Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Her Knight In Shining Armor ❯ Boys vs. Girls ( Chapter 36 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own the characters Ed, Al, Winry or the basis for their past history. They belong to the creators of Full Metal Alchemist. I also don't own any of the fairytales mentioned. I don't own much of anything…
Warning: There will be some references made to the show. It won't give away anything about the ending… I don't think… Anyway there will be threats of rape and murder. Not too vivid though.
There will also be spelling mistakes due to where Lorna originates from. I allowed some spelling error because it's words she would use. And I don't want any flames on it. I'm from where she's from so I just had her speak the way I do!
Chapter Thirty Six: Boys vs. Girls
The years rolled by. Alphonse and I watched as our daughters grew. They had filled a place in my heart I hadn't realized was empty. Elizabeth was the oldest and took great pride in looking after her sister Hope. Their curly blond hair sparkled in the sunlight as they ran. We hadn't tried to keep their adoption from them. We hoped it would make things easier in the long run.
“Mommy, Al hit me!” Hope cried.
“Did ya hit him first?” I knew my daughter.
She looked to the ground as Elizabeth came running in behind her. “He deserved it!”
I stirred the soup slowly, “And why would that be?”
In the eyes of the ten year old, her sister couldn't do anything wrong. Unless, of course, Hope had done something done to her.
“He called her short!” Elizabeth stuck out her chin boldly.
I rolled my eyes. Hope had issues with her height, just as their Uncle had.
“You should a told Uncle Edward.” I turned off the stove, moved the pot and lead them out the door. “Now you'll both have to apologize.”
“Do we have to?” They wined.
“Yep, ya do.” I held onto their little hands.
“Me too?” Elizabeth was now trying to get out of it.
I looked at her sternly, “Ya should a stopped it.”
She rolled her little eyes up at me.
`She's picking up my bad habits.' I thought wearily
As I walked in the open door I could see Edward assessing the damaged my child had done. “Can we come in?” I called.
“Sure can Lorna.” He called back to me.
Eddy stopped us at the doorway, “Keep that crazy girl away from my brother!”
“Edward.” His father scolded.
I walked past the child who stuck his tongue out at my girls. They were quick to return the favor.
“I'm sorry Ed.” I apologized knelling down for a closer look at little Al's face.
He had a black eye where Hope's fit had hit him. I noticed that his hit hadn't left a mark on her.
“Shouldn't have called her short.” Ed put an icepack over his boy's eye.
“Well the girls have come to say their sorry.” I explained.
“Yeah right, they…” Eddy didn't get a chance to finish before his father gave him a warning look.
I gave the girls the same look. They moaned but then took their positions. Standing side by side with their hands behind their backs they said in unison. “We're sorry.”
Somehow they seemed sincere, though I knew they'd practiced it for years. Apologizes were something they were already use to.
“Where's my family? I came home and the soup was on but my girls were gone.” Alphonse came into the room with his arms spread wide.
“Daddy!” The girls ran into his arms hugging him tightly.
He had a repair shop in town but came home for lunch everyday.
“What have you two been doing?” He noticed the icepack on little Al's eye.
“He called me short!” Hope pointed accusingly, as though that were worse than her having given him a black eye.
I couldn't help but laugh. Edward did too, until Winry walked in.
“What happened?” She looked worriedly at her child. She'd been outback working on projects for some of the wealthier townspeople.
“She hit me!” Al pointed accusingly at Hope who's finger was still outstretched toward him.
Winry moved her hands to her hips, “What did you do to her?” She knew her kids as well as I knew mine.
He looked down at the floor, “Called her short. But only cuz it's true!”
“No it ain't!” Hope yelled at him.
Alphonse pulled his daughter away, “Has she apologized yet Lorna?” I nodded in response.
“And what about you? Aren't you going to say you're sorry?” Edward prodded his son.
The boy moaned, “Why? I've got a black eye! Ain't that enough?”
“Say you're sorry.” Winry scolded.
He looked up to his mother then turned to his cousin. “I'm sorry you're short.”
Winry popped his butt slightly. “Alright, I'm sorry I said you're short!”
Author's Notes
Lorna: I was right, Al makes a wonderful father.
Al: Yes and you make a wonderful mother.
Joy: Rolls eyes All right you two break it up!
Ed: The last chapter is next?
Joy: Yep! I finally finished it!