Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Military Branch ❯ chp.4 // Sunset's Blood ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N...Not much to say, minus the entire REVIEW FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE~ JJJEEEEEEEEEZ
Okay, I'm Done.
The train was, too put quite bluntly…noisy. I growled, covering my ears as the uproarious noise drove me to hide behind Al. I judged it a little safer there. Al laughed; But Ed just rolled his eyes. I noticed how he kept his distance from me, almost as if he was afraid to be within a foot of me. Al was careful around me to, I judged. I found it hard to be friends with them, having them being too careful with themselves. They where always carefully restrained…as if afraid of slipping up. Maybe revealing something to me that I shouldn't know.
I groaned as we boarded the train- this looked like an older one. The seats weren't for four people, but for two. Al and Ed looked at each other for moment, processing this new information. One would have to leave the group. I immediately went on the defensive.
“You aren't leaving me… I'm not gonna be alone!” I said, crossing my arms, and giving them steady looks. Al was the first to back down. Even if my glare hadn't been intimidating, he till would have. I had come to know him as someone gentle, and he had no trouble living up to those expectations. Edward, however, remained moody, casting his brother irritated glares at having to sit alone with me for the next five hours. His eyes confirmed what I had wondered. He was asking his brother through his pleading eyes…'What if I slip?'
I sat in a seat, motioning for him to take the one opposite me. Al sat a few seats from us, likely giving us privacy. I scowled. That was totally un-needed. Edward plopped into the seat unceremoniously, a scowl fixated on his face. I noticed the Topaz eyes burning in remorse as he slipped his head into hand. I glared dubiously away from him, trying not to put him on the spot, so that he thought he had to start a conversation. That was the one thing I did not need right now. Ugh. Great…five hours. Edward never relented his firm gaze out of the window, a steady leveled glare that seemed to shake the trees. I knew that it was the wind, but I could imagine, right? His temper fit the mood all too well.
I shifted uncomfortable as the hours dragged past. I was just itching to say something, to break the uncomfortable silence that cloaked the two of us. Edward, too, looked as if he were itching to jump from the seat, as if Actions might be able to snap the cord of silence. But the tension remained, almost as physical as it was mental. It bore down on my shoulders, causing me to hunch them, and stare ruefully out the window.
A very sudden lurch threw me from my seat, and I slammed into him violently. Edward cried out, and another lurch gave us little time to recuperate. This time, Edward was thrown to the ground, taking me with him. When the train finally came to a stop, I had ended up on top of him, blushing furiously. Our bodies were a tangle of larms and legs, and it took a minute to untangle our limbs. In the process, my should had brushed against his arm, and his sleeve came up.
I was treated with the sight of cold, hard metal.
I froze, shocked, and stared at the auto mail arm displayed before me. I stared for a second, and the met his eyes. He was staring at me in shock, the metal glint reflected in his eyes. We laid there for a moment, and then I broke into a wide grin.
“So, is that all? That's all that you wanted to hide from me?”
Edward shuffled uncomfortably, getting back into his seat. I fell into mine audibly, and he averted his gaze from my face. Al was out of earshot, but I could see him sending curious glances our way. I scowled, and Edward continued averting his gaze. I finally took his face in my hands so that I could stare him right in the eye. Ed looked at me for a second, and then realized that I was touching face, and flushed tomato red. In the same Instant Al shot us another glance over his shoulder, and promptly stared. I was vby now, blushing to, and removed my ahnds from his face to allow him some room.
I could tell, even from looking across the train, that Al was laughing hysterically.
“What, no ring?” Al asked, and promptly burst out laughing again. I gave him a steely glare, trying to make him shut up. But the blush that colored my face only made him laugh harder. Ed was looking away as he wasn't hearing his brother taunt us about the incident. When Al stopped laughing, we where walking in silence again. Well, silence that included my mumbling. I'm almost positive that Al caught odds and ends like
`I was trying to make him look at me…. started blushing…so random…stupid assumptions.'
I looked behind us at the smoking train. It was the train going onto the wrong track- the one that ended suddenly- that had caused the lurch. The driver couldn't do anything about it…because by then, we had hit the tree. We where now out in the wilderness. The mass of people was un-thinkingly, starting to separate into smaller groups. Not many knew what to do, and those who thought that they knew, ended up wandering away from the group… and probably getting mauled by a bear.
Unfortunately, with smart-ass Edward here, we were one of those groups.
I trudged through the no even denser foliage, often tripping on roots of vines, Al managed to stay aloft most of the time, and I would grab his arm when ever was necessary. I was keeping a good distance from Edward, afraid of an outburst or triggered blush. He looked as if he were doing the same, probably for the same reasons. Al walked in-between us, a metal barrier that, thankfully, made talking impossible. The ever-present roots where serving that same purpose, too. Every few minutes I would trip.
Finally, after what most have been hours of tense silence, the trees began to thin. The light came easier through the leaves, and the shadows no longer looked menacing. I looked around, and slowly, the sun began to set.
The gold-capped horizon finally came into view. The rays of the dying sun where staining the sky- and clouds that inhabited it- an odd crimson color. It almost looked as if the suns rays were bleeding, sending spatters of color across the sky like ink on a page. But more importantly than the awe-inspiring sunset, were the lights that it housed. A group of houses, lights flickering, mapped the ground below us. I gazed at it, only now noticing the sign that lay a dozen hard to our right.
Welcome to ValensTown
Okay, done the chapter! ^^ Damn strait you guys had better post a review for every chapter. Remember my logic- more reviews = more chapters.