Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ My life is wonderful ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

By: Anna Hahn
I've seen many dark things in my life, events that would scar any person, both mentally and physically. Sometimes I can't sleep seeing the images unfold once again. I try to escape from the memories that pursue me, but they follow me everywhere, that's why I run.
Based on the popular anime and manga “Fullmetal Alchemist”
This is the story of a character not included in the story. She has no part in the original series whatsoever everything written is 1/6 based on the series and 5/6 from the inner depths of my mind.
The Beginning
When I was six I was happy. When I was ten I was just as happy. I had a loving family, a mother and a father and an older brother they all looked after me. Each of my loved ones held a special place in my heart. Back then we were always happy as long as we were together. I guess you could call it nostalgia; the happiness we felt back then but no longer. Never again can the memories of that time repeat. Never again…not since that day…
Mia age ten:
It was a Saturday the sun was shinning and we were getting ready to go on a picnic. Mother was in the kitchen loading up the basket with food, I was helping.
“Mia, dear could you get me the bowl in the drainer, please?” asked my mother getting some sugar out of the cupboard.
“Mm hm” I went over to the drainer and grabbed the bowl she had indicated, and then handed it to her.
“Thank you” she measured some ingredients in to the bowl then poured the mixed batter in to a heated pan, “Okay we have the sandwiches and the strawberries and the sweet cakes are in the making and then salad…what else?” she looked at me smiling.
“Cookies!” I cheered hopping up and down. I had a thing with cookies, I just loved them especially chocolate chip, and my mother made the best cookies.
My mother laughed “Oh alright and some cookies,” she took the lid off of the jar and took out eight cookies two for each of the four of us.
I looked at my mother she had sandy brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Her face was kind and beautiful. I had my mother's hair and face but my father's grey eyes. My father used to say that I had my mother's beauty and the potential of a great alchemist. He also said that I could follow the family line in becoming a state alchemist like my brother would and like him. But my brother would then say: “Yeah, but only if she could change cake batter in to a cake.” Then our father would dump a bucket of water over his head. It always made me laugh.
“Did I hear someone mention cookies?” my brother walked into the kitchen. He was fourteen and had our mother's eyes and our father's dark hair.
“Yes, but none for you,” I stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same.
Our mother laughed, we had always been like that. “Okay I think every thing is packed, are we ready?”
“Yes.” Said my brother eyeing the basket.
“Yay!” I said hopping up and down around the kitchen.
“But I think we're missing a person.” She meant our father who was in his office upstairs. My brother and I looked at each other then raced out of the kitchen.
“Don't break anything,” we heard our mother call after us.
“We won't.”
We pounded up the stairs trying to get past one another.
“Hey! No pushing!” I said to him trying to get past him.
“Then stop elbowin' me in the stomach” he said trying to do the same.
“I thought your mother said not to break anything? I'm sure that includes bones.” Our father was standing at the top of the stair well.
“It's possible,” said my brother letting go of my arm.
“Maybe, but James started it,” I elbowed him in the stomach again.
“Ouch, no I didn't “he grabbed me around the neck and gave me a noogie.
“Come on you hyenas your mother's waiting.” He picked me up and swung me over his shoulder.
“Ahh, daddy I'm not a sack of potatoes and I'm not the hyena here,” I looked at my brother.
“Well then why do you act like one, hmm? “
“Because James is a bad influence” I smiled as he set me down in the kitchen
“Hey don't pin this on me” James said coming in after us.
I giggled.
“Are we ready?” asked our mother she picked up the picnic basket and dad took the umbrella and blanket. We all nodded and set out.
“Oh I love the out doors!” I stretched my arms and started to skip up ahead on the path that lead to the beach.
“Mia! Wait, don't go ahead and you're already ahead.” He sighed and ran after me. I beat him to the sand and kicked off my shoes I sprinted to the waters edge. “Yay the ocean! It's so beautiful! And blue!”
“Why do you act like you've never seen it before we live right there” he pointed back to the house.
“I don't know I just love it, the breeze is so calming and refreshing and the color and the scent it's so wonderful!” I fell back on to the white sand.
“It makes you happy?” he sat next to me.
“Well, yes but only if you and momma and daddy are with me otherwise it's not as enjoyable.” I looked at him he picked up a handful of sand and let it filter through his fingers. I knew he was thinking about something.
“Kids are you ready to eat? You better get over here before your father eats it all.” called our mom from the blanket.
We ran over to the blanket and flopped down next to our parents. My mother had put my shoes next to the blanket. “S hall we?” she handed each of us a sandwich and my brother and father and I gobbled them down in a matter of seconds. My mother sighed and ate hers at a reasonable speed. We followed with the salad and then the strawberries and sweet cakes.
“Cookies! Chocolate chip!” I cheered again and stuffed both of them in my mouth.
“You're such a glutton slow down.” My brother said also finished.
“Look who's talking” I grinned “Piggy. “
“Why you-hey come back here” he got up and chased after me.
I ran away from the blanket and to the ocean, after awhile of chasing each other I got him to go in the water. He then decided to dry off on shore I followed. After a time he grabbed a stick and dragged it in the sand when he was done I could tell it was a transmutation circle.
“What're you doing?” I asked. He grinned and held up his hand and the circle began to glow. When he was done there was a small crater in the sand and two small objects were at the bottom. He smiled satisfied, and picked them up and handed one to me.
“There now the sea is on a ring.”
The object was a ring; it had a gold band and three gem stones, one was a dark blue it was sided by two pale blue stones the gradually faded to pink. I thought it looked like the ocean at that exact moment and like the sky because that is what it looked like.
“Wow it's so pretty, I can keep it?”
“Yeah it's yours, and I made one for mom too.” He handed the other on to me as I slipped mine on. The other ring had a gold band and three gems too. Only this one looked like three small vines and each string of gold had one of the three gems on it. Each stone was a birth stone one for me one for my bather and one for my dad. Emerald -me, sapphire -James, and diamond -dad.
“Wow I think she'll love it “I handed it back to him “Come on let's go show her” we ran to the blanket and he gave it to her.
“Oh sweetie it's beautiful thank you I'll always wear it” she slipped it on her pinky.
“Look he made one for me too” I held up my hand.
“This one is just as beautiful, where did you get them?” she asked.
“I made them.” He said proudly.
“Really, how? You don't have anything to write with our your gloves.” Said or dad.
“I drew it in the sand I was actually surprised it worked” he smiled.
“That's good I'd say you're really close to becoming a state alchemist” said our father with pride.
“I wanna try! Show me please!” I grabbed his arm.
He sighed “Fine I'll show you how but don't try it on your own, okay?”
I nodded “Okay, I want to make a ring too.”
“Right, well first you need to draw the transmutation circle, here” he handed me a stick. I crew as much as I could remember from the first one.
“Good now put you're hands there and there, right do you have a ring in mind?” I nodded. “Okay, now think of it and try to turn the sand in the circle in to a ring like I did.”
I thought of a ring I had seen before that looked like a rose. It had no gems I thought that that would be to hard. So I tried one that had strings of gold that intertwined with each other to make a rose. The circle started to glow. At first it surprised me but then I was happy when I realized it was working. When I was done my brother grabbed the object in the small crater that had formed. It wasn't gold it was silver and it didn't look like a rose it looked more like a single elegant wing.
“Hey I did it!” I jumped up.
“Yeah and you did pretty good too.” He rolled it around in his fingers then handed it to me.
“Momma look I did it!” I handed to her.
“That's wonderful sweetheart, oh it's beautiful.” She handed it to Dad.
“Yeah, but it's still not as good as dad or James could do.”
“That's because you just started, you didn't think you'd be better than me did you?”
“Uh yeah, yeah I did.” I looked at my family sincerely they laughed knowing I was joking.
“Yes, well it's the first step to getting better,” said my father handing the ring back to me.
I turned to my mother. “I want you to have it mama.”
“Oh, sweetie thank you, now I have something to remember everyone I love.” She touched the necklace she had on. It was a beautiful butterfly its wings had a cascade of colors. I had always looked it. My father had given it to her when he had proposed. I smiled at him and then turned to my bother. “Teach me more, please”.
He sighed, “Oy”.
“I'll take that as a yes.”
“Well it looks that you two will be out here for awhile. So, I think we'll head back towards the house. I have paper work up to my knees,” said my father as he helped my mother pack up the picnic supplies.
“Come back before dark,” said mom kissing me and bother on the cheek.
“Good night hyenas don't stay out too late,” said my dad who bent down and kissed me on the forehead. I giggled.
“I love you mama. I love you daddy, see you at home,” I said giving them both a hug.
“I love you too sweetie.”
“I love you too,” they both responded in unison. They headed back to our house. Then my bother turned to me.
“Okay, let's start the first law of alchemy-“
“It's an equivalent exchange!” I shouted and raised my hand like at school.
He looked at me curiously. I giggled. “I read your book.”
“Oh so that's where it went well then you also know about the law of conservation of mass and the law of natural providence right?” He asked.
“Yup!” I smiled again. I loved the time I spent with my brother we had always had fun no matter what we did.
At about eight o'clock we headed back to the house. I looked down at my ring.
“Oh wow did you mean for it to change during the day?” I looked at him.
“Mm-hm, I thought you would like it better that way.”
“I do thanks I really do like it almost as much as I like you.” I looked at him and batted my eyelashes.
He groaned.
“I looolve you!” I said it in a sing song voice.
“Are you sure you're my sister?”
“Yup! Absolutely because I'm acting just like you only better,” I grinned.
“Oh really? Well I'm still going to be your older brother and I'll always be taller than you so ha.” He grinned at me and stuck out his tongue.
“That's a minor setback but I'm going to be an alchemist before you are.” I stuck my tongue out at him.
“We'll see about that.” He chased after me up to the yard he tackled me down and found my ticklish spots. After I stopped laughing we lay out on the lawn looking up at the stars.
“Why do you want to be an alchemist so badly James?” I asked.
“I don't know, I guess it was because dad and grandpa were. I just want to keep the family line going,” he said.
“Yeah, I guess that's a good reason, but if you want to beat daddy's record you have to become one yesterday.” I said, referring to our dad's record of becoming a state alchemist at the age of fourteen.
“I'm not good enough for that but I still want to become an alchemist.”
“Hmmm. I want to be the youngest state alchemist ever! I want to become one now!” I sprang up.
“Yeah, like that will ever happen. Your birthdays in like two months. Good Luck,” he said sarcastically.
“Well even if I don't make it I will still be one before you,” I said grinning.
“Is that so, we'll see won't we.” He got up and we both went inside. When we stepped in, the house was dark.
“Maybe they went to bed,” I said, but I knew that wasn't it. Mom always stayed up to make sure we were safe.
“No…I…don't…think so. Let's go see if dad's in his office.” I nodded thinking that was logical.
We went up stairs to our dad's office; the light was on and the door was ajar.
There was no response. James opened the door wider and froze. I looked past him and cried out. I saw my parents lying on the floor neither of them was moving and as I stumbled into the room I noticed pools of blood next to them. I started to cry as I moved towards my mother's lifeless form.
“Momma! Daddy! Momma please say something!” I shook her arm. She didn't move.
“She…she's dead” James said unbelieving his own words.
“No she can't be dead she wouldn't!” I cried harder. James kneeled next to our father who moaned and opened his eyes. He turned to James.
“The…they're…here…you know…what they're… after…don't…don't let them…protect you're sister…” he struggled to take off the white alchemy gloves he had on and gave them to James. “Here…they're…yours now…protect…her…” his eyes fell and his hand dropped to the floor.
“W hat a waste of talent, oh well what's done is done you can't change the past” there was a male voice at the door. James and I turned to see a man standing in the door way. He had a gun. “We sent the letter but no one responded so we had to check.” He smirked.
James stood and slipped on the gloves, there were transmutation circles on the tops of them. I looked at the man and at my parents. He had killed them. James stepped in front of me. “You have no business here, leave now” he snarled.
“Oh well I think I do I was sent here to retrieve something and I plan to take it with me.” He looked at me.
“You've already taken enough get out!”
“I'll give you credit for bravery boy, now step aside before I have to kill you.” He raised his gun.
“Never! I'll never let you take her!” He snarled again.
The man wanted me. I didn't understand. Why? I wasn't special. I couldn't do alchemy very well I had just started to learn. I knew very little about it in the first place. I was average in school and I just had a good thing for making friends. So why was this man after me?
“Move boy or I'll shoot you” I heard the gun click.
“Go ahead and try.” Before the man could say anything James went down to the floor and a wooden wall rose separating us from the man.
“If he's an alchemist that won't last long, come on run go out the window and climb down the tree and run.”
“No. I'm not leaving without you. Daddy said to protect me you can't protect me if you're not with me.” I said stubbornly, with tears running down my cheeks.
“I'll meet up with you I'm just going to hold them off for a while” He looked at me and I shook my head. His shoulders sagged and he turned and made another wood wall.
“Mia the reason the man is here is because he wants you for your potential in alchemy and you're inexperienced. They'll make you do the wrong things with alchemy if they find you. They want you mainly because of our family history of alchemists so if you run now they won't get you.” He said this very fast but I understood.
“But where will we go?”
“Meet me at the school, wait for me,” he turned to our mother's body and unclasped her necklace and handed it to me. “Here this is my promise keep it and I'll be there.” I nodded and put it on. We heard a crash and a curse they had gotten through the first wall.
“Come on, go,” he urged and pushed me to the window. I started to put my foot on the sill but the second wall crashed at that moment, our time was up.
James started to bend to the floor but he wasn't fast enough. The bullet tore through his abdomen and he started to fall I tried to catch him but he was too heavy and I fell too.
He looked at me with glazed eyes. I had my hands on his back and I felt a warm liquid on my fingers. I knew with out looking that it was blood. I started to cry again when I felt someone grab my arms and lift me off of the floor. I started to kick the person and I know I got him hard a few times because he cursed.
“No let go of me! Let go!” I screamed as the man dragged me out of the room. I tried to grab things with my legs but couldn't. The guy was obviously annoyed because I kept screaming so he stuck me with something and I fell into darkness.