Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Chimeras and yaoi ❯ Roy and Jean's jealousy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yay, another story! no, it is not yet Persona Love, i will not be posting that story until all of the modifications are done. -nods- anyway, time to go Komui mode....~~


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It had been 3, long annoying months that Edward had been dating his new boyfriend, Leo. Jean, of course, was jealous, and Roy was jealous of Jean being jealous. Both of them had been trying for 5 months, ever since Edward had turned 18. He was now legal and good for the taking.

Until Leo came along.

Everyday Ed would walk in to the office, wrapped around Leo's arm. After standing there for 5 minutes, hands an waists and whispering dirty things to each other, they would kiss each other good bye and Ed would get to work, oblivious of the feelings of the other men. Roy didnt know he was bisexual until Hughes came along, then when Ed came, he was certain. Jean was the first to be turned by Edward, yet...

still hasnt gotten a date with him.

poor, poor man...

Anyway, Today was different. Really different. Edward came into work, silently, no Leo by his side, bangs hung in front of his face. He greeted Riza and the others, then sat on the couch and burried his face into a pillow, obviously trying to smother himself. Riza noticed. (who couldnt?)

"Ed, is something wrong?" Riza asked."Is it Leo?"

Roy and Jean bothed prayed that it had been a break-up. A nasty on too. That way one of them could be there to compfort him.

Ed nodded.

"Did you two have a fight?" She asked. Ed shook his head.The men quietly sunk into their seats, disappointed."Then whats wrong?"

"He..." Ed started."Wants me to move in with him..."

Riza smiled. "so then whats got you so upset?" She asked. She walked over, sat on the couch near him and stroked his hair, which he must've forgotten to put up. It hung down off his shoulders and down his back. For gods sake it went past his ass.

"Me and Al..." He said quietly.

Riza's smile faded."So it was you and Al who got in a fight.."

Ed nodded."He doesnt want me to leave....I told him to go to Rezimbool...Where he'd live a better life...but he doesnt want me to leave, and he refuses to even think about it. I yelled at him..He yelled at me...When I tried to walk away he pulled my hair..."

Riza just sat there, listening quietly. Roy and Jean simply tried to ignore it. They shouldve been careful about what they wished for.

"I smacked his hand away.."Ed started again."Then he smacked me in the face. After that he just ran to his room."

Riza stopped stoking Ed's hair. "So it was mean fight i guess..." Ed nodded.

"Al...doesnt trust Leo.." Ed said. "Leo , as you know, is an alchemist that works with chimera...Like Tucker.."

The whole time Ed spoke, his face never left the pillow. She could barely hear him, but thats why she was close.

"Al's afraid I'm going to end up like Nina...but I doubt it...Leo.." Ed's sentence stopped there.

"Loves you?" Riza smiled.

Ed's head turned, his face now visible. Riza could see the bruise Alphonse had left. Ed's eyes were swollen from crying, his face was red. He smiled, then nodded.

"I'm staying at his house tonight...Al is going to Gracia's...." Ed said silently."The first night we'll be separated since he got his body back..."

Roy approached him, which caused Jean to jolt up. Roy motioned for Riza to move, and she obeyed. He sat next to Ed and forced him to sit upright. Ed's hair hung in his face and he was turned theother way, away from Roy. Roy gently grabbed Ed's chin and looked him in the eyes, his face emotionless. Then finally he said," Let's get your bruise bandaged, it's not very appealing.."

Ed laughed slightly and let Roy take a look at it. Roy was really just looking for an excuse to stare at Edward. Riza noticed Jeans expression and laughed slightly. Next thing she new, Jean was next to Edward stealing him from Roy."Ed, let me put the bandage on it!" Jean exclaimed.

"Uh.." Ed mumbled" Sure--"

"Jean, go away, I have it handled!" Roy said.While the two argued, Ed managed to slip away. He stood next to Riza and simply watched.

"Do they still..." Ed mumbled. Riza nodded.

"You're going to be the one to turn this whole nation gay..." Riza chuckled. Ed sighed. "Come one, I'll get your face bandaged.

The two left and let the others argue. Soon, they finally noticed they were gone.

-simutaneously- "What?"

Reimu's mumbling``

wow, it was so short, it was sad. Sorry it was short, but it's kind of like a chapter 00...er..1/2... i'm still not sure....

- Riri pops up-
-I stare off into distance-

Riri--"dont mind her, she's just lost in nastolgia....or Trauma..."
