Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Unknown title ❯ Final Part ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Ashley is 19 now. Her hair is still long and black. She still hears from her brothers now and then. She is now a state alchemist and she worked very hard. She still remembers the day that she was about to disappear. She really hated the person who was inside of her. It's now nighttime. It's around 11:56 p.m. It's about 4 minutes before midnight. She was turning in her sleep and she wakes up suddenly. “Not the same dream again.” Ashley said as she sighs. She gets up and puts a jacket on over her pink gown and a pair of white shoes and goes to walk outside. It was a clear night and she was walking around. Just then, she saw two shadows. One was tall and the other was short. Ashley walked closer to see the figures and she was smiling. It was her brothers, Ed and Al. “I'm glad to see you guys again.” Ashley said. “It has been a long time.” Ed said. Ashley nods and she yawns. “You look tired. Did you just wake up?” Al asked. “Yes…..I had the same dream as I did before.” Ashley said. “You mean where you were taking away from this world when you were younger?” Ed asked. “Yes.” Ashley said. Just then, a blinding light shines on them. “What in the heck?” Ed asked. It looked like the light was coming from a car. “What are you all doing up so late?” Roy asked as he was getting out of the car. “Me and Al just got here and I'm not really sure with Ashley.” Ed said as he sighs. Ashley blinks for a moment. “I couldn't get back to sleep so I went outside for a walk.” Ashley said. “I guess that my wife-to-be can't handle one measly dream.” Roy said as he sighs. Ed and Al were both shocked. “WHAT?!?” Ed and Al said together. Ashley was turning red and she sighs. “I guess that Ashley didn't tell you two the good news. You see, me and Ashley are getting married.” Roy said as he sighs. Ashley nods. “It's true.” Ashley said. “You have got to be kidding.” Ed said. Ashley sweatdrops and she sighs. “It's the truth. I have to get going. I'm going back to the dorm and going back to sleep. Bye.” Ashley said as she waves and walks off. As soon as Ashley got back to the dorm, she suddenly feels dizzy and she walks inside and goes to her room. The next day, Ashley woke up and tries to get dressed and walks out of the room. She was heading off to head quarters and wants to get over with it. Ashley was walking around inside and wants to talk to someone. Just then, Ashley looks over at the slightly open door and she looks inside through a crack. She couldn't believe what she is seeing. Roy was kissing Ed. Ashley was turning red and then she tries to back away but bumps into a wall. “What was that bumping sound coming from?” Ed asked. “It's coming from outside the door.” Roy said. Ashley was shocked and was still red. “I better run and fast before I'm caught.” Ashley said as she gets up but then she bumps into someone. “Be careful, miss.” A man said as he helps Ashley up. “Sorry about that.” Ashley said. “It's ok. I know I have seen you a couple of times before but I can't seem to remember your name. What was your name again?” The man said. “My name is Ashley.” Ashley said. “If you don't remember me, my name is Maes Hughes.” The man said. “I have heard of you.” Ashley said. “Well, I see you are in a hurry so get going.” Maes said. “Alright. Bye.” Ashley said as she now runs. Later in the afternoon, Ashley was down at the mess hall and was eating lunch. `That was shocking what I saw Ed and Roy doing.' Ashley thought. Ashley couldn't stop thinking about it and she was turning red. “Did you hear? Someone tried to spy on Ed and Roy.” Al said as he appears right next to Ashley. “I heard alright. If that someone had a camera and took a picture of what happened, I bet the picture would be used as blackmail.” Ashley said. Al nods and he sighs. “You're right. Do you know who did it?” Al asked. Ashley blinks for a moment and she sighs. “Yes.” Ashley said. “Let me guess. It was you, right?” Al said. Ashley nods and she sighs. “Yes it was.” Ashley said. “Alright. We just won't let them know that it was you who did it.” Al said. “Yeah……” Ashley said. Just then, a yell was coming in. “I KNOW SOMEONE SPIED ON ME EARLIER! WHO WAS IT?” Ed yelled. Ashley was turning pale and then she tries to sneak out. “DON'T YOU DARE GO ANYWHERE! I KNOW SOMEONE HERE SPIED ON ME AND I WANT TO KNOW WHO IT WAS!” Ed yelled as he points at Ashley. “What did I do? I didn't do anything.” Ashley said as she was scared. “That is enough.” Roy said as he walks inside. “I'm just mad that someone earlier spied on us.” Ed said. Ashley was backing away. “You just made Ashley scared.” Roy said as he was now looking at Ashley. Ashley was pale and scared already. “If I knew anything as in that I know who spied on you, I would tell you.” Ashley said as she sighed. “You know who spied on us?” Ed asked. Ashley blinked for a moment and then she was starting to run. “Yes I do but I'm not telling!” Ashley yelled as she ran and she disappeared. “Al should know who did spy on me earlier.” Ed said as he turns to his brother. “Ashley did tell me who spied on you and Roy.” Al said. “She did? Who was it?” Roy asked. “It…..was….her…” Al said. “WHAT?!? IT WAS ASHLEY?!?” Ed yelled. Al nods. “It was Ashley but she was afraid to tell so she told me.” Al said. “That figures. I guess that she needs to stay away from Ed. I know that if he saw her, she will get her butt kicked so she should stay away from him until he calms down.” Roy said.
Later that night, Ashley was sitting at a train station with her bags and was waiting for a train to come so she can avoid the bad stuff. She was crying all alone and was afraid. `I guess that I should leave and find somewhere where no one knows me.' Ashley thought.
At the dorm, Ashley's room was empty and she left a note. It reads:
“Anyone who reads this will now know that I'm leaving. I'm at the train station and will be waiting for anyone who wants to say goodbye before I will be gone. If anyone who also read this should know that I cared about them and I wish I could stay longer. Bye……”
Ed, Al, and Roy read the note and they looked at each other. “We need to catch Ashley and try to convince her to stay.” Al said. “I just wish that I haven't yelled at Ashley.” Ed said. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and the door opens. “Is Ashley here?” Maes asked as he walks inside. Roy shakes his head. “I'm afraid not. She's at the train station, waiting for the train to come so she will be gone. We need to go after her.” Roy said. Everyone nodded and they all left the dorm and were driving a car and starting to head to the train station.
At the train station, Ashley was still waiting and she couldn't help cry. Just then, Ashley heard some yelling. Everyone showed up and were upset. “Please don't leave!” Al yelled. “Why should I stay? I feel some people hate me.” Ashley said. “Let's just forget what happened earlier and go back to the dorm.” Ed said. “I guess that I should go back to the dorm. I realize that this is my home.” Ashley said. “We all want you to stay” Roy said. Ashley nods and she sighs. “Alright. I'll stay.” Ashley said. Everyone was so happy and then they got Ashley and went back to the dorm.
Two weeks later, everyone was in the office and Ashley was looking out at the window. Ashley was distracted by what happened when she was going to leave. Ashley got up and walks out the door. She was walking back to the dorm when she didn't see a car coming towards her and hits her, setting her backwards and gets knocked out. “No! Ashley!” Roy yelled as he gets out of the car and runs towards Ashley. Ashley wasn't showing any sign of movement. “I have to get you out of here.” Roy said as he bends down to carry Ashley. Ashley wasn't waking up. Once back at Ashley's room, Roy sets Ashley on the bed and he sighs. “Please wake up…” Roy said. Then, there was some twitching from Ashley's fingers. “You're waking up.” Roy said as he leans over and kisses Ashley. Ashley opened her eyes. “What happened?” Ashley asks as she was now awake. “You got hit by a car and I carried you here.” Roy said. Ashley smiled and she goes back to rest.
A week later, Ashley was fully healed and can move around. She wanted to take some pictures and she gets a camera and runs out the door. She went to head quarters and was looking around. She then walked passed a slightly open door and looks in. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Roy was kissing Ed again but this time, Al is involved. She then turned on her camera and starting to take some pictures. When she was done, she turned her camera off and ran. “Now I have pictures.” Ashley said as she smirks. Ashley then turned around and sees Ed running towards her. “I'm dead. I gotta run.” Ashley said as she was starting to run and she disappears. Ashley ran to a dark room and closes the door. “I'm safe for now.” Ashley said. Just then, she hears the knob turning and the door opening. “What do I do? Where do I hide?” Ashley asked herself as she sees the door opening. “Anyone in here?” A man called. “Yes. I'm just hiding from someone.” Ashley said. “Does the person happen to be short and has a bad temper?” The man asked. “Yes….” Ashley said as she sweatdrops. “Don't you recognize me? It's me, Alex Lewis Armstrong.” The man said. “Oh, sorry. I guess that I didn't recognize you.” Ashley said. “That's alright but you don't need to be here so please get out of this room.” Armstrong said. Ashley nods and she walks out of the room. Just then, Ed appears. Ashley's eyes widened and she starts to run. “What did I do to be chased?” Ashley asked herself as she was running fast. “Wait! You dropped something.” Ed said as he was holding her notebook. “Oh. Sorry.” Ashley said as she gets her notebook and she sighs. “You're acting all jumpy. Are you alright?” Ed asked and then he sees Ashley's camera. “Yes…..Why do you ask?” Ashley asked. “Well, I see you have a notebook and a camera. It seems that you are up to something.” Ed said. “I don't have anything planned.” Ashley said. “Were you spying on me and Roy again?” Ed asked. Ashley sighs and she nods. “Yes….” Ashley said as she was turning red. “Why you…..” Ed said as he was getting mad. Ashley was getting scared and was starting to back away. Just then, a mysterious figure appears. “Oh no. Not again..” Ashley said. “Yes. It's me again.” The figure said. “How did you get back?” Ashley asked. “You see, I can create portals and I just figure that I would make a portal that would lead here.” Ash said. Ashley's eyes widened. “Are you here to take me away?” Ashley asked. Ash nodded. “Yes. You don't belong here.” Ash said. Ashley started to cry. “I do belong here. This is now my home. I have friends here and I figured out about who were my long-lost brothers. I even fell in love with someone here.” Ashley said. Ash sighed. “If this is your choice of staying here, you can. Our next meeting will surely be our last.” Ash said and then she disappears. “If our next meeting will be our last, does that mean she will try to kill me?” Ashley asked. “I'm afraid so.” Roy said as he sighs. “When Ash comes back, we'll be ready.” Ashley said as she sighs. Ashley was not going to give up after the incident. She learned to be strong and to trust herself and others that are around her.
Two days later, Ashley was in her room and she was writing in her notebook. She was thinking up ideas for a story in a newspaper. “I need some sort of idea. I need to figure out what I need to do.” Ashley said. Just then, she hears a loud bang from outside the door. “What in the heck was that?” Ashley asked. She grabs her notebook and her camera and runs out the door. It turns out that it was a spark of fire. “Oh great….” Ashley said as she sighs. “What was that?” Somebody asked. “It's just a spark from a flame.” Ashley said. “Sorry about that.” Roy said as he walks out from his room. Ashley shakes her head and she sighs. “Next time, warn anybody here what you were going to do before you scare any of us.” Ashley said. “Alright then…” Roy said. Just then, a person was starting to shout. “WHAT IN THE HECK WAS THAT?!?” Ed said. Ashley sighs. “Apparently, Roy was doing target practice or something until a spark slipped and cause an explosion in the hall.” Ashley said. “Don't tell me, you're about to write this incident into your notebook and thinking about putting this into a story for a newspaper.” Ed said as he noticed Ashley's notebook and camera. “Umm…no..” Ashley said. “Never mind.” Ed said. Ashley sighs and then she walks back to her room. “Maybe I will write the story of the incident and put it into a newspaper.” Ashley said. She starts to write in her notebook and was thinking at the same time. That night, Ashley walked to a building that publishes a newspaper and submits her article. `The article will be in tomorrow's morning paper.' Ashley thought as she walks back to the dorm and she heads off to bed.
The next day, the newspaper came out and was issued to everyone. Ashley read the newspaper and she saw the article that she submitted. The headline reads: “One slip of spark from flame causes trouble” Ashley read the whole article and she sighs to herself. “I hope they don't find out who wrote the article.” Ashley said as she gets ready and she heads off to head quarters. Ashley heard some people were talking about some person found out about yesterday's incident. “If I found out who wrote this article, they'll be burnt to chrisp!” Roy yelled as he saw the article. Ashley heard him yell that was coming from his office and she enters inside. “I guess you found out that someone wrote the article about yesterday's incident.” Ashley said. Roy sighed. “Yes I did.” Roy said. Just then, Ed and Al appeared inside the office. “Let me guess, you guys read the article as well.” Ashley said. “Yes and it is making me mad.” Ed said. Ashley was confused. “How?” Ashley asked. “Someone must have sneaking around yesterday and must have found out from somebody else.” Ed said. Ashley shakes her head. “I guess that person must have been staying at the dorms during that time and wanted to find a good story to write.” Ashley said. “At the bottom of the article, the person refers itself the black phantom, does it remind us of anyone we know?” Al asked. `They are going to find out who wrote the article.' Ashley thought. “I might know who is the person that refers themselves as the black phantom.” Roy said. “Who?” Ed and Al said together. “The person is Ashley.” Roy said as he points at Ashley. Ashley nods but she sighs. “I'm trying to earn a lot of money so I can go get food for a whole month and lately, I was running low so I found a good part-time job as a reporter.” Ashley said. Everyone was so quiet and then, Ashley walks out.
Later in the afternoon, Ashley was at the other side of the city and was sitting at a pier. She was looking out at the water and she sighed. “I wish they didn't found out that it was me who wrote the article.” Ashley said. Just then, it started to rain. Ashley shrugged her shoulders and was still looking at the water. While it was raining, a flash of lightning appears. “I better get going.” Ashley said as she gets up and then she starts to run. When she went to her room at the dorm, her door was locked. “Great!” Ashley yelled. Just then, she was going through her pockets and found the keys. She put the key through the lock and she unlocks the door. When she opened the door, she couldn't believe on what she is seeing. She sees Ed and Roy asleep on her bed and they didn't have any clothes on. Ashley was turning bright red and she ran out of the door. `That was shocking.' Ashley thought. Ashley was shocked on what she saw and she blinks. “I must have gone in there at the wrong time.” Ashley said as she sighs. She leans against a wall and she sits on the floor.
An hour has passed and Ashley has fallen asleep with her back against the wall and her head in her jacket. Someone carried her into her room and sits her on the bed. After that, the person closed the door and left. Later, Ashley woke up and sits up. She sees that she was on the bed and she shakes her head. “I must have fallen asleep in the hallway.” Ashley said. The room was quiet and she sighs to herself. Just then, there was a knock on the door. “Who is it?” Ashley asked. There was no response. Ashley walked slowly to the door and she opens it. It looked like that no one was there but then she looks down. There was a weird object on the floor. “What in the heck?” Ashley asked. There was a flash a light that surrounded Ashley and then she passes out.
The next day, Ashley woke up and she walks over to her mirror. She saw her reflection and then her eyes grew wide. She had black cat ears and she turned around and looks down. She has a black tail. “I can't show up today without being noticed!” Ashley yells as she was shocked. Then, she has an idea. She decided to wear a long black dress to cover her tail and then she wears her jacket, but this time, she has a hood to cover her ears and then she heads out the door. When she got to headquarters, she was looking around and hopes that no one notices her. Just then, she hears a loud clumping noise right behind her. She turns around and she turns pale. It was Roy. `I can't let him see me like this.' Ashley thought as she sighs. “Hello Ashley. Are you ok? You seem pretty nervous.” Roy said. Ashley sighs and she blinks. “Let's just say something happened to me.” Ashley said. “What happened to you yesterday?” Roy asked. “If I show you, will you laugh at me?” Ashley asked. “Umm…no.” Roy said. Ashley sighs and removes the hood from her jacket, revealing her cat ears. Roy's eyes grew big and his jaw dropped. “How did that happen?” Roy asked. “All I remember is that there was a blinding light from a weird object and the light surrounded me.” Ashley said. Just then, Ed appeared and he was starting to yell. “WHAT IN THE HECK HAPPENED YESTERDAY?! I HEARD SOMEONE SCREAMING AND IT WAS DREADFUL.” Ed yelled. Ashley put her jacket back on and puts the hood over her head again. “Uhh…nothing happened.” Ashley said as she sighs. “What do you mean nothing happened?” Al asked as he appears. “I mean nothing bad happened..” Ashley said. They all looked at Ashley and she sweatdropped. “Why are you wearing a hood over your head?” Ed asked. “You might never know what will happen.” Ashley said. “Ok……” Ed said. Ashley was tilting her head back and then the hood fell back. Just then, Maes and Armstrong appeared. “Hello everyone…..” Maes said and then he saw that Ashley had cat ears. Ashley put her head up and then everyone's jaws dropped. “What is everyone looking at?” Ashley asked. “You have cat ears.” Al said. Ashley was turning red and then she sighs. Just then, Ed was starting to laugh. Ashley got so mad that she ran off.
Later in the afternoon, Ashley was looking through the bookcase in her room and tries to find a book on how she can turn back to normal. Then, she found a black book and starts to look through it. She then found some instructions on how she can change back. She was drawing a transmutation circle and then she read that she must find DNA from her so the process can work. She pulled one strand of hair and puts it in the middle. She clapped her hands together and puts them in the circle. The circle was glowing and then she started to glow as well. Her ears were going back to normal and then her tail was disappearing. `It's working.' Ashley thought. The glowing had stopped and then Ashley sighs. Ashley ran to her mirror and sees that she's back to normal. “Yes!” Ashley yelled as she was now smiling. Ashley is finally back to normal. Ashley ran out of her room and starts dancing around. “What are you happy about?” Ed asked as he appears right behind Ashley, with everyone around. “I'm finally back to normal.” Ashley said as she smiles. Everyone just stared at Ashley and blinked. “Ok…..” Everyone said together. Ashley sweatdrops and she sighs. “I guess these idiots don't believe me.” Ashley mumbled to herself. “WHAT DID YOU SAY?!?” Everyone yelled. Ashley turned pale and she starts to back away. “Umm….nothing.” Ashley said as she now runs. “GET BACK HERE!” Ed yelled. “No!” Ashley yelled as she sticks out her tongue and then she pulls out a smoke ball. She then throws it to the ground and lots of smoke appeared around everyone else, now that Ashley makes her escape.
A few days later, Ashley was trying to figure out how to change her appearance. “Maybe I should cut my hair short. Or maybe I could find attractive clothes.” Ashley said. Just then, a letter slipped under the door. “I wonder who would send this?” Ashley asked herself. She was curious and then she opens the letter. `I am having a big party this evening and I want you to come. I'm hoping you can show up. Everyone will be there. Please come. The party will be held at Headquarters.' The note had said. Ashley smiles to herself. “I wonder who wrote this letter?” Ashley asked herself.
Later that evening, Ashley was dressed in her pink dress and was in black high heel shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. “I guess that I'm ready to go.” Ashley said. She was heading out the door and now walks to headquarters. When she got there, the place was crowded. “Looks like almost everyone got the same letter.” Ashley said. Everyone was heading inside and Ashley followed. “Wow!” Ashley yelled as she was shocked. The whole place was decorated. Everyone was dancing and Ashley found a table and sat by herself. “I wonder who invited me here?” Ashley asked herself as she sighs. Just then, people were crowding around a stage and someone was going to speak. Ashley looked up and then she saw that Ed was on stage. “I'm going to sing a song to everyone.” Ed said. Ashley groaned and then she heads for the door. “I'm not going to hear this…..” Ashley said as she sighs. Just then, a light was shining on Ashley. “Where are you going?” Ed asked. Ashley sighs and she shakes her head. “I was going to get some fresh air, if you don't mind.” Ashley said as she heads out of the door. Ashley sighs to herself and she looks at the night sky. “If the person who wrote me the letter, then where is the person?” Ashley asked. “Maybe the person is standing right behind you.” Roy said as he appears right behind Ashley. Ashley turns around and she smiles. “So it was you?” Ashley asked. “Yes it was.” Roy said as he smiles. Ashley was blushing red and then she smiles a little. “Thanks for inviting me.” Ashley said. “No problem.” Roy said as he smiles at Ashley. Ashley couldn't help but to smile now that she knows who wrote her the letter. Just then, two shadowy figures appear. Ashley was blinking for a moment and her eyes widened. “Are you ok?” Roy asked as he stares at Ashley. “I…..thought I saw something.” Ashley said. Ashley shrugged her shoulders and she goes back inside. As Ashley entered inside, the lights went off. Ashley couldn't see what she was doing and by accident, she changed into the black phantom. Ashley sneaked around and turns the lights back on. As the lights were turned on, everyone was staring at Ashley. `Oh no. It just happened in a bad time like this.' Ashley thought. Ashley found the nearest exit and tries to escape. As Ashley was trying to escape, she was caught by Ed. “Let me go!” Ashley yelled as she was afraid. “I don't think so.” Ed said. “Who is this person?” Al said as he appears. `Oh no. If everyone recognizes me, they'll hate me.' Ashley thought. “I think I know who this is.” Roy said as he appears out of the crowd. “You do?” Ashley and Ed said together. “Yes.” Roy said. He approaches right in front of Ashley and he removes her mask. Everyone was shocked but Ashley just looked down. “Was that you who turned on the lights?” Ed asked. Ashley nods. “Yes but I couldn't see who turned them off in the first place.” Ashley said. Ashley was a bit sad and she snatches her mask and she runs off. “Wait!” Roy yells. Ashley looked back. “Why should I wait?” Ashley asked but she runs off. Ashley was outside and tries to find a place to hide. She then finds some trees and hides behind them. “After that little incident, everyone will hate me.” Ashley said. “No they won't.” Maes said as he appears right in front of Ashley. “How do you know?” Ashley asked. “I just know, that's all.” Maes said. “I turned into a person that everyone doesn't like.” Ashley said. “I don't know how to explain it but I think there is another side of you that is breaking out and trying to control you.” Maes said. “I'm just afraid.” Ashley said. “Don't be. Try to remain strong, even in the most bad of times.” Maes said. Ashley nods. “Ok.” Ashley said and she walks off. “Where are you going?” Maes asked. “I'm heading to the dorms. I need some sleep.” Ashley said as she smiles and she walks off. When Ashley got to the dorms, she was yawning and she heads inside and goes off to her room.
A month has passed since the incident and Ashley tried to forget the memory. Ashley was at a library and was looking up books on advance alchemy. “If I can find a way to double my power, I can become stronger.” Ashley said. Just then, Ashley heard doors opening and closing. “Who's there?” Ashley asked. There was no reply. Ashley looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. Ashley heard the books falling from right behind her. She looked beside her and sees that a bookcase was about to fall on her. Ashley screamed as she was in danger. Before she knew it, she passed out before the bookcase was about to fall right on top of her. Later, Ashley woke up and she sees that she was away from the falling bookcase. “What happened?” Ashley asked as she looked around. There was no one around and Ashley was confused. Ashley got up and she walked out of the door. Just then, it started to rain. “Now I have to run.” Ashley said as she starts running to head quarters. When she got there, she was soaking wet. It seems that no one was there. “Is it just me or is no one around?” Ashley asked. Just then, Ashley heard footsteps coming closer so she ran to a room and closes the door. “I wonder where Ashley is? I wanted to tell her to be careful after I saw a bookcase was about to fall on top of her.” Roy said as he was outside the door where Ashley was hiding. Ashley looked behind her and she realized that she was in Roy's office. “I better get out of here.” Ashley said. She then sees a open window and jumps out of it. She looks down and she sees that she was about to fall down to the ground. Ashley turned pale and she closes her eyes as she landed hard on the ground. A few minutes later, Ashley woke up and sees that she is in her room. “I must have had a hard fall when I jumped out of a window.” Ashley said as looks around. Ashley tried to get up but she felt that she was sore. “Next time, I need to find another exit.” Ashley said as she sighs. Ashley got up and she looked out of the window. It was still raining outside. “I might as well go outside and walk around.” Ashley said. Ashley grabbed her jacket and her shoes and heads out of the door. Outside of the door, a lot of people were standing in front of the door as they heard the news. “Hi everyone. It looks like that you heard what happened.” Ashley said. Everyone around nodded. “You should thank Roy for saving your life twice.” One person said. Ashley nods. “Your right.” Ashley said but she starts to walk off. When Ashley was outside, someone was waiting for her. It was Roy. “I was hoping that you were well.” Roy said as he smiles. Ashley was blushing red. “Yeah. I just wanted to thank you for saving my life twice.” Ashley said. “No problem.” Roy said as he smiled. Ashley couldn't help but to smile as she was safe. Ashley was turning red in the face and she was smiling and she giggled. “I'm just in a good mood today.” Ashley said. “Yeah. Sure.” Roy said as he rolled his eyes. “Maybe not. I just can't help but to think about you every time I see you.” Ashley said. “I've been thinking the same thing too.” Roy said. Ashley blinked. “Really?” Ashley asked. “Yes.” Roy said and he comes closer and he kisses Ashley. Ashley was blushing red and she smiles. Ashley is not going to forget the moment that she was being loved…….
A couple of months later, Ashley was killed by her own sister, Ash. The word about Ashley's death spread towards everywhere and everyone heard about it. Some people regretted that they were mean and were sorry that Ashley has died. Even everyone who cared about were sad when they heard about Ashley. After the news has spread, Ash had disappeared and was never seen or heard again, except for some people who had faced Ash in the past.
The End.