Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Torhu meets Sora (the sora from Kaleido star) ❯ New Friends ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I stood there in shock thinking “ THE Sora Naegino, Wow, I actually met her. Eeh, I am so happy.” I walked into the stadium and I saw some people backstage. I sat there for about another 50 minutes. The stadium kept getting more full every minute. Finally, it was a full house. The lights turned off and an announcement was made “The show will now start,” People started to clap and whistle, I clapped also. The play they were doing was Sleeping Beauty. The performance was amazing. The fairies flew around, They were beautiful…But Layla (She played as Sleeping Beauty.) Was Beautiful, She looked like an angel. It would be awesome if I got to meet her too. After the show, I didn't the stadium until everyone was gone. Then I heard some voices, I sat back down and listened. Usually I wouldn't do something like that but in this case, I just wanted to hear what they were saying. Anyway, I sat back down. I saw Layla walk out on stage to where Sora was standing, She looked angry with her. She said “Sora, Just cause you did good that one time doesn't mean you'll be performing every time, I feel like you are making a mockery of me every time you mess up.” Sora stood there with a happy face but right when Layla started talking to her, Her smile faded. I was thinking in my head, “I didn't know Layla was that rude, Well maybe she's just having a bad day.” Layla walked off the stage, Sora started to walk up the isle that I was on, I sat quietly in the chairs hoping she would pass right by me. She saw me and stopped, she said, “You heard, didn't you? Its ok, I can't let her ruin my day right?” “Yeah… That's right. I thought you did awesome.” I said. “ Have you eaten lunch yet?” Sora asked. “No I haven't, Why?” I said. “Do you want to go eat with me? I am going with my other friends and you could meet them as well.” Sora said. “Sure, Thanks for asking?”
I was so excited, First I met Sora, Now I am getting to meet her friends. When we got there, Sora introduced me to her friends, Ken, Anna, and Mia. They were all so nice. When we finished, We all went to the beach, First we all had to go back and get our swimsuits. We all met at the beach again, While we were there, Sora asked “ Do you want to come stay in the dorms with us?” “ I couldn't” I said. “ Yes you can, the dorm supervisor wouldn't mind at all.” Sora said, hoping I would say yes. “Oh, Ok, Thank you so much for everything.” I said. We all swam at the beach, It was fun.. Afterwards, I moved my stuff into Sora's room. Then we all took showers and went to sleep.