Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Am I Taking Crazy Pills? ❯ Am I Taking Crazy Pills?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey, it's my first one-shot. Just something I wrote out of boredom.
Disclaimer: I do not own Saiyuki or anything related to the original idea. That's all Kazuya Minekura's bag. I am just a meager storyteller having a bit of fun, I didn't receive nor do I want any compensation for this.
Final note: As always, enjoy.
Am I Taking Crazy Pills?
Another morning, another four hours, another small stop, and yet another cold lunch in the middle of BFE. Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai, and Goku sat eating on the side of the “road”, each in their own worlds for once. Hakuryu long since unjeeped and sat lounging in the sun to occasionally lift his head and take a piece of meat from his kind owner. Hakkai smiled at the little dragon before turning his attention to his traveling companions.
Thoughtfully taking in each one he started with his former roommate. Gojyo for once wasn't arguing with the “baby”, perhaps because his small assortment of food was lying across his lap. The half-breed sighed and leaned back on his palms, his hair falling off his shoulders and down his back. The red glowed bright from his hair as the sun beat down. For once since this whole thing started did his friend look relaxed.
Moving on. Hakkai heard the familiar metallic scrape of a lighter and turned his stealthy gaze to the unwilling star of the journey - Sanzo. Expecting to see an indifferent monk with eyes downcast Hakkai was fairly surprised to see that not only was Sanzo alert to the others but his stare was focused on one member of the ikkou in particular. Turning to follow his gaze, he was even more surprised at what he found, it was Goku that Sanzo held in his curious stare.
Said boy didn't have an extra body part growing out of him but Hakkai soon realized what captured Sanzo's interest. Silence. The monkey was utterly silent. Gojyo seemed to sense the change in atmosphere and joined in on the saru watching. Goku had his half-finished lunch at his feet and he was sitting cross-legged with his chin in his palm. Deep in thought. Gojyo was scared.
“Uh, Goku?” Hakkai ventured and gold eyes immediately flashed onto him. “Something on your mind?” He asked carefully and almost choked on his words. Goku worried his bottom lip with his teeth and his eyes darted from each face before him. Gojyo shivered, Hakkai laughed in his usual nervous way, and Sanzo caressed his gun for comfort.
“You guys ever think about the fact that…” Goku started slowly, unsure of himself and seemed a tad scared.
“Spit it out, saru.” Sanzo ground out. This was giving him the willies.
“Well, okay, we're from Chang 'An right? And we're going to India, yes?”
“Right.” Hakkai wasn't sure what he was getting at and the suspense was killing him.
“Then why are we speaking Japanese?” Goku finished quickly and then his eyes darted around again. “I mean that's strange isn't it?” You could here the hysteria trying to bubble out of him.
“Ch.” Sanzo said and sucked on his cigarette trying for all the world to not look ruffled by this revelation.
“Goku—“ Hakkai was trying but before he could Goku opened his mouth.
“We've been on the road for three years now and we only have to go five hundred miles. We're traveling by car. Does this make sense?!” Oh yeah, Goku was officially freaking out now.
“B-baka saru.” Gojyo adapted Hakkai's nervous laughter and shivered even though he was in the sun still. “We just keep getting sidetracked is all.” This statement didn't stop him from looking around now at his surroundings. And never mind the fact that he had no conviction whatsoever in his voice.
“And another thing.” Goku looked absolutely terrified now. “Someone explain to me why Homura and Sanzo are wearing the same clothes!!” A thud and all eyes fell on the monkey who was now out cold on the ground. Meat bun clutched in his hand so hard the contents popped out onto the dusty ground. Crickets chirped as they all took a moment.
“I think he smashed his pea-brain.” Sanzo said and took another drag on his cig until it burnt to the filter. Flicking it away Sanzo stood and walked over to his charge. A nudge with his foot proved Goku was out and not coming by until later so he picked him up and lugged him to the waiting jeep.
Hakkai shook the creepiness from him and started packing up their supplies when he stood Gojyo stepped closer and whispered to him.
“Hey Hakkai, why are Homura and Sanzo wearing the same clothes?” Hakkai took a moment to look at his friend before patting him on the arm and just walked away.