Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Rainbows ❯ pet name ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

yay! drabble! this is a little break forom my reactions. :)
i don't own FMA
It had been going on all day and it was bugging the wax out of his ears.
The consistency of it was enough to drive him up a wall and stay there for quite a while.
Ever since this morning, Edwatd had been mumbling non-stop.
It was Driving the Flame Alchemist batty! and it took quite a lot of work to do that.
After work, Roy finally decided that he'd had enough of it.
"Edo, what in the world are you mumbling about? It's driving me crazy!"
Ed looked up at the raven-haired man, "Well, all day I've been trying to think up an endearment for you. You always call me 'Edo', or 'my chibi', but I don't have anything special to call you."
Roy blinked, was that all? "Well don't worry Edo," he stated huskily, "You're a genius, I'm sure you'll find somthing suitable." Edwards cuteness always was arousing.
The next day, there wasn't a mumble to be heard.
Roy mused that Edward had either come up with a nick name or given up trying to find one.
"So, Edward, what did you come up with?"
Ed looked up at him, his eyes peering through his thick blond hair. "Well, I figured that 'horse' was too original, and I don't like any of those sickly sweet names, so i came up with...equine(1)! My equine!" Edward glomped him.
Roy blinked...equine? What in the world went through that boy's head?
EQUINE! Well at least Edward hadn't come up with any other wierd names for him.
Reflecting that it could be worse, Roy allowed himself to be kissed sensless my his chibi before picking him up and walking into the sunset.
just so ya know, that last sentence was not literal...jusat proverbial. i've always wanted to say that, and thin was my one chance...so i took it!
(1) equine relates to any horse like creatures...sort of like cows in genral are called bulvines...only their horses!
well there's my latest drabble... the reactions of ther others will continue...i can't wait to do armstrong. :)