Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Brother, Meow. ❯ Perhaps Milk would Help? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ed pushed the bangs out of his eyes and sighed, practically leaning upon the door, he closed his eyes.
He could barely hear Al over the pounding of his ears, but he could tell that he was speaking.
“Brother, you’re tired and hurt. Maybe you should wait and get some rest first.”
Ed shook his head and immediately regretted it, the movement caused lancing pains in his skull.
“No Al. I’ve got to get this over with and give my report or I won’t be able to sleep properly.”
He heard his brother’s exasperated sigh and concerned mumble of “If that Mustang makes you sicker-”
Smirking at his brother’s words, Edward grasped the door knob and twisted it as he entered the brightly lit office of Roy Mustang.
Alphonse followed Ed into the room and braced himself for the reaction to the fact that he was no longer a soul in a suit.
He was now flesh and blood due to the fact that Ed had finally discovered a way to perform a transmutation to gain him back a body.
Yet, the transmutation had not been completely successful.
Riza smiled when she saw Ed enter, though seeing the lack of a seven foot suit of armor, her expression grew concerned.
“Edward, where’s Alphonse?”
Ed shifted nervously and before he could reply, Mustang leaned over his desk and staring at Ed’s feet intently, he asked “Where did that kitten come from?”
Looking down quickly, Ed acknowledged the tiny gray cat at his side and scratching the back of his head nervously, he coughed and said “Ummm, that’s Al.”
Riza examined the young boy curiously “Edward, why would you ever name that kitten Al and besides the point where is your brother-”
She stopped in mid sentence and raised a hand to cover her mouth in shock, falling silent.
Roy looked from Ed, to the kitten and then back again.
“Fullmetal you’ve got to be kidding me.”