Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Just A Kiss ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yuki: This is going to be set when Ed first met Roy & got into the military, other wise his personality doesn’t really fit. ^^;

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist because if I did Roy would be mine & mine alone. u.u
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Just A Kiss

Knock, knock, knock. Wait a minuet - no answer.

Knock, knock, knock. Wait a minuet - no answer.

“Colonel?” Knock, knock, knock. “You in there?” Wait a minuet - no answer.

“Damn it.” The teen cursed under his breath glaring at the door. “Where the hell could he be?” He looked up & down the hall to see no sign of the man he was looking for. His gaze wondered back to the door his mouth in a tight frown. “I guess I’ll just leave it on his desk.” He patted the papers that were tucked under his arm before laying a hand on the knob.

The door opened easily, he half way expected it to be lock, but to his surprise the Colonel’s was in his office. Ed growled a bit irritated. If Roy was here he could have said something.

“Colonel,” Ed half way growled. “You could have ans-huh?” The blond stopped in mid sentence hearing a snore come from the man. “Mustang?” He called again a bit confused after letting the door shut.

Stepping up to the oak desk he laid his report down. He carefully leaned over the desk looking at the Colonel, observing him.

The man was leaned back in his rolling office chair. A newspaper in hands. Head tilted just right to hide behind the paper - eyes closed & snoring lightly.

“Hawkeye’s going to kill you with that pistol of her’s one day...” Ed sighed straightening up. He always seemed to come when the colonel was in one of his naps & every time he wandered why he got the thought of kissing him.

Ed’s head shook back & forth rapidly trying weird idea out of his mind. “Damn hormones!” He cursed quietly, then stopped. He looked at he newspaper that hid the colonel’s peaceful sleeping face. “He IS asleep...” The teen muttered out loud.

Ed moved around the desk & came up next to the sleeping man. He took a deep breath & bit his lip for a moment before advancing again. Because of his height he was forced to adjust the man a bit before pausing again when there lips almost met.

He examined the Colonel’s face for a moment then shut his eyes & made there lips met.

There was silence in the room for the longest time, until Ed separated from the Colonel, his cheeks on fire. The teen made a hasty exit. So hasty that he missed the Colonel’s smirk as the door slammed.

~The End~
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Yuki: I know- another short fic...WITH NO SMUT! I just can’t get over this slump. *Sighs* Though I might ad on to this one where there is smut. Depends on if I get around to it. ^^; I also know there must be a hundred RoyxEd fics like this. Sorry! Butt the Idea popped in my head & WOULD NOT leave. Like most of my ideas. Until next time please R&R!