Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ I Will Live for You ❯ I Will Live for You ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: I Will Live For You
By: Kirby Hiwatari

Disclaimer: I own nothing! For real, besides being the one who came up with the story and being the one who typed it nothing else is mine. -_- The characters belong to Hiromu Arakawa.

PLEASE READ: This is a Sequel to "I Would Die for You". You’re going to need to read that one first in order to understand what is one. It isn't to long and if you don't like that story then you don't need to bother with this one. It's that simple.

AUTHOR NOTE: I hadn't really planned on a sequel, but I received a reveiw from icesk8er asking for one. Initually I had decided the Epilogue was enough but the more I thought about the more it seemed incomplete. So finally I decided to write a sequel.
So, even though I only received the reveiw and did not further try to convers with icesk8er I would like to dedicate this fic to her. For without that one reveiw, this story would have never been written.

So without further delay... "I Will Live For You"! Hope you like it!

Edward Elric watched out the window as the sun shone through it once more. He sighed quietly and shifted lightly. He had just returned to his window chair from his room down the hall, but his butt already didn't want to be on the hard surface.

Winry frowned as she watched Edward in his routine; it was discouraging. She understood why he hurt so badly, she just could never figure out why he didn't talk about it.

Edward had given up on his automail so he now just had dull silver ports that Winry would clean daily and a wooden crutch that went everywhere with him. His hair was no longer braided, but just pulled into a simple ponytail at the junction of his head and neck. His skin had paled a bit from his lack of outdoor engagements, and his eyes no longer sparkled with the ambition, curiosity, or pure bliss.

Winry was about to abandon her post in the door when movement suddenly caught her eye. She looked up to find Edward trying, and failing, to stand himself up.

"Ed?" She questioned, fearing her own voice, "Would you like some help?"

Edward glanced over his shoulder and Winry's breath hitched when his eyes met hers. They were still dull and sad, but they hinted to something more and his face was breaking into a small, hint of a smile.

"Yeah," He replied hoarsely, "I don't think I can reach it." He pointed to his crutch.

Winry smiled to him and carefully crossed the room, each step she took she begged whom ever was listening to not let it be a dream.

When she finally reached Edward on the other side of the room she placed his crutch in front of him and he gently excepted it.

"Winry?" Edward questioned, thought this time his eyes did not meet hers, they were locked firmly to the floor.

There was a moment of totally silence and stillness before Winry found her voice, "Yeah, Ed?"

"Do you think Alphonse is doing okay? Do you think he is found Mother?" Edward's eyes still never left the floor.

Winry tried to answer but her voice made no sound, her gently gaze fell to the floor and caught a glimpse of a tear just as it hit the wooden paneling at Edward's feet.

She took a steadying breath and gently reached out and tilted Edward's face, making his eyes meet her own for a moment before he cast his gaze in another direction.

"I believe he is with your mother, and with my parents. I believe Granny and Den are there too." She paused as golden eyes slowly came to meet determined blue ones. "And when we're finally done here, we'll be able to go there too."

"He made the journey without me, Winry. He went on his own... how could he leave me like that?" Edward questioned, his eyes filling with fresh tears.

Winry's jaw twitched but she couldn't find an answer, instead she smiled sadly and ran her thumb across his cheek. She shook her head gently and gave him a sad smile.

"I... we should go visit him. I bet he's mad that I haven't visited." Edward's voice filled with pain as he spoke.

Winry nodded, "When would you like to go?" She asked quietly.

"How soon can you make me a leg?" He asked, his eye's avoiding hers once more. "If I'm going to go I'm walking on two legs."

"I've maintained your old automail, I should be able to make the necessary adjustments by tomorrow afternoon, but it's been a while since you've had it connected..." Winry began.

"Three days then." Edward spoke strongly, his golden eyes gazed at her and shown signs of determination breaking through the dull indifference that clouded them, "We'll leave in three days, okay?"

"Sure, Ed. Three days." She repeated.

She took a step back as Edward lifted himself from the chair and took a few hops forward.

"Can I help with anything? It's almost lunch, right?" Edward asked.

Winry nodded, "I was going to make some sandwiches for lunch."

"Then I'll help." Edward replied another hint of smile cracking his serious face.


Sometime, shortly after lunch, Edward had made the trip out to his mother's grave -- alone. At the time Winry had no objections, it was Risenbool after all; but now it was getting dark and Edward still hadn't returned.

Winry left the automail and rounded the back of the house, where they’re new dog, almost as large as Den but in a tan shade, sat patiently waiting for release from the fenced back yard.

"Hey Nina, how are ya girl?" Winry asked as she opened the gate and petted the dog's head gently.

Nina barked quietly and pushed her head into the gentle touch. She then tried to look around Winry and let a disappointed whimper escape when there was no one behind her.

"I know, he isn't here." She said, she had never stopped petting the dog, "I need you to go find Edward for me. Can you do that?"

Nina let out an excited bark and began making a lap around the girl who was now smiling.

"Good, I'm going to go stand with the lantern so you can find your way back, okay?" Winry spoke gently.

With those last words the dog sniffed at the ground and was off and running, while at the same time Winry headed back into the house and to the second story balcony where she began flashing the lantern.

"I promised Ed, no matter what, I wouldn't come and get him. If something is wrong he'll send Nina back to get me. I'm sure he just lost track of time." Winry spoke to herself as she flashed the lantern on and off.

She leaned on the railing but would not give in to fear and would continue to flash the lantern, she was sure Edward would come back with Nina.

Finally, almost an hour later, she could hear Nina's excited yips and heard Edward call out to her.

"Winry! I'm sorry!" Ed yelled as he approached the house.

It wasn't till he finally reached the front door that Winry allowed the light to stay off. She smiled sadly to Edward, who looked up at her from the ground below.

"Edward, you were gone for so long... I was..." Winry started.

"I'm sorry Winry, I didn't mean to worry you. Two years of absents takes a bit of explaining." He spoke sadly.

"Let's get some dinner, okay? Bring Nina in with you." Winry spoke as she pushed off the railing.

"Sure." Edward spoke dully.

The three residents entered the home and each made their way to the kitchen. Winry refused to let Edward help, as he looked exhausted from being up and around all day; and in fact he really was. It had been quite some time since he had actually moved around that much.

Winry had started a roast early so now it was only a matter of heating it and serving it. Nina was given a portion of 'extra' contents that came with the meat -- which had been a gift from Sig the last time he visited.

After dinner Winry helped Edward clean up and dress for bed. She left him in his room to continue working with the automail he had requested.

'Why Alphonse? Why did you have to die for me? Why did I have to be the one to survive?' Edward thought as he stared at the ceiling. 'I should have been the one to go. It was my job, not yours.'

Soon Edward drifted into sleep, but his dreams were never really dreams. It was always the memories of his brother's face and sometimes to torment him farther he could hear his brother's voice.

Where you scared, Little Brother? I wasn't there for you. Was there pain? You could feel that again. What did you see? What did you hear? You wouldn't have been the same if you had come back.

~I did it for you Brother, because that is what I owed you. Equivalent Exchange.~

How is it Equivalent when I lost the one thing I sought to gain? I did everything for you. How could you owe me anything when I took everything from you? Everything we did was my idea. Why did you have to leave me? Was I that undesirable? I will always love you, Little Brother.

~I will always love you too, Brother. I want you to be happy. I want you to live.~

Will I be able to live without you? The world seems so empty. What is the point? You were my life. Could I really be happy without you? I know I'm not now. I was happy with you, Little Brother.

~You'll be happy again, you have it in you. You could change the world, you know.~

Change the world? But I can't perform alchemy. Could I bring you back? I know how. Would it still be you? It could work.

~Human alchemy is forbidden. It is dangerous, Brother. You don't have a lot of limbs left to give.~

But could it work? I could bring you all back. Would you be happy? I only want you to be happy. Would it work for me as well? I could make myself.

~One is All, All is One... Brother, remember?~

"I know, Little Brother... I know." Edward spoke out loud as the voice of his little brother faded away.

Edward opened his eyes, but closed them just a quickly. He wiped his forehead and sighed. Every night he was tormented with conversations like these and every night it ended the same. His little brother's voice would tell him the same thing his teacher had so many years ago. It was the one thing that prevented him from trying human alchemy.

Again Edward slipped into sleep without thinking about it.

One is All, All is One. Each can't exist without the other. Alphonse, you were my All. Can I really exist without you?

~You have to brother. You are Winry's All. You are Nina's All. You are my All. You are more then you think.~

More then I think? I am nothing. I destroyed my own brother. How is that worth anything? How can I atone? I want to see you again.

~Live, Brother. Help the people again. You were the Hero of the People once. You could be again.~

"I will. For you, Aru. Always for you, forever." Edward spoke in his sleep. "I will live for you, Little Brother."

But Edward didn't wake, he only rolled over a bit. Winry held back her tears as she watched Ed being tormented even in his sleep. She had heard his voice from down the hall and just like every night she came to check on him.

Just like every time before he was asleep and talking to his brother.


Winry gently knocked on Edward's bedroom door as she slowly pushed it open.

"Edward, are you awake?" She whispered.

Edward rolled his head to face her as his eyes gently opened, he squinted a bit as the light began to filter in.

Winry could tell he had been crying in his sleep again, but said nothing of it. Instead she entered the room carrying something behind her back.

"I've finished it, Ed. Would you like to see it?" She asked gently.

Edward had begun scooting into a sitting position, his back to the headboard. He nodded slowly; his voice still sleeping, it seemed.

Winry gently placed it next to his left arm and knelt beside the bed.

"I made it lighter, since you'll only need it for walking. You can't be rough with this one Ed, it will break a hell of a lot easier then your old ones did." She spoke to him the same way she always did when equipping him with her automail.

"But remember, I can always make new automail... but there is only one Edward Elric, okay?" She added softly.

"Don't worry, Winry. I understand... I'm not a kid anymore." He spoke softly as he smiled a bit more then he had the other day.

"When would you like to attach it? I only ask cause you can't eat before hand, you know." Winry smiled back to him.

"I want to clean up a bit more, then we can attach it. I want to keep our deadline." He was almost fully awake now.

"Okay." She said and placed the leg on the empty nightstand by his bed. "Do you need any help?"

Edward slowly shook his head. "Not right now, but afterward... would you braid my hair?" He asked as he swallowed the lump that had rose to his throat.

"Of course I will." She smiled gently as she held his crutch for him.


Edward shuttered as Winry placed the damp cloth on his forehead, she the pulled the covers over his right leg.

"Don't try to move the leg yet, let the nerves relax." Winry spoke as she gently massaged his left thigh, just above the port.

Edward couldn't reply and Winry didn't expect him to. She continued to rub just above the port and gently speak to him. She had to be strong and not sound worried or afraid for him and she knew he could handle it, he had done it so many times before. She would sit with him for as long as it would take, even if it took days she would stay.

"Do you think he hates me? He died because of me... he died twice." Ed spoke sadly, through his pain and fever. "It was my fault again."

"No Edward. You've read the note he left you more then I have. He told you he would always love you. Always means just that. No matter what you do, Ed, we will all always love you." Winry replied.

"I... Thanks, Winry." Edward paused for a while, "Do you still miss Granny?"

Winry's smile faltered for a moment. "Of course, I'll always miss her. But I know she's happy and that helps me. She's a peace, Ed, just like my parents. And when it is finally my turn I will except it and be with them all once more."

"Do you think I can have that? Peace, I mean." Edward asked sadly.

"Everyone can have it. And it starts with living, and living happily. I go on because I want to make them proud and I want to be proud of my work."

Edward nodded, "I'll make him proud too. I'll live for him, because he didn't get to."

"No, Edward, live for you. Make him proud by being the best you can be. That's what would make him happiest, I think."

Edward was silent. Could that really be the answer, could it be that simple. If it was how had he not seen it sooner.

Winry gently slid her arms down Edward's leg as she began to stand. She looked to Edward, who was now lost in thought, of what she could only imagine.

"I'm going to make dinner, Ed." She spoke lightly as she covered the exposed skin of his left leg.

Edward only nodded, his voice betraying him as him mind reeled in though, to which Winry silently left the room. Edward was now alone with his thoughts.

He mentally slapped himself for missing such an obvious answer. He should have seen it so much sooner! Alphonse was never meant for a military life but Edward, once again, wrangled him into something he thought ill of. Alphonse had tried to warn him, and again he had missed it!

How could I do this to you, Little Brother? I strove to make you happy, but brushed you aside without even blinking! I missed so many signs! I brushed you off and told you I knew what was best, when it was really you who did! How could I. Why couldn't I have died?

~Live. Live and be happy.~

But you died! Your always telling me I can't die! So long ago you told me I couldn't die... I couldn't die alone and leave you.

You told me you would come back. Alphonse, come back! Please, I need you!

Silent tears began rolling down Edward's face, which began to contort with pain and anguish. His emotions finally betrayed him and his eyes now clearly showed the deep sorrow he had felt for years. They glistened with his fear of being alone, and ultimately shown with the guilt of his brother's death. Edward wiped his eyes but the tears continued.

What am I supposed to think? I'd feel betrayed but it's my own fault. I'd be angry but I brought this upon myself. I'd fell pity but I don't deserve it.

If only there were a way I could determine you were happy with your decision. That you didn't regret it; that you would choose to do it again knowing full well this was the out come. If only there was someway for me to know...


It was a week after Edward's leg had been attached, far longer then Ed had intended to wait.

Winry and Edward, whom was leaning on his crutch, waited for the train to arrive.

"I don't know why you have to be so suborn about this. One more day wouldn't have killed you. You could have used to day to learn to walk with the leg again." Winry stated absently as she jabbed at Edward indicating the incoming train.

"Because I want to go before... before..." Edward stumbled over the word as he watched the train stop.

'Before I change my mind!' He shouted in his head.

He was so afraid to board the train now that it was here. He didn't even understand exactly why, it was just a train after all. The real problem waited in Central at the cemetery.

"Before what?" Winry asked, giving him a gently shove forward.

He started absentmindedly walking to the train as he spoke, "Before... Winry maybe your right, maybe we should wait."

Winry then realized Edward's fear. She knew that if they left the station now Edward would never gain the courage to come back.

"Nah, we're here now. Let's go Edward." She said, taking his free arm in her own and leading him to the train.

With a bit of struggle Winry finally got Edward to board and the take their seats, the couple day train ride to Central was now underway. After about an hour of silence Winry finally spoke up.

"I called Ms. Hawkeye to let her know we were coming out. She and Mr. Havoc really want to see you, Ed." She spoke quietly.

Edward looked up from his lap and directly at Winry. His eyes conveyed worry and sadness at the mention of his remaining companions in Central.

"That's right, that bastard Mustang won't be there to make short jokes." Edward spoke with a sad laugh.

Winry just looked at Edward with a sad smile. She knew this was going to be hard on him, hell it was hard on her and she didn't know them half as well as Ed did. She just hoped Edward would summon back his strength and be able to see the path that was being laid in front of him. She wanted to see Edward with his cocky head held high once more.

"Kain won't be there to fuss over the little things, Breda won't be there to laugh at everything, and Falman doesn't have to keep them all in line anymore... and no more bone crushing hugs from Armstrong..." Edward's voice betrayed him as it trailed off and cracked at the end.

Edward could hold it in no longer, he began to cry. It wasn't just a few sniffles here and there, he was full out crying.

"Damn Military... why did... I ever have... to join?" He spoke between sobs.

Winry embraced Edward tightly, her own tears now falling with his own. She knew he needed to cry, he hadn't at the funeral or any day after. Edward was finally starting to heal.

Winry held Ed till he finally fell asleep in her arms. She had long since stopped crying, but even in his sleep Edward was still shedding a few tears.


After a few days on the train the two young adults finally reached Central. Edward was still a bit unresponsive from his 'moment' at the beginning of the train ride. Winry guided the still hobbling Edward off the train then gave him his crutch when they had finally disembarked from the train itself.

Once on the platform Winry looked around and was greeted by a wave from Jean Havoc who was standing next to a serious looking Riza Hawkeye. She gave Edward a slight nudge in the direction of the two waiting Military Officers and they silently walked over to them.

"Hello, Ms. Rockbell, It's good to see you again." Riza said as they approached. "Edward, I'm glad you came back to Central."

"Hey, boss, glad to know your up and around again. The office is so dull without you around." Jean spoke with a smile, then gave a welcoming nod to Winry.

Winry smiled to the two Officers and gave a small bow, "Thank you for meeting us here," She paused and added quietly, "Sorry for interrupting you while you should be at work."

"Nonsense." Riza spoke gently, "I would rather be fired then not come out to greet old friends."

This gained Edward's attention. For the first time since arriving in Central he made eye contact with the Officers. His sad eyes piercing into the determined gaze of Riza Hawkeye, then into the ever-friendly look of Jean Havoc.

Again, Edward's emotions betrayed him and tears threatened to fall once again.

"I'm so sorry! I should have come sooner, I never should have..." But Edward's words were stopped as Riza placed a single finger to his lips.

"No Edward, you did what you thought was right there is no need to apologize." Riza spoke with a smile.

Edward's eyes widened at her smile then immediately softened. She was right; just like always, she was right. Riza removed her finger from his lips and placed her hand at her side again.

"Thank you." Was all Edward could say.

There was then a mutual understanding of what needed to take place next. Jean turned to the side and pointed toward the road.

"We have a car waiting." He said, still smiling dispute the situation.

The four friends made there way over to the car and Riza and Jean took to the front seat as Winry and Edward took to the back. After a silent 15-minute car ride they had finally arrived at the place that none of them could ever forget, they arrived at the graveyard.

Passengers opened then existed through their door, except for Edward. He had opened his door but was leery about actually leaving the safety of the automobile.

Winry made her way to Edward and gently looked into his eyes while she spoke, "It's time to heal, Ed."

Edward looked to Winry in confusion but stood none the less. He then looked to his other friends who all gave him smiles of encouragement. He smiled back, it was a sad smile but it was the kind of smile the occasion called for. Edward then led the way to the graves of his friends and his brother.

They stopped at each fallen companion’s grave, Riza and Jean paid proper respect to each fallen soldier. Edward spoke soft words of thanks and of the memories they had left him with.

When they finally approached the last grave the others stopped and Edward approached Alphonse's grave alone. Upon reaching it Edward leaned his crutch against the headstone and kneeled down. Reaching into his pocket to take out 2 metallic horse/cow looking objects. One was well crafted and shined, the other was dull and disfigured.

"Hey... Al." Edward spoke quietly. "I've finally come back."

There was silence as the three behind Edward did nothing but look off to the distant horizon and the setting sun. Edward's eyes were traveling from the headstone to the metallic animals in his hand. He then placed the well crafted on the ground in front of the stone that marked his brother's finally resting-place.

"This is for you, Little Brother... so you don't forget me. Remember when we made them? Mom thought they were both really great. I still think yours is better."

Edward paused again, holding his tears back. He took a deep breath and continued.

"Even though I was the better alchemist... I admired your work. You were more determined then I ever could be. You worked for everything you had, when it all just came natural to me. You were my All, Alphonse. I could never and would never want to be able to thank you enough for what you gave me. You'll always be in my heart and mind. I'll always love you."

Edward stood leaving his crutch against his brother's headstone. He took a few hobbled steps backward, his eyes never leaving where his brother lay at peace. He then looked to the others graves as well as his brother's.

"You've all gone on a journey without me. I can't follow you yet, so Mustang you better take care of Alphonse till I get there." He spoke to all the graves. "Fuery you better be helping keep him out of trouble too."

Edward paused to take a breath. He then smiled, it had some happiness in it, but the lingering pain still showed as well.

"I know now, thanks to my friends and everything you taught me, that I need to move forward. I've got two strong legs and I plan to use them. I will live for you and for me."

Edward still hadn't fully excepted the situation, but he was at least beginning to understand it. He finally knew he could live on and he would do it with the memories of Alphonse and his friends. They had sacrificed so much to show him the path that it would be treason to ignore it.

Edward turned to Riza, Jean, and Winry and smiled, "Think this old dog can learn some new tricks?"