Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ The New Bunny In Town (contains spiolers) ❯ Enter Miyoko ( Chapter 1 )

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Welcome to my newest story! Fruits basket: A bunny in town! This story is about what happens when Momiji our cute little bunny boy meets Miyoko, a cute bunny girl who happens to be a member of Momiji's class who looks like this ygirl.jpg
But Miyoko has a huge secret; Can Momiji find out the secret of the quiet new bunny in town?
“So Momiji someone new is coming to your class?” said Tohru as they walked to class. The usual group was walking down the halls, Yuki and Machi acting lovey-dovey, Tohru and Kyo holding hands (Kyo is quite flushed), Hatsuharu talking with Uotani about orange top over there ^ . And Hanajima noticing waves and telling Momiji this at rapid speed.
“Yup, Yup, Yup and it's a girl!” said Momiji with much excitement in his voice.
“Yun-Yun this is my class. See ya later!” said Machi as she kissed Yuki on the cheek.
“ Tohru this is our class” said Uo-chan as they approached the stairs.
“ I'll meet up with you guys in a minute just let me walk Momiji and Hatsuharu to their class!” said Tohru as cheerful as ever.
“ Sure”
After Uo-chan and Hanajima left Yuki suddenly said “Isn't it great the curse is gone we've all found love excluding Momiji and Kagura of course. Even Akito found love with Shigure, and Ritsu with Mitsuru, Shigure's editor. It's just wonderful”
“ I agree!” said Tohru as she and Kyo kissed.
“ This is my class! Hey look she's here too!” Momiji chirped.
“Class, this is Miyoko she has just transferred here to Kaibara high from Sagiteru High” said Momiji `s teacher
“ You may introduce yourself Miyoko”
“ Okay… I'm Miyoko Kagikaru I'm a freshman of 16 years and I'm a bunny girl that's it” said Miyoko in a quiet voice. Momiji waved goodbye to his friends and entered the room.
Momiji then walked in and took his seat before the teacher could shout at him for being late.
“ Miss Kagikaru you may sit right next Mr. Sohma here the blonde one”
Miyoko slowly took her steps to her seat. `She's shaking..' thought Momiji as she sat down.
“ Now class let's begin today's lesson with a pop quiz! Every one except our new student will take this take this test. The Topic is foreign countries, the country Germany”
As the teacher passed out the test Momiji couldn't stop thinking about why she was shaking. He kept staring at her and soon enough she noticed. When she looked at him he saw fear in her eyes. `What's going n with her?' Momiji thought. Then once he thought that her eyes closed an she started to fall ` Oh my Kami she fainted!' Momiji then proceeded to catch her.
“ Sensei! Sensei” said Momiji. `What just happed'
Well that was chappy one what did you think. Plz review!