Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled ❯ Encounters ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ok, I finally got the chapter typed up!! Thank god!! Took me forever to get it out too. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter!!

Chapter 2

The rain had not let up as Momiji and Haru ran to Hatori’s house, keeping a book or two over their heads in an attempt to stay somewhat dry. Momiji usually stayed with Hatori, the man not being able to cook worth a damn. Haru stayed over occasionally, if only to get away from his parents for a while. Thoughts of earlier had been running through Haru’s mind the whole way home.
It had been late in the afternoon, right after classes ended. Momiji was waiting out front for Haru, Haru having left all his stuff in his locker. The combination on his lock didn’t wanna work for him again. It took a few tries before the damn thing had opened. Inside his locker was about as messy as his room. He was never very good at keeping things like this clean. Digging through the mess of old homework assignments and graded quizzes, he located the books he needed to take home somewhere near the bottom. He really needed to clean out that thing.
Thinking of doing it later, Haru shut his locker door to head home. He turned around and had to stop and stare. There he was again. Kain. He was at his own locker not too far from Haru’s. Long black hair being released from the restraint at the base of his tan neck flowed down like a waterfall. Gorgeous and strong arms were revealed as the jacket slid from his shoulders and left him in a tank top. A bit of his hip peered out as the shirt rose a bit. Haru felt the heat rise a bit in his cheeks again while a bit of his blood rushed down to his lower regions. Thankfully Haru had decided on a pair of slightly baggier pants today.
He needed to get out of there. As quickly and as casually as he could, Haru headed down the hall with his books in hand. Passing by Kain, he had thought he’d gotten away. “Hey, Haru, right?” Haru paused and looked at Kain, praying to any god who could hear him that he wasn’t blushing again.
Kain looked at him, an arm resting near the top of his locker as he leaned on it, his free hand stuffed only slightly into his pocket. He didn’t think it could be possible, but that pose made Kain look even better. Haru really wanted to see how sexy Kain’s body could really look. Haru had to force himself to not look at his body but at his face, where strands of his dark hair hung slightly in his gorgeous green eyes.
“Um…y-yeah.” Damn his voice. Haru cursed slightly under his breath as his voice refused to work properly.
Kain smirked as he stood from leaning on the lockers and walked towards him. His body moved with grace despite his muscles. Each step he took towards him made Haru feel a bit more nervous. What was wrong with him? Was this guy affecting him so much that he was acting like a school girl? Haru was startled when Kain leaned against his arm at the top of the lockers behind Haru. He looked up at Kain, the man being a few inches taller than him, and felt the small blush creep to his cheeks again as Kain’s face came close to his own. A few inches closer and they would be kissing.
Kain smirked once more, a smirk more of curiosity than anything. “So, Haru, you coming to the arcade Saturday?” His breath brushed against Haru’s cheek and he had to suppress a shiver. His voice was deep and smooth. A perfect combination that seemed to fit with his style.
Haru had to stop and think for a moment what he was talking about. Then it hit him. Momiji had invited Kain to go to the arcade with them. He still needed to kick Momiji’s ass for doing that. Haru swallowed slightly and nodded, not trusting his voice to answer.
“Good. I’ll be by around three Saturday,” Kain replied, the back of his fingers running along Haru’s neck and making his breath catch. Haru watched in awe as Kain picked his things up and headed down the hall, jacket thrown over his shoulder and a helmet in his hand. Haru stood there a few moments longer, trying his best to calm his beating heart. Being that close to Kain was an incredible feeling. His heart racing a million miles a minute and his body feeling like he was put into an oven on high. Haru took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself before heading out to meet his cousin.
His heart was still racing as him and Momiji neared home. Strange how Hatori’s house became more and more like home to him. Hatori accepted his sexuality and sometimes even encouraged it. It felt nice having someone fatherly like accept him for who he was and encouraged him to date who it was he wanted to date. The guest room had been claimed as Haru's room since most of the stuff he brought over from spending the night so many times just seemed to find a place in that room. If ever there was a place he needed to go, Hatori's would be the first place to look. That house was his second home.
Water puddled on the hardwood floor of the living room as she sat on the floor, her head bent as Hatori helped her to dry her rain soaked hair. She was quiet, not even speaking once since Hatori brought her back. He had been heading home that day, needing to check on Akito before Momiji and Haru came home. Out of nowhere, this woman, no more than 18, had walked out into the street, her face towards the sky and her hand reaching for the clouds. His tires screeched as he attempted to stop in time, his headlights being the only thing that touched her pale, soaked body.
He couldn't just leave her there, rain pouring down on her like a waterfall. It didn't take much for Hatori to bring her into the car. She seemed to be one who would obey any order given to her. Her emotionless eyes held no signs of life. It was as though everything about the woman made her seem like a walking corpse. The paleness of her skin and her unkempt black hair. Her clothes were dirty and torn and she had no shoes. She probably hadn't bathed in weeks, the grime on her skin dripping off with the rain water that gathered on the floor.
He didn't know who she was, where she came from, or what to do with her. But one thing was for sure, he needed to get her out of her wet clothes and into a warm bath before she got sick. He also still needed to check on Akito. Not only that, Momiji and Haru would be home soon. Hatori sighed a bit, so much to do and so little time to do it all. First thing was first, the wet clothes had to go. He'd figure out what to do with her later on.
Hatori gently let the towel fall to her shoulders, her black hair now a complete mess of tangles and knots. Reaching for her shirt, he gently started to unbutton it. He was a doctor, so seeing a woman's body was nothing new to him. He frowned though when he saw something resembling a bruise just near her collar bone. His frown deepened when he opened her shirt allowing it to hang on her shoulders. Covering a good part of her upper body were bruises of different sizes and shapes, making it seem like someone had painted different colored splotches over a canvas. Numerous scars littered her stomach and chest, some old and some more recent. Not only that, but she was quite skinny, some of her ribs jutting out from under her skin.
Frowning, Hatori stood, gently pulling the woman to her feet. He led her to the bathroom, starting to run a hot bath for her. She made no move to stop him as he began to remove her rain soaked clothing and toss them aside. Her entire body consisted of large bruises and scars. Hatori's frown deepened and he gently checked along the inside of her thighs. He sighed in slight relief to find no bruising or any signs that she had been recently rapped. Still, she made no response nor move to stop him as he checked her over. Most women were quite nervous when Hatori checked them over like this. They usually wanted to put their clothes back on as soon as possible. Something was really wrong.
After making sure the water wasn't too hot, Hatori gently placed the woman inside the tub, letting the water warm her cold body and wash away from of the dirt and grime that clung to her skin. Rolling up his sleeves, he grabbed a washcloth and soap. He lathered the soap up into the washcloth as he knelt next to the tub. If she would make no move to even take her clothes off then she most likely wouldn't wash herself, just sit there until the water grew cold. Taking her arm in his hand, being as gentle as he could, he began to wash her skin, cleaning her soft skin of all the soil and revealing her pale skin to be even paler than he thought. Her body probably hadn't seen the light of day in quite some time. She was as pale as a ghost, only adding to the effect of being a walking corpse.
Rinsing her body of the soap suds, Hatori then began on her hair, washing and rinsing it several times before it was clean. Once finished, he gently lifted her out of the now foggy water, leaving all the grime behind to go down the drain. Her clothes wouldn't be of any use, so he just used a white fluffy towel that reached her knees when wrapped around her frail body. Grabbing another towel, he led her back into the living room and started to dry her hair once more. He needed to figure out what to give her to wear. His clothes would be much too big for her. Momiji's would also be too small. Haru's clothes may be enough for her to wear until he could find something more appropriate for her. Hatori sighed once more as he led her towards Haru's room. This was going to be a long day.

Ok, finally got up chapter 2. Took me forever!! But it's finally finished and I'm happy with it. Now, someone asked me what Kain looked like. He's a few inches taller than Haru with long, straight black hair that reaches about mid back. He's got green eyes and really tan skin. He's got a bit of muscle but not too much and he's got a dress style quite similar to Haru's. Hope that help some!! Anyway, review and I'll post the next one!!