Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Goodbye, Gojyo? ❯ With The Bad Comes The Good ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The two weeks went by quickly, too quickly. Gojyo’s strength was almost at nil, his health had seriously deteriorated. He hadn’t eaten for a week, not even when he and Hakkai had another picnic. Now, all he could do was lie in his bed and sleep.
Hakkai was finding it a lot harder to cope with Gojyo’s condition. For the last couple of days, he just wanted to cry every single time he saw Gojyo and this night was no exception. He sat by the bedside silently, just to keep his friend company. He knew the time was drawing near.
Gojyo opened his eyes slightly. “Hakkai?”
“Yes, Gojyo, I’m right here,” he assured.
“It’s almost time. It’ll happen tomorrow afternoon.”
“Bring Sanzo and Goku here so I can say ‘later, guys’ to them. I know that I won’t be at peace if I don’t see them before…”
“Oh, Gojyo, of course I will. I am sure that they’ll want to say goodbye as well.” Tears started to form in his green eyes.
“I guess you couldn’t get in touch with my brother, huh?”
“No, I’m afraid not. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not alright. He’s your family.”
“So are you, the stinkin’ monk and the stomach-for-brains monkey.”
“Gojyo…” He couldn’t hold them back any longer, they flowed down his cheeks.
“As long as I have some family to see me off, I’ll be happy.” He smiled weakly as he closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, Hakkai and Hakuryu went to the temple to collect Sanzo and Goku. Good thing Hakuryu could drive himself, Hakkai hardly slept a wink the previous night. They soon arrived at the temple. “Please wait here, Hakuryu.” The jeep chirped in response.
Sanzo and Goku had woken an hour ago, but were still surprised to hear a knock on the door of Sanzo’s office. Goku went to answer it. “Hey, Hakkai!” he greeted once he’d opened the door.
“Hello,” Hakkai responded in a flat voice.
“Come on in!”
“Thank you, but we should all get going.”
“The hospital. You can see Gojyo.”
Sanzo looked up from the newspaper, sunlight reflecting off the lenses of his reading glasses. “It’s nearly time, isn’t it?” It was a statement, not a question.
“Yes. This afternoon.”
He folded up the newspaper and put away his glasses. “Then let’s go.” He got up from his seat and walked over to the door. Once he and Goku were both outside, he closed it. He and the young demon followed Hakkai to where Hakuryu was waiting.
They all climbed into the jeep and hurried to the hospital.

Gojyo’s timing was off, but he refused to let himself head towards the light until his final words were said to those they were for and until he saw Hakkai’s final smile. He fought to keep his eyes open, fought to stay awake, knowing that if he fell asleep now, he might never wake up.
The door burst open. In hurried those he wanted to see, Hakuryu was perched on Hakkai’s shoulder. “Gojyo, we got here as fast as we could!” Hakkai exclaimed.
Goku and Sanzo were shocked. They never thought Gojyo would appear so frail. He was no longer the proud water sprite they knew and loved. “G-Gojyo, you…” Goku started to say as he approached the bed, “…damn, pervy water sprite, why are you leaving us?” Tears were in the corners of his eyes.
“It’s not like I have any choice,” Gojyo replied weakly. “Goku, Sanzo, I know we’ve had our differences, but I want to make peace before I go. Goku, when I was teasing you into fighting with me all the time, that’s just because you’re like a kid-brother to me. It never meant the opposite, and I’ve gotta say you put up a pretty good fight. I’m gonna miss that.”
“So will I…”
“And, Sanzo, I know I showed lots of disrespect towards you, but that’s just because I have a thing against Buddhist monks and priests. However, you as a person are okay in my books. After all, you’re not like the usual priests.”
“What are you trying to say?!” Sanzo demanded.
“You’re an okay guy, that’s all.”
“Yeah, you’re okay too, for a taboo water sprite.”
Gojyo turned to Hakkai. “I’m running out of time. Hakuryu, you’re a good dragon. And, Hakkai…” he saw Hakkai was wearing a fake smile, despite the tears in his eyes, “…all I can say to you is thank you. Thank you for being one of the best friends a guy could ever ask for. You were always there for me, especially during these last two weeks.”
The smile was rather shaky. “And thank you as well, Gojyo, for everything you’d done for me, ever since the day you found me lying in the middle of the forest,” Hakkai replied.
“Anything for a friend…”
“…everything for a best friend.”
“It’s time. Take care of each other. Till we meet again.” He looked around the room at his friends. Before his eyes closed, he kept looking at Hakkai, he really wanted the smile to be the last thing he’d ever see, even if it was fake. ‘Thank you, Hakkai.’
“Goodbye, Gojyo.”
His red eyes closed and he fell still.
“Gojyo? Gojyo?! No, he…he’s gone…”
That was all Goku need to hear before he burst into tears. He felt someone hold him and when he looked up, he saw it was Sanzo. He noticed the priest also had tiny tears in his violet eyes.
Hakkai fell onto his knees and cried silently. He felt Hakuryu nuzzle his cheek.
A luminous glow filled the room. Sanzo faced the cause of the light. ‘The damn hag!’
The damn hag…uh, I mean Merciful Goddess crossed her arms and shook her head. “Tsk tsk, what’s with all of the tears? He ain’t going anywhere.”
“What the hell are you talking about?!”
“This disease is truly one of a kind. Yes, the patient dies, but after a day, he’ll be back to full health. It’s more like a rejuvenating nap than death. Old Red will be just fine in 24 hours, give or take a minute. I don’t know why people always leave out the important details. Even the doctor knows so he won’t set foot in here.”
Hakkai looked up at the Merciful Goddess. “So, Gojyo will be okay? He’s not dead?”
“No, he is dead as a doornail, but he will wake up. Like I said, it’s more like a rejuvenating nap. You see, whenever half-demons like your friend reach a certain age, their bodies become fatigued and need to rest. Collapsing is the first stage of their fatigue setting in.”
“Then…” Hakkai looked at Gojyo, “…he will be okay after all.”
“Well, now you know so quit it with the waterworks already. Watching this was like watching a bad soap opera. But, then again, who doesn’t like a bad soap opera? Till next time, boys.” She winked and then was gone in an instant.
Goku looked up at Sanzo. “Who was that?”
“Just some annoying hag,” Sanzo replied.