Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Penguin and Cake ❯ Penguin and Cake ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
  Penguin and Cake Pairings: None Warnings: Humor Disclaimer: I don’t own Saiyuki or the characters in it. Note: This was written for a line challenge I found on an anime forum.       Gojyo walked into his kitchen, his thoughts on the cake Hakkai had made the day before. He was positive that there was a piece left and he had every intention of eating it. The half breed got out a plate and fork then went to the refrigerator and opened it. He didn’t see any cake. But if Gojyo had learned anything in his life it was that first impressions could be misleading. He looked on all the shelves, no cake. He looked in the freezer, no cake. There was only one thing left to do. Gojyo screamed.   Hakkai had been sitting quietly in the living room when he heard Gojyo’s scream. Assuming the worst he jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen, book forgotten.   “What’s wrong?” The demon asked.   “The cake! The cake is gone!” Hakkai stared at his roommate dumfounded.   “You’re screaming because the cake is gone?”   “It was here last night where could it have gone?” Gojyo tuned around with a look of horror. “It's the penguin's doing, isn't it?” Now Hakkai was looking at the half breed as if he had lost his mind.   “Penguin?” He asked positive that this was some form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.   “Yes! The Penguin that lives in the fridge. He stole my cake!” Now Hakkai knew that Gojyo was crazy.   “Ok Gojyo I think maybe you better go lay down for a bit.”   “I can’t. I have to get the penguin out of the fridge before it steals anything else.”   “Gojyo, it is impossible for a penguin to be living in our refrigerator.” Hakkai said calmly.   “But there is a penguin living in the fridge. I’ve seen it.”   “Maybe you have Gojyo but I’m telling you there is no penguin in-” Hakkai stopped mid sentence as a small penguin climbed out of the refrigerator.   “There you are!” Gojyo cried. “Give me back my cake you little bastard!” Hakkai calmly walked back into the living room and picked up his book. As strange as seeing a penguin climb out of your refrigerator might be, Hakkai had seen stranger things.