is.” He grinned and flounced into the house with Shigure-san in what Kyou-kun referred to as “a very girly manner.” Moments later we heard repeated giggles and, after some time, raucous laughter. Words kept floating through the open window to our ears, such as “gettin' it on,” “youthful passion,” and “such a shame.”
“Dammit!” An extremely red Kyou-kun growled. “I can't just sit here, trying not to think about what they're laughing about!” Grabbing my hand, he strode through the front door and burst into the kitchen, Yuki-kun following from behind. Ayame-san and Shigure-san were sitting at the table with steaming hot tea in front of them with smiling faces - which immediately fell once they saw Kyou-kun's.
“Awww, Kyonkichi, don't be mad! Look!” Said Shigure-san, gesturing to the table, “We even had the courtesy to move in here and not talk about these things in front of you two! I must say, we are too considerate for our own good.”
“I wholeheartedly agree, Gure. If anything, Kyonkyon should be thanking us!” Ayame-san said earnestly.
My boyfriend let go of my hand as he clenched his into fists. “I told you to stop with those stupid nicknames!” He muttered through clenched teeth. The two children trapped in men's bodies sighed, looking dejected. We had pulled up chairs and were simply sitting in silence, praying they had finally fulfilled their urges to amuse themselves by making perverted comments about our “budding romance,” when Ayame-san suddenly gasped.
“What?!” Asked Shigure-san.
Ayame-san grinned evilly. “Imagine how beautiful Miss Honda would look in one of my original creations!” And they were off again, squealing about lace hemlines and 5-foot trains.
Yuki-kun, Kyou-kun, and I cringed, thinking of Ayame-san's “Costume Shop”. The truth was, he usually designed erotic cosplay outfits for men, which his assistant, Mine, requested I model. Though it was embarrassing, I usually didn't mind. But picturing myself willingly wearing a dress Ayame had made in public was a bit too much - my face heated up just thinking about it, as did Kyou-kun's.
After they had had their fill of girly fun, Ayame-san and Shigure-san sat quietly for a moment, sipping their tea, leaving Kyou-kun an opening for the question I was sure he would ask since Ayame-san arrived on our doorstep.
“You won't tell Akito, will you?” He said seriously, a worried look on his face. “You can't! You just can't, ok?! I know you're supposed to tell her everything that goes on here, but this is too important to have her mess it up!”
Shigure-san put up his hands in a placating gesture. “Kyou! Kyou, calm down! Do you think we're stupid?! Of course we're not going to tell Akito!”
“Arigatou,” I said, nodding to both of them. Since neither of the adult Sohmas wanted to go back to work, we all stayed there in the kitchen for a while, and Shigure-san and Ayame-san reminisced about their high school days while I laughed and Kyou-kun and Yuki-kun rolled their eyes. And Yuki-kun told them about the school as it was now, prompting them to marvel at how much it hadn't changed. I'm not sure how much time went by as we all sat there laughing and talking, but I remember the way I felt so clearly I can feel it now as I write this.
Sitting there, surrounded by people who cared about us and were willing to keep our secret to protect us, Kyou-kun and I felt loved. I had a warm feeling inside, and I couldn't stop laughing. And that night, we felt like part of a family - something I haven't felt since Okaa-san's accident, and something I was sure Kyou-kun hadn't felt very much in his life. And overwhelming sense of peace washed over us that day as we sat in the kitchen, simply laughing at our family's antics.
In a way, I felt the same as I had after that first conversation with Kyou-kun on the roof - the one that pretty much started our relationship. We still had those same problems to overcome - the curse, Akito's disapproval, and the arduous task of keeping it secret from her for who knows how long. But for the time being, none of it mattered much. We were surrounded by people who loved us, laughing at ridiculous things they had done in the past.
And for the moment, that was enough.