Fruits Basket Fan Fiction ❯ You And Only You ❯ Chapter 04 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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SURPRISE!! I actually found some time to add in another chapter... ^_^ I'm so surprise to actually find out that you guys still have something to say even though I didn't get the chance to update but don't worry because this is the next CHAPTER! God I love you guys/gals!!! Oh and thanks for wishing me luck in my exam! It's tomorrow already! Ack! I'm sorry to those who were upset when I said that I won't be updating for at least 2/3 weeks but I tried! And let see, I'll try my best to update as soon as possible yeah?? Enjoy reading!! ME LOVE YOU!! Hehehehhehe.... ^_~

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=[Chapter Four]=

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- At School -

"Phew! I actually made it in time"

[But I couldn't help it, I wish I could have the whole day off so that I can enjoy a peaceful walk around the forest.]

Tohru wiped her sweat from her face with a tissue and glanced at the mirror. Her face was pinkish due to her running, she was late and had to run to make it in time to school. Tohru reached into her backpack and pulled out a paper, she did a couple of folding and it was finished.

[Ahhhh..... this will help me cool down a bit before going to class.]

She started waving the fan back and forth while walking out of the girl's toilet. She was about to turn a corner when one of her classmate ran right into her.


"Gomen Tohru-kun! But I was finding you to tell you that our Math teacher is sick and cannot teach us today."

"Eh? Oh how bad! Is she all right? I hope she's okay but who is going to teach us today then?"

"Oh, yeah that was what I was going to tell you about. There isn't any available teacher today, so this means that we get to have a free period."


"Yep! Oh and I gotta go Tohru-kun. I need to find the others to tell them this."

"Hai, bye"

Tohru's classmate speeds off around a corner and was gone.

[This is a good opportunity for me to relax a bit and think about how to give the rest of the Valentine's Day gift to the others but I wonder where Yuki-kun and Kyou-kun are at the moment?]

Tohru was about to keep walking when a gust of wind brushed by her. She looked to her right and saw that one of the school's window was wide open and was blowing all the paper off the billboard. Tohru walked towards the window to close it when something bright caught her eye. Leaning forward a bit more, Tohru still couldn't make out what it was. After shutting the windows and bending to pick up the fallen paper, Tohru made her way down the hall towards her locker. Since she won't be having math today then she won't be needing her textbook.

[Should I put the gifts in the locker too? Or will it damage it? Err... I think I will keep it with me.]

When Tohru reached her locker and undid the lock, she was surprise to find at least a dozen letters fall out.

[Oh my! What are all these? Letters from who? And why are there so many?]

Glancing at some of the letters, she knew that it was one of those love letters. Tohru was never the type to just chuck them away but she was also curious about what they say. She normally would read them and understand what they are trying to say, if she had the time then she would answer them but in a nice and non-rejecting way of course. She was known for not rejecting love letters but for replying and making the owner of the letter feel good.

Carefully placing the letters into her bag, Tohru noticed something pinky in one of the lockers corner. Tohru reached in and pulled out the box.

[OH MY! I wonder who this is from, could it be for me? It's in my locker but it could be a mistake.... and how did they put it in my locker????? o_O]

Quickly staring to the left then to the right, Tohru shoved the package into her pocket. She was bright red because it was for her! She had seen her name on the package in silver writing and wasted no time to hide it from anyone who happens to be watching her.

[I'll open it later.... but I wonder who it is from?]

Shoving her math text book in her locker and making sure to carefully lock it since the only thing that she could think of right now of how the package made it into her locker was that she had carelessly left her locker unlocked. The fan wasn't helping her cool down so she decided to take a stroll around the school's yard. That also reminded her to go and see what had caught her eyes from before.

Tohru jogged a bit down the stairs and walked towards the school's yard. She looked around a bit to see if anyone is around but no one was in sight. Sighing, she walked towards the area where she had seen something bright.

Sitting onto the nice and lustrous grass, Tohru scanned her surrounding.

[There it is!]

Her eyes were caught by a very bright and pinkish flower. It was however strange since it was situated by itself away from other plants and was quite bigger than any other flowers she had ever seen. She had the urge to walk over to it and pick it but she refused because it was too beautiful and if she was to pick it then it will die later on. It was the only flower and she didn't want it to die early, she wanted to admire its beauty and just take a peaceful time taking in its innocent feature.

A rustling sound brought her to alert.

[Was it the wind? But the wind is very gentle at the moment, the sound was caused by a much stronger force than the wind...... could it be someone??]

The sound came again, which caused Tohru to jump abit and now her heart was thumping violently. She tilted her head upward to find the source of the sound but was only faced with a male figure sitting on one of the branch.


She tried focusing to look at the figure more closely but had a hard time doing so since the sun is shining brightly at her through a gap in the leaves. She held up her hand to block out the sunlight but it did little help to her. The figure moved a bit, she could only see his outline. He was sitting on one of the thicker branch and had one of his leg dangling off while the other leg is bended towards his chest and both of his hand is wrapped around the bended leg. His dangling leg is swaying back and forth in a slow rhythm.

"Ano... h..e..l..l..o?" stammered Tohru.

She was shocked out of her wits when she found out that someone was there all these time without her knowing. It did scare her a bit but the thought of a person in her school at this time could only be someone from her class calmed her down. The figure didn't seem to answer her and that made her nervous. She started fiddling with the hem of her skirt while a faint blush crept across her cheeks. The figure kept looking at her and she was getting very nervous and embarrassed.

[Why isn't he talking? Is he even in my class? I'm trying to ask him who he is but he won't talk to me.... I think he does know that I am here. He is staring at me but I can't see his face or uniform at all! Wow, I can feel my face burning up now..... OH NO! My nose is itchy! Should I scratch it or just let it tickle away?]

Tohru looked up to the figure again, she noticed that his hair is swaying in the breeze while his clothes are fluttering in the direction of the wind. She blushed harder, even though she can't see him clearly, his figure and outline makes him look mysterious and handsome.

[He looks like one of those handsome knight who protects his kingdom..... he seems relaxed and calm!]

Tohru's heart skipped a beat when the wind blew a strong breeze towards him, which caused the leaves to move to one side, letting the light shine on him a bit more. Tohru got only a glance at his beautiful eyes before it was gone again.

[His eyes! I think I have seen it somewhere before! So nice and deep with emotions.... or is it calmness??....]

Tohru was about to ask who he is but that tingly itch on her nose had gone worse.

"Achoo!", Tohru had her eyes closed when she sneezed lightly. She reopened her eyes again but to find only emptiness on the branch.

[W...Where did he go?]

Tohru scanned the whole yard for him but he was no where to be seen.

[That was kinda strange, who was he and why didn't he say anything to me? And how did he disappear just like that? Oh... im really confuse or could it be just my imagination all these time?]

Tohru turned back to where she was looking at the bright flower from before and found the flower missing!

"What? What happened to it?"

Tohru placed both her hands behind her and was about to lean on it when something soft brushed against her palm hand. She shot straight up and peered behind her.


There lies the beautiful pink flower she was observing from before. However, there was something else with it. A silky pink ribbon was tied to it and a cute bell was tied onto the centre of the ribbon. Tohru was too shocked to even reach out for it.

[How on earth did it get there? Did...did that guy from before did it? I'm so confuse!]

Tohru worked up some courage to reach out and hold the flower in her hands. The bell gave out a tiny jingle when Tohru held it to her nose to breathe in the scent.

"How sweet...."

Her mind was asking too many question that she decided to just ignore it since the reason she wanted to come here was to relax a bit and enjoy her free period. She wanted to ponder about the mysterious guy and flower later but she couldn't help fiddling the flower though.

Tohru once again placed her hands behind her and leaned onto it. The breeze gently lifted her hair and stroked it to one side while some went across her skirt and caused it to flutter gently. Tohru closed her eyes and her muscle went soft and relaxed.

[Hmmm...that...that guy.... he was pretty strange but I couldn't help but think that he is cute and gorgeous. Is that a bad thing Okaa-san? I couldn't help it... though. So many weird things had happen today, like that mysterious guy, the flower and that present in the locker... OH YEAH.... I nearly forgot about it!]

Tohru reopened her eyes. Everything was so blue! She waited until her eyes readjust itself and then reached into her pocket to pull out the small pink box.

"I wonder what's inside but importantly who it is from"

Tohru observed the box carefully, she stroke the silky ribbon which was clear. A smile crept across her face, the ribbon was somehow nice and that made her feel warm inside. Tohru pulled one end of the ribbon and the whole ribbon just slipped off the box and fell onto her lap. The box was the only thing stopping her from knowing what was inside. The box was small and fitted perfectly in her hand. Tohru had the urge to shake it to guess what is inside but her hand refused since she didn't know what was inside and it could break if she did so.

[My heart is thumping so much! I must calm down....]

Taking a few breath in and out, Tohru calmed down a little. Looking back at the box, she held the lid and slowly tilted it up. The lid fell off and a small letter was revealed. Tohru curiously took the letter and found that something else was beneath it. Putting the small letter on her lap, Tohru stared at the object in the box. She couldn't believe what she was looking at.

"Okaa-san! Can this be true? But I don't deserve anything this beautiful!" whispered Tohru.

There lying in the small box, situated on a puffy cushion with glitter sprinkled around it was a ring. Tohru was shaking with overload shock. Taking out the ring and holding it closer to see the detail clearer, Tohru gaped in shock.


She was bewildered or more like half dead by just looking at the fine carving and texture of the ring. She was just feeling and stroking the ring when she saw a glimpse of a small carving on the inside. Turning the ring onto its side, Tohru went bright red when she read what it says.


[ANGEL? How can I be an angel? I'm clumsy and stupid! But ... but its very sweet.......]

Tohru placed the ring back into the box and set it on her lap. Looking at the letter in curiosity, Tohru picked up the letter and opened it slowly. The letter was just plain white with Tohru's name written on it. Tohru pulled out the small letter inside the envelope and opened it. Tohru stared at the letter with a surprise expression. the letter was so neat and kinda longer then all the other letters she usually received.

The letter reads:

==={@*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*@} ===

To Tohru-Kun,

I presume you have already seen the present I have given you. Please accept it and please do not say that you don't deserve it because you do. If you don't deserve it then you won't be receiving it right? So don't say it but just accept it, it will make me very sad if you don't accept it. As you can see, I don't have any courage to give it to you in person but had to cowardly put it in your locker. I know you are very curious to who I am but I am sorry that I can't tell you that. I have many reason for my decision but I won't go through them in the letter, it will only just worry you more. I have a feeling that you have a brief idea of how much the ring cost but please, just ignore it. Money is nothing compared to the feelings I have for you. I know that today is Valentine's Day and that it is a day where girls give boys a gift but I couldn't help it so I just gave you it to show that there is someone who have very strong feelings for you, stronger than any other guys who had ever spilled out their feelings for you. I hope that you're not mad at me for doing this and I'm sorry again that my identity will have to be a secret.

Take care my sweet angel.....

PS. Please promise to wear it with you forever, I know that I'm asking too much but please wear it... I'll see you around...


^_~ ···=··=··=[Secret Admirer]=··=··=···

==={@*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*@} ===

Tohru just stared at it in shock, she couldn't believe what it had just said. Secret admirer? She didn't know what to say or do! It was so shocking, this was the first time she had ever come across a letter like this. Normally the writer would review his true identity but this writer didn't want to. Is he scared of something? She just didn't know what to think.

[I don't know what to say about the letter but I will promise that I will wear it. Lucky that the writing is on the inside or people will be very curious to what it says and will ask me heaps of question. Somehow, somewhere in my heart, I feel very sorry for the writer. I don't know why but he sounded so sad and scared. If only you would allow me to know who you are so I can help you out.]

Tohru's eye was welling up with tears from a mixture happiness, sadness, sorrow and in awe. This mysterious guy sounded so sweet in the letter, even though he didn't write sweet and mushy stuff. The way he wrote the letter was just somehow sweet.

Tohru wiped her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt. She had to control herself before someone will think that she is hurt. She was feeling too much different emotion, it was confusing her but somehow the feelings are quite positive. Could it be because of the way the writer wrote the letter or could it be from all the events that had happened to her today. She didn't want to spend the whole day wondering so she shook her head and concentrated on the box. She might as well put it on now, he could be anyone and she doesn't want him to be disappointed when he finds out that she isn't wearing it.

Tohru slowly placed the ring on the ring finger of her right hand. It was a perfect fit! A tear slid off her cheek and fell onto her lap. She was crying again and this time it was because the ring was so beautiful and she doesn't deserve anything beautiful like this. But no, she must listen to what the writer had said. He doesn't want her to think like that, don't think about the price but think about the amount of feelings and emotions he had poured into this beautiful ring. The ring is only here because of his feelings for her.

Tohru smiled, she will always remember this mysterious guy and one day, one day she will find out who he is and thank him or maybe something else far more than just thanking him would occur but that is for later to think about.

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=[End Of Chapter Four]=

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Hehehehe, sorry but that's all I can do so far. Its not much but I do hope you're enjoying my story so far!!..... Take care people and thanks again for reading!! .... ^_^




bYe ByE gUyZ aNd ThAnX fOr ReAdiNg My FiRsT FiC!

=[Blue Tiger]=

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