Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex Fan Fiction ❯ Lanslide ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Someone knocked at the door, but it didn't alarm her; the trace told her it wasn't Batou. "Come in."
"You never shut your door." Ishikawa closed it behind him.
"New policy."
"Bullshit." His tone was conversational.
"What's going on, Ishikawa?"
He collapsed into the chair across from her and propped his feet on the desk. "Nothing. That's the problem. We're all crazy with boredom."
"The Chief thinks we'll be back in action soon, as soon as the politicians settle on which lies to tell about Dejima."
"Yeah." Ishikawa leaned back, gazing at the ceiling. "That's what worries me, Major."
"What?" She knew what he would say, but asked anyway. Just in case she was wrong.
"I don't know what's up with you and the big guy." He said. "But we all know something's wrong. And with no assignments, we have all the time in the world to speculate. How can Section 9 go back into action if you won't even speak to your right-hand man?"
"You're second-in-command."
"Technically. But you lean on Batou the most. I don't know how he betrayed your trust-"
"He didn't." The words were out before she could swallow them. I betrayed him, didn't I?
Ishikawa went on as if he hadn't heard. "…but you two need to work it out. Because if you're at odds, one of two things will happen. Batou will leave, and the team falls apart. Or he stays, you don't communicate with each other, and someone gets hurt. The rest of us start taking sides, and the team falls apart." He swung his feet to the floor. Without another word he got up and left her office.
She stared at the chair Ishikawa had vacated. Nearly three weeks, and she was no closer to finding the courage to apologize to him. Ishikawa was right; if she didn't talk to Batou she'd tear the team apart.
There was one other solution.
She commed Aramaki. "Chief, we're going out of our minds here. We need to get out into the fresh air."
"What's your suggestion, Major?"

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