Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ 100 Word Challenge ❯ Poison Ivy ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Poison Ivy
“Aaagh!” Scratch, scratch. “This sucks!”
Al's hollow-sounding voice pleaded with Ed. “Brother, if you keep scratching your poison ivy will spread!”
Ed just stuck his tongue out and continued smearing chamomile lotion on the horrendously itchy rash that covered his face, left arm and chest. “It's not like there's many other places it can go, Al. Automail's immune to stuff like this.”
Roy smirked as he watched the blonde and handed him a tube of fresh lotion as Ed struggled to get the last out of the other one. “Just make sure you don't touch me.”
Ed glared. “Oh you SO just jumped to the top of my hit list.”
“You wouldn't.”
~Two days later~
“Aaagh!” Scratch, scratch. “This really sucks!”
“Yes, love.” Scratchity, scratch. “I know.”
Ed and Roy sat together, covered in poison ivy. “I'm too buy to have this,” Roy groused.
“But do you still love me?”
“Not after this I don't.”