Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Bleed Away Heart ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Bleed Away Heart

Chapter One

Hey Everyone! This is a total original here. It can to me in a dream. Don't ask me why.
The summery pretty much tells all. I got the idea after watching the episode with the guy
who was in love with the woman that was a florist. Something about blue flowers and the
guy killing young women so he could put the souls in his puppets; that he made to look
like the woman he loved. If ya'all know the episode, let me know. It's one of my favs. I
love you Ed!-Shadow Wolf

The snow fell like ash of a burned city. It clumped and clumped, tell it made an
unbreakable wall. A cold chill was in the air, nipping and bitting at all who fought it.
Tearing at the very warmth of the city. That was it's only mission. The wind however, fell
on death ears; when it brushed against Al's hollow metal shell.

"Brother." Al called, "Are you ok?"

Al asked out of curiosity. He was noting the fact that his older bother was shaking
uncontrollably. Ed just smirked and hugged himself tightly.

"I'm fine Al." He replied through shakes and shivers.

Al then looked down at Ed, his metal face shimmering in the hidden sun's rays. He
wished he could feel what his brother felt. To be cold. To be hot. To feel anything.

"Are you cold?" Al asked dumbly, as he trudged through the snowy banks.

Ed's eyes suddenly when small and his mouth went jagged. His head slowly turned, to
meet Al's.


Al's face went small.

"Don't yell at me!" Al retorted.

"I wouldn't yell at you if you didn't ask such DUMB questions! Ed barked.

"Oh yeah?!" Al yelled, getting in Ed's face.

"Yeah!" Ed yelled, getting in Al's face.

Ed kicked Al in the leg as hard as he could. What the deal in that was, we will never
know. Ed cried out in agony and jumped up and down, with his foot in his mouth. He
also yelled every curse word he knew, while Al laughed at his brothers pain.

"I heard someone yell they were cold." A sweet voice spoke.

They boys suddenly stopped.

A young girl around their age stood before them. She had short, stringy light brown hair;
the held one large blue bow on top of her head. He honey colored hair dangled loosely
over her tiny shoulders. For cloths, she wore a short blue dress; that ended just below her
butt. She also wore white knee highs and a pair of black slide in heels.

You could see her eyes, since they were focused on the snowy earth beneath her.

"You talking about us?" Ed asked, pointing at him then Al.

She nodded meekly.

"If you guys need shelter, you can come with me." She stated.

They two boys looked at eachother, then the girl.

"Are you sure you parents won't mind?" Al asked.

The girls head rose, to reveal her light green eyes. Her expressions were lost, leaving an
emotionless girl. Ed felt his heart jump at the sight of her drained face.

"Sure." He finally said, forcing a smile.

She smiled and turned. She then walked down a long paved road. You couldn't see the
pavement though. Duh! It's snowing and everything is white.

"Oh, by the way.....my name is Shirou."