Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Night Sky ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The window slammed and rebounded as the night wind blew.
The flame swayed vigorously for a moment and a drop of wax streamed down.
A stack of paper was slapped in the air, in a disarraying fashion,
as Alphonse struggled to keep the surrounding loose pages on the desk from following suit.
The night howled as the waning moon shied away between some clouds.

A face popped in by the door, with a companion. She was holding a soup of dumplings.
"I thought you might be hungry," she chirped.
He smiled, "Thank you, May."

Shao May hopped onto the desk and leapt towards some pages, left in a brisk manner.
She signaled towards May.
"Mm? Oh yes, I found some unsorted pages of these in the Imperial Library," Alphonse responded
between mouthfuls.
"Oh! So they were unsorted," May exclaimed. "we've been searching for these for awhile.
We thought they were all compiled into volumes."

Seeing that she had his attention, she went on.
"Yup," May said cheerily,"These notes are ancient. They were a tribute of gratitude from the Joseon Dynasty,
another country that pursues traditional healing and medical practice."
"So what do these little dots and lines mean?"
On a serious note, she pointed to the page in front.
"This is an acupuncture diagram, a concept of the fourteen meridians. Joseon also studies the flow of chi."
"Ah, interesting."
"By the way, you should finish your soup while it's hot!"
To which, Shao May and May nodded in unison.
"Hahaha, ok!"