Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Chibi Chin Iisou Runs Amok ❯ The Doll ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

~=Chibi Chin Iisou Runs Amok=~

It was a peaceful day at Hyakugan-mao's castle. Or as peaceful as it could be, given Hyakugan's five year old son. Yes, little Chin Iisou. Cute as a button, but a holy terror. With those big red eyes and strangely styled pale blue hair, anyone could see him coming, and all who lived in the castle feared him.

Now, you might ask, how can a five year old demon scare big, powerful demons that have been alive for much longer? Well, the answer is simple. This one made dolls. Little toy dolls. He made them into shikigami which would run amok through the castle.

But one day, something strange happened. Chin Iisou made no dolls, and no one saw much of him. Where was the child?

It was late in the afternoon when someone finally saw chibi Chin Iisou puttering down the hallway with something clutched to his chest. Nervous at the child's sudden appearance, and at the pleased smile he wore on his face, the person who did spot him ran away.

Hyakugan himself was plotting and scheming something that evil demon kings plot and scheme (what *do* evil demon kings plot and scheme, anyway?). He only barely looked up when his son peeked through the doors, which he was barely strong enough to push open. Hyakugan made a mental note to have the designer shot, then looked at him. "Hello, Iisou. What've you got there?"

At this, the boy grinned and stepped all the way through the doors. "I made a new doll."

"Let's hope this one doesn't try to blow me up."

"Oh, that one was defective. It was supposed to catch you on fire."

"...Sou ka..."


"Yes, well..."


"Ahem. Well, son, what does this one do?"

"Here, hold it for a minute. I have to activate it."

"Oh, okay."

Against his better judgement, Hyakugan took the doll from his son and blinked at it. At which point, Chin Iisou suddenly yelled, "Patchy, KILL!"

On command, the little doll leapt onto Hyakugan's head and tried to gnaw his face off.

The doll came off easily, as Hyakugan was a fairly large demon, and with a pat on the head as a congratulation for his very evil little son's evil little invention, he hustled the boy off.

Where did he get such a son?


And so, as time went on, Chin Iisou kept making dolls, and as he got older, his dolls got more ornate. He became more and more evil, thus making his father very proud. He even made a few dolls of himself... just in case...
