Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Heaven ❯ Life in real world ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Lost Heaven
Anime: FMA (character-Azmaria is from Chrono Crusade)
Disclaimer: I do not own any copyright to plots and characters from Fullmetal Alchemist and Chrono Crusade, so pls don't sue me!
Pairing: Ed/Al, Al/Azmaria
Gene: Angst
Rating: PG
Summary: After the movie, Ed and Al went to live in the real world without their alchemist ability till year 2006. Inspired after FMA OVA.
Chapter 01: Life in Real World
Year 2005... Tokyo Japan
The leaves rustled in the cool autumn wind as a 95 year old man sat besides his balcony, looking at the photo of a younger, but taller man standing next to his shorter elder brother. Edward Elric sighed deeply. Alphonse Elric had been admitted to the hospital a month ago due to heart stroke and his wife-Azmaria Hendric had went to accompany him. Edward had insisted on going but his automail leg was no longer as agile as in the past. Many problems had began their demonstrations by emitting pains on his joints whenever the weather changed. Azmaria promised to call him if Al's illness became serious.
"We've finally found our way here!" Shouts of children entered his ears as he looked up. "A gift from grandpa Al... Errr.. nope, great-grandpa Al!" The children chanted and gathered around Edward, pulling their bags to him while the elder boy started bickering with the little girl again. Edward Elric smiled. The three children reminded him so much of himself, his younger brother-Alphonse Elric and his childhood friend-Winry Rockbell.
"Remember the fighting scene in the movie-Conqueror of Shamballa? I wish I can use alchemy!" The elder boy resembling younger version of Edward Elric asked his younger brother.
"I like the fire alchemy, it's so impressive!" The younger boy resembling younger version of Alphonse Elric chipped and turned to Edward: "Have you watched the movie before, great grand pa Ed? It's great! I wonder how life is going to be like if we can all use alchemy. It must be pretty convenient because we can fix things simply by a clap of hands!"
"I don't think so, learning alchemy can bring loads of troubles, it's better if you don't know alchemy at all, children." Edward gave a toothless smile and looked out of the window, thinking of his long ago past.
83 years ago
On a fateful day, Alphonse Elric and Edward Elric went through the transmutation gate and ended up in the other world on the other side of the gate. They rented an apartment in Berlin. Edward couldn't forget Al's joy and surprise to see their new home where they could finally live in peace together. After the funeral of Alphonse Heiderich, they formally lived in the apartment and made new friends who resembled Scar and Lust.
The Elric brothers' reunion did not last more than 5 years. Deeply curious with the other world, Al had went into deeply into his studies on world history and eventually travelled widely to several countries to continue his research while Ed had kept himself busy by concentrating in movie production with Fritz Lang. Throughout the time, Ed and Al kept in touch via mails. Time flew. The teenagers in the exchange of photos changed. Alphonse had grew taller, and to Edward's disgust, he remained short as ever. One day, Al told him that he was going to be married with an American girl-Azmaria Hendric and invited him to attend their wedding.
There was a dull gloominess deep within Ed and he wrote to reject the invitation with an excuse that he was too busy.
A flash of time... World War II... Germany..
Due to his stubborn attitude, Fritz Lang refused to leave the country during the early sign for start of war and paid deeply for the consequence when he was arrested and sent to the concentration camp. Equally stubborn, Ed hid a rifle and sneaked into the camp to rescue Fritz. As a result, he was locked up.
Two days before his execution, Al suddenly turned up at the cell with a frown.
"You are still rash as ever, nii-san." Al said and passed some clothes to Ed: "Let's go out."
"Hey, wait, where are we going?" Ed questioned.
"Going out for some fresh air. I've my own way of doing things." Al said and pulled Ed outside the building. He talked to a soldier and took a bag of things and pulled Ed into a dark corner where there was a corpse lying on the ground.
"Al!" Ed exclaimed, but was hushed by Al. He made Ed changed his clothes and put the clothes over the corpse.
"Let's go." Al whispered. Through some contacts, he managed to smuggle himself and Ed out of Germany to America.
Year 1950....
Ed, Al and his wife migrated to Japan. Ed continued his career as movie producer and became famous. Al and Azmaria concentrated on their researches. Remembering their past, Al was especially interested in Geometry and anything that was connected to alchemy. Ed made a movie based on his last return to their own world. In Japan, the Elric brothers developed their roots till then. Al invited Ed to live with him and Azmaria, but he rejected. Through out the years, Al paid regular visits to Ed to chat till his health deteriorated.
"Great-grandpa, are you listening to what we are saying?" The little girl resembling Winry pouted.
"Yes, yes, sorry, my mind was drifting away again." Ed smiled. He wondered how was Winry now, her life without him and Al. She must be married with many grand children by now. Somehow, he felt uneasy about leaving her like that. But he had to do that, so that no one could get through the transmutation gate. In this way, their world would be protected.
Present time
A ring interrupted his thought.
"I'll go and get the phone!" The Ed-like boy jumped and took the receiver: "Hello, Elric residence!"
"Go and get your great grandpa Ed, it's URGENT!" Ed could identify Azmaria's panicking voice from the other side of the phone.
He stumbled to the phone and grabbed the receiver.
"Al's condition is deteriorating, doctor says that he might not be able to survive tonight!" Azmaria sobbed: "He wants to see you now."
The receiver fell onto the ground. Without a second thought, Ed grabbed his coat and walking stick and rushed out of the house with the three children.
Please don't let him die, please don't let him die yet, I've too many things to talk to you, Al! Ed silently prayed to the nameless gods as the cab took him and the kids to the hospital.
In the ICU, Al was breathing breathlessly under the oxygen mask.
"AL!!!!!!" Ed cried as he rushed to his younger brother's side: "Can you talk?"
"Nii-san," Al whispered and his wrinkled face broke into a boyish smile: "Nice to see you drop by again."
"Al, damnit, don't you dare to leave me behind just because I did that to you more than 80 years ago!" Ed roared, ignoring the disapproved looks from the nearby nurses.
"We're even years ago when I left you behind for my further study, remember?" Al whispered with short interval gasp for more air: "I was hoping that you can forgive me for that."
"Nah, you've saved my life during the war, we're quit." Ed grinned, feeling wet hotness threatening to leak out from his eyes.
"So glad to hear that, will you blame me for breaking my promise to be with you forever?" Al struggled with his breath. Ed took Al's veined hand and their fingers entwined tightly: "Not at all."
"Arigato and gomene sai, nii-san." Al smiled and his grip loosened.
Ed buried his face on Al's chest to muffle his cries as the nurses pulled the blanket over Al's head.....
AU: Yah, a crappy chap, but please R & R!