Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Just...Another ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“You found someone else?” Roy said shocked as his rising glass had abruptly stopped inches away from his mouth & he looked a crosse the table at his ashamed friend.

“Yeah.” Was the Hughes’ soft reply while looking down into the glistening cup of half drank whisky. “Look, Roy, you have to understand-“

Roy cut him off while setting hi glass down. “I understand,” He sighed while looking at his uncomfortable friend while golden eyes looked back at him uneasily. “I’ve known this would be coming for a while now, Hughes, so it’s okay. You’ve always been a family type of guy. Well you’ve always seemed that way. IT’s not like I have a uterus..or the last time I cheeked I didn’t.” He smiled at Hughes warmly trying to eas him of his fear of how would react.

It seemed to work; Hughes was halfheartedly smiling back at Roy. That had to be some kind of good sign. “You’re taking this awfully well Roy. I figured you would have stormed out on me & give me the silent treatment for months.”

Roy had to chuckle. “You should know me better then that Hughes. I’m not a teenager anymore, I have to treat this as the adult I am. Being mad at you wouldn’t help change your mind about having a family..would it?” He looked playfully at his friend for an answer.

“I suppose not..”

“Thought so.” Was Roy’s hidden high hope crashing comment before continuing. “Anyhow, I don’t see myself too good of a father. Never have seen myself that way.” He stole a thoughtfully moment by taking a last drink out of his glass. “So who’s this lucky girl, humm?”

Hughes eagerly pulled out a picturer of her & announced her name proudly. “That’s Grecia.” His cheeks were a bit flushed as his voice got giddy. That was Roy’s que to get-the-hell-out-before-I-pull-out-the-rest-of-my-picturers-&-attack-yo u-with-idly-ramble.

“I’m glad you’re happy Hughes.” Roy said standing up & grabbing his coat from the back of his chair. “It’s getting late so I better take my leave.” He sighed while spinning his coat on & let it rest on his shoulders & his hands in his pockets.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Roy.” Hughes’ said as he took a drink from his neglected glass.

As Roy walked away he faintly heard his name, it stopped him. He looked over his shoulder at his just moments ago lover. “Yes, Hughes?”

“Thanks..” Hughes didn’t need to finish. Everything was written all over his face.

“Sure, Mase.” Roy smiled at him for a brief second, then turned & went on his way. ‘You wanted a family & I just needed a fuck buddy...I understand completely.’ With that thought a tear that he had been carefully holding back..crept out th corner of his eye; helping the rain wet his cheek.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is TOTALLY different from what I normally write. Although it does have hints of HughesxRoy or RoyxHughes it had no sex! o.o...I feel clean.... This was just something that came to my head & I just HAD to write it up for some odd reason. I’ve been getting odd burst of inspiration lately & this on just happened to come while I was at home instead of school. & After I had read a HughesxRoy fic. I wasn’t really sure what to title it so I just put up whatever came to mind. I think the title fits. Please R&R this very short fic & tell me if I should do a follow up HughesxRoy story. PLEASE!! >< *Kitty-kat pout* & If I do, do a follow up story I’ll put some nice juicy lemon in it! =^.^=