G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Untold ❯ Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Allenby glanced over Domon's shoulder, watching him as he tried with all he could to try and fix the inside of his gundam. It had been weeks that she had followed him around and finally he relented and didn't care whether she stayed or not. He was concentrating more on fighting dark suits that might lead to Rain.

"You're doing that wrong, Domon. If you keep tightening it, it'll eventually burst while fighting." She suggested as she talked about a certain screw.

"I don't exactly have a mechanic at hand do I? I'll figure this out on my own." He said, as his words got heavy. He didn't have Rain at hand he meant.

"Well I can help! I try and repair Nobel Gundam when its damaged but usually my team finishes the job." She announced cheerfully but saw that Domon was getting frustrated by the minute.

"Hey, Bro. How's it coming along in there?" the young Sai Saci appeared in the opening of Domon's Gundam with a normal boyish smile on his face but Domon didn't answer. It almost seemed like Domon had a one-way track to thinking. No other directions.

"Hi, Sai Saci! What's up kid? I heard you and Argo ran into some trouble a few days ago with some dark suits. Any clue to Rain?" Allenby asked as if she knew the whole Alliance crew for a long time. They all had come to respect her as she did them.

"Yeah but nothing on Sis." He bowed his head and saw how Domon began to work impatiently fast. "And Chibodee still is taking it well at all. He's constantly training and always looking for dark suits. As if he were the blame for Sis's disappearance." He said sadly while sitting Indian style in the doorway. He missed Rain so much now as did everyone. They missed her encouragements to everyone and even she and Domon's constant bickering.

"Chibodee doesn't have time to be kicking his own ass right now. Looking for Rain and keeping our heads straight is the main priority right now. It's already been several weeks and we haven't even come close to a clue whatsoever besides the fact we know Master Asia has her somewhere." Domon said aloud as he stood up from his crouched position he was in.

"Chibodee misses her just as much as you do, Domon. At least he's showing a little more compassion and not being such a stiff grouch." Allenby commented as she saw Domon's expression grow sour. Now she knew what Rain was competing with. Did he ever smile? Or did he ever get a joke and try and realize that she was trying to light up uneasy situations? Sheesh, what an old fart we seemed like.

"Domon doesn't show his compassion. It's embarrassing for him." The young Frenchmen announced as he too stood by the doorway. "He rathers just rash out on someone like he does everyone else." George smirked as Domon grumbled under his breath.

"Would everyone quit talking about me like I'm not hear? If you don't like the way I am then leave. I could care less." Domon shouted out.

"And b/c of that, Rain is missing and could very well be dead. Ever think of that? Maybe that's why we don't like the way you are sometimes. In ways, maybe Rain's abduction is a lesson for you. It sounds harsh, yes, but in truth it may even be the fact of it all." George stated truthfully and seriously.

With a very angry glare at George, Domon dropped what he was doing and walked past George and away from his gundam. He had enough of everybody's intuitions.

Sai Saci looked up at George. "You really think that because of Bro's stubbornness caused Sis's kidnapping?" the boy asked honestly.

"In more ways then others, I believe so. If Domon wouldn't be so hard on Mademoiselle Rain, she would have never walked off steaming mad over something I'm sure was stupid of Domon to say. Master Asia must have taken advantage of that and found Domon's weakness and of course it was Rain." George said again and quietly walked out. **

Rain leaned against the wall that her bed was pressed against. She felt so sick now and had been fed crappy food and nasty water. She was beginning to feel hallucinated and even dehydrated. The room was still so cold and dark to the point where she had gotten use to the rats and weird sounds at night. But still, she still cried at night as much as she could. Seitt still talked to her whenever he could muster something or when she even listened. At times, Seitt thought she was dying in there and even Rain felt like she was. He continued to proclaim his love to her to try and make her feel better but nothing did. Maybe she was kidding herself when she said she loved him for every time she thought about it, Domon appeared in her mind over and over again. But Seitt did love her and Domon didn't. If it wasn't obvious enough now, then nothing could prove it otherwise.

She suddenly heard the familiar sound of keys jingling down the hollow hall and to her cell. It was that big bodyguard with the mask coming for her again. She got so use to it that she even stood up without being told and let him cuff her with heavy irons. It was starting to be a routine now.

The guard escorted her to the familiar office and sat down in a narrow chair facing a desk and a turned chair facing the other way. She knew who was behind there so she didn't bother looking up. She was thinking more about whether she was going to throw up now or maybe again in her cell.

"I'm getting tired of this, Rain. I'm asking you to give me one simple thing and in return you could have the one thing your dying to have right now and that's your freedom. Or have you grown comfortable in your cell and rather stay there?" Wong turned his chain around and propped his feet up on the desk, glaring at her over a cloud of smoke from his cigar but Rain never spoke.

Wong stood up and walked up to her and grabbed her chin, making her look up at him. He noticed how filthy she was and had almost no color at all to her face. She had lost so much weight and stunk rotten animal. It was almost gross to touch her.

"Do you want to keep living the way you are? Just tell me the coordinates and I'll let you go home to Domon." That is if I kill him first, he thought.

Suddenly, there was a loud exploding sound coming from other rooms, causing the room to tremble.

"What the hell was that? Asia! Get in here now!" But then he remembered. The old man wanted to go and settle the score with his old pupil. What a great time he chose!

"Guards! Go and see what happened!" But no guards answered back. "What the hell? Guards!!" Wong shouted in anger as he himself ran out the office to see what had happened.

"Rain!" Seitt ran in and quickly unlocked her and picked her up in his arms. She was half conscious. "Dear God, Rain. You're getting worse every second. Don't worry now. We're getting out of here!" Seitt ran out the room through clouds of smoke and finally out the building totally not caring how sick he felt. He had to get Rain as far away as possible.

When he ran all he could and into a deep and dark forest, Seitt slowed down and fell to his knees lying Rain carefully on her back panting heavily.

"I can't run anymore. I need to rest." He said and lied on his back. He had managed it all along. That big idiot of a bodyguard never knew what hit him. Taking the keys and even some explosives he had and causing a diversion, he was able to get Rain out of there and away from it. Wong would return and see Rain and Seitt weren't there and probably have a huge fit. Fine with him as long as he didn't have Rain when it happened. * Rain awoke to the unfamiliar feeling of warmth and even light. Light? Warmth? Where was she??

Opening her eyes, she had to squint to get use to it and then very slowly open wider. She had died. She have had to b/c there was no way she could feel and see anything so calming than what she was seeing. Trees were so high waving in the breeze...oh God the breeze! It felt so awesome against her skin! Was this Heaven?

"Rain?" a voice called to her.

God? Is God calling my name? He sounds a lot like Seitt though.

"Rain are you okay?" the voice said again as he vision cleared a little.

"Seitt?" she managed to whisper.

"Thank God you're okay, Rain. I was beginning to panic." Seitt took a deep and relaxing breath as he helped Rain slowly sit up. She rubbed her head and realized she was outside in like a forest of some kind.

"Where are we? How did we get here?" she began to question.

"I managed to get us out using the last ray of hope I managed to figure out. Worked too." He smiled. "We're free Rain. Well, until we get out of here and far far away. I'll take you somewhere so we can start over and build our lives together." He smiled even wider with just the thought of it.

"What?" she looked up surprised at Seitt.

"Don't worry about that now. The important thing is that we get out of here. For good. And another thing is to find you some new cloths and get you cleaned. I know you're dying to do that."

Rain couldn't think of anything better than that to do. She was literally going crazy for a nice hot bath and sitting in the tub for hours. And her poor hair!

"Please get me somewhere where I can get cleaned up. I need a bath so bad." She moaned as Seitt again lifted her up in his arms and walked through the forest. He had regained a lot of his strength and even took a bath in a nearby river to make him look a little decent. He had even managed to eat a little and now he was determined to get Rain into a warm bed after her long bath he knew she planned on taking. Then afterwards, he would take to her about their relationship and what to do from there. He grinned even wider just by the thought and hastened his steps.