Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Test of Time ❯ She Takes After You ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Test of Time

Ch.2She Takes After You

Author: Blubelle

Summary: The journey is long over and after a five year absence Goku finally returns to Chang'an, bringing along more than a couple of surprises. Will love rear its ugly head? Of course it will! 3x9 & 5x8!

AN: I'm here once again. Yupyup. This is fun. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed writing fanfiction. I don't know how long I can keep it up though, the only time I have to write is late night and with PSSA's, SATs, midterms, finals, and the ominous start and finish of my graduation project, it may be a little difficult at times. Junior year sucks! Oh well, hopefully I can finish this before half that stuff starts. Haha, see ya at the end. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, update day will be Monday. It'll make my life easier to have a set day to work with. I tried to have this up yesterday (Monday), but of course had some problems. Oh well, it's here now, and expect another in a week!

Disclaimer: All characters are copyright to Kazuya Minekura, with the exception of Nishi, who is mine.

Ch.2She Takes After You

"Those atrocities are staying. Can you believe it?" One irate monk said to the other.

"Of course I can. I wish I could say otherwise but unfortunately, our worst dreams are becoming true once again." The second monk noted, as he sipped silently from his glass. It was quickly becoming evening and these monks apparently had nothing to do. Or perhaps they shoved their chores onto some poor young monk. They were their superiors, which meant they could do what they pleased.

"And now there are two of them. That poor, young girl. His demonic ways has unjustly changed her from the sweet child that most are at her age."

"It's just dreadf- Huh!" The second monk was quickly cut short as the table that he was seated beneath was promptly kicked passed them, their tea and table dressings flying across the room, scattering and shattering across the ground.

"Don't ever talk about Nishi in any way, ever again!" Goku yelled taking a fist-full of one of the monks robes.

"Uh- we, uhh. . . didn't mean too. . ." The first monk said as he got off the ground. Waving his hands in front of him to try and calm his racing nerves and possibly Goku's. "We're sorr-. . ."

"Gokuuu! I'm so hungry!" A young girl's voice could be heard from down the hall, making Goku stop in his tracks. A lone fist dangling in the air only a few inches from the monk's nose.

"Lucky bastards." Goku huffed into the monk's face as he shoved him away. And, after shooting each of them a heart-piercing glare, he confidently strode out of the room and towards an anxious and very hungry Nishi.

Well some things don't change.

Sanzo watched as the two devoured the table. Goku and his young escort were currently fighting over one part of the meal, he didn't particularly care which. He was more interested in the fact that Nishi was keeping up with Goku's swipes. Goku was obviously going easy on her so that she could at least get some food in her belly, but she was still moving pretty fast for her age.

"She takes after you Goku." Sanzo said without the slightest bit of concern or care in his tone.

"I know, unfortunately." Goku choked out through a mouthful of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Goku!" Nishi yelled across the table, pouting as he scooped up the last of the spring rolls.

Sanzo looked up at the sound of the young girl's voice, it was the first time she had really spoken. She seemed comfortable with Goku, her tiny voice traveling across and throughout the room.

"Nishi! that was mine!"

"Nuh uh!" She huffed as she stuffed the morsel into her petite mouth.

"I knew I should have stopped Gojyo from teaching you how to steal food from the table."

Nishi giggled and chewed happily. Sanzo was beginning to put things together but he still wasn't clear on so many aspects of his old friend -no companion's- life.

"So you've visited Hakkai and Gojyo?" Sanzo asked masking any curiosity that even existed from his tone.

"Oh, so you've heard about `them'." Goku noted not bothering to answer his question at the moment and understanding the fact that Sanzo obviously knew they lived together.

"Hakkai writes every other month."

"Oh. Ah, well, we kinda lived with them for awhile." Goku swallowed the last chunk of food inside his mouth before looking over at Nishi. Her plate was clean and she was rubbing one eye with a particularly dirty hand. "Looks like it's bedtime." Goku stated loudly across the table.

"No, daddy it's not fair! I'm not-. . ." yawn "tired."

"I'm sure." Goku added as he walked to the other side of the table. Nishi lifted up her arms to be held as he approached her, obviously too tired to put up much of a fight. Goku picked her up with ease and nestled her against his chest. He looked at Sanzo, who immediately looked away from the two. Goku smiled and headed out the door.

"Uh, sir, we have taken the liberty of making up two rooms down the hall. You're appreciation isn't necessary." One of the monks piped up between a stiff bow as they exited the room.

"Oh we don't need two rooms. We'll be sharing one. Thanks." Goku said as he headed in the direction that they had indicated, wanting to get as far away from them as possible.

The monks began to get agitated but it faded as soon as Sanzo emerged from the room behind them. They perked up and sped towards the retreating back of Goku and the sleeping girl in his arms.

"Oh, then would you like for us to move one of the extra beds into the room?"

"No. Goodnight." Goku said barely containing his anger. He hated how they kissed up to Sanzo. Falsely treating him like royalty whenever `Master Sanzo' was in the room, then treating him like shit all of the other times. They were worthless trash unworthy of breathing the same air as the rest of the world, and they called themselves monks.

The two monks took their leave muttering and scowling as they drifted down one exceptionally breezy hallway.

Sanzo watched as Goku and Nishi disappeared into the room, and, with a huff he walked quickly toward the nearest courtyard for a smoke. He was definitely feeling more stressed out than usual. He almost couldn't take it; and so he smoked, and smoked, and smoked, then when he emptied what was left in that pack he quickly moved on to the next.

He still couldn't get over how much Goku had changed since the last time he had seen him. He was no longer the bubbly, annoying, little kid that always tagged along and continuously got in the way. No, now he was different. He had an air of responsibility and it seems that he was finally acting his age, well the age he looked not his actual age.

Still, he couldn't help but wonder what really happened over the last five years. He hated not knowing. That was the worst, his uncertainty, his misunderstandings and his blatant lack of knowledge. He didn't even want to think about what he'd been doing over the years. Nothing but sitting around, lecturing, and simply wasting away and even though he hated this place, something always kept him around. There was nothing in Chang'an for him while at the same time there was everything. It was all he knew, everything he'd grew up with and everything he'd waited for.

Sanzo finally realized that in the end, Goku just wasn't the same as before. When they were traveling together, it was simple. Now, that everything had changed, their lives had become so much more complex and he wasn't sure how to take it.

He was confused and that only pissed him off even more, and so he continued to smoke in an attempt to take even a bit of the edge off of his stress level. He didn't know what else he could do, so it resulted in the only remedy he did know.

Inside the bedroom Goku was peeling Nishi's dirt-caked clothing off to replace it with one of his own freshly cleaned shirts. The long white shirt hung off of her tiny body, the sleeves alone cascading down past her elbows. She clutched happily at the clean clothing and brought it to her face to inhale the fresh-air scent it attained from being on the line during the duration of dinner.

Her eyes widened and she gasped at the loss of her legs which appeared to have been swept from under her. In a flash she was in Goku's arms. She giggled and held onto him just in case he decided now was a good time to drop her. Goku smiled down at her and put his forehead and nose to hers. And, after pulling away he swung his arms back and flung her onto the small twin-sized bed, making Nishi laugh as she bounced on the thin mattress of the dusty wooden frame.

"Daddy, read me a bedtime story." Nishi pleaded as she kicked the covers away and pulled them up once again atop herself. Goku came up to the bed and sat on the side, pulling the covers up to her chin with a thoughtful expression.

"I don't know. It is pretty late, and you look so tired." Goku said with a hint of sarcasm.

"No I'm not! Please. . ." Nishi trailed off, knowing that he was going to give in.

"Fine." Goku stated, feigning resignation. "Which one do you want to hear?"

Sanzo couldn't take it anymore. He was blowing through cigarettes and still didn't feel any better. Walking past the room the two occupied he couldn't help but stop at the mention of his name.

"Tell me one about Sanzo!" Nishi said excitedly, writhing in place at the prospect of a good old, traditional `Sanzo story'.

Sanzo leaned against the wall that connected to their door, listening silently, arms crossed, eyebrows stitched together due to the onslaught of a migraine. "What now?" The statement was breathed out, his cigarette laden breathe mingling with a sigh from deep within his chest.

Goku new Sanzo stood outside their door, he could feel his presence, his aura, he could smell the smoke from the countless cigarettes he'd inhaled only awhile ago, and he could hear the soft rustling of robes along with his heavy, haggard breathing. For a moment he felt worried, Sanzo sounded sick, but he couldn't dwell on it long because Nishi was literally bouncing on the bed in anticipation.

"Well which one do you want to hear? So many to choose from." Goku asked.

Nishi looked up at him than towards the ceiling, silently debating which of the countless Sanzo stories to hear. "Hmm, how about the monkey one!" She giggled at the prospect of one of her favorite stories and then sat peacefully looking up at Goku, signally for him to begin the story.

Goku chuckled at her enthusiasm and began to recall the tale, occasionally peeking over at the door frame at the spot where he knew Sanzo stood.

He told her of the drinking contest, which he unfortunately couldn't participate in, and then the final fight against the demon barkeep and his monkeys. "It was horrible. In the end Sanzo's final bullet went completely off target and the horde of monkeys closed in on him while the rest of us took on the demon. The monkeys began pummeling him and then-. . ."

"Hey! That's not how it goes!" Nishi looked up at Goku angrily. "Sanzo never misses his shot and besides he was the one that defeated the demon even though he was drunk!" Nishi huffed, recollecting the tale with precision that came from knowing it by heart. Goku stared at her and smiled.

Sanzo couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He was actually contemplating defending his honor before she spoke up. He still wasn't sure what to think of her.

Nishi began to tell the story again, this time the correct way, truly glorifying Sanzo and his great defeat of the demon. When she was finished she snuggled back into the bed and looked wide-eyed up at Goku. Goku smiled, trying to imagine Sanzo's expression from behind the door frame.

"Okay, time for bed, shi." Goku stated tiredly. She responded by continuing to stare up at him, almost confusedly.

"What do you want tonight?" Goku asked exasperatedly.

"Jackhammer!" Nishi yelled, the covers falling to her knees as she sat up in bed.

"Okay. . ." Goku gave in. "But it's straight to bed afterwards, `k? We'll take a bath tomorrow instead of tonight."

Sanzo couldn't help but look around the corner at the two inside. He watched as Goku placed his hands at Nishi's sides and bounced her into the bed, shoving the covers farther and farther beneath her body. She giggled as she bounced up and down on the bed.

After the excitement died down, Nishi's eyes began to drift closed and she settled back into bed. "Goodnight, Shi, I'll be back in later." Goku bent over and kissed her forehead as she began to fall asleep.

"'Night daddy." Her voice came as a muffled whisper between layers of blankets. "Love. . . you."

"I love you too Nishi." Goku said, standing up and facing the open doorway, "Enjoy the show, Sanzo?"

AN: Well, finally. I definitely don't like the way this one turned out, I mean it went the way I wanted it to but there were just some things I couldn't get out the right way. The tense is all wrong too. I'm tired, I need to work on that. Oh well maybe I'll proof read it again and post it twice. . . or not. Too lazy!

You may have noticed that she calls him both daddy and Goku, there's a reason for this I promise. Just wait around for the explanation please. Bleh!

Little more explanation: Oh yeah, and the jackhammer thing, it was kind of hard to explain, but being someone who was raised by her father I can really connect with Nishi and Goku. All of her mannerisms exemplify myself a little from when I was little with my father (although she is in no way shape or form, me when I was little. We are slightly alike, but I don't base her off of myself. At least I try not to). The jackhammer/pile-driver was something my dad used to do to me and my sister before bed. I remember that I used to love it. Now I just wish I could remember exactly how he did it, it was so long ago. . .

See ya next Monday.

Next Chapter: "I-I. . ." Goku obviously was the type to stammer, he couldn't get a word out as he looked at Sanzo's face now only mere centimeters away.

Suddenly Goku stiffened making Sanzo back away slightly, thinking he had done something wrong. Although, before he could get angry or question him, Goku sat up straight, a look of fear in his eyes.

Yay, for longer chapter preview! Hehe, drink it in bitches! Just kidding, I love you all and thank you for staying around for the second chapter.

Thanks and please review, only if it's just a few words, let me know you're out there! Flames, corrective criticism, shout outs, anything and everything is accepted so don't hesitate, but please be honest.